Too Good at Bragging

Sally's expression was ugly. This damned Albert sounded as if he was thinking for them, but everyone knew that he was looking down on her cousin!

She had called her cousin here herself. Wasn't he looking down on her by looking down on her cousin?

No wonder she didn't like him no matter what!

As if he couldn't see her expression, Albert continued, "Don't think that taking a taxi is expensive. This time, my father gave me a card with unlimited credits. We can spend as much as we want. The hotel will also set the best price for us. In any case, my family has plenty of money."

Hearing his words, the other two people were also a little tempted. They would rather stay in a luxurious hotel with Albert than follow Sally's poor cousin.

"Albert, you're such a great guy! I knew that we wouldn't suffer as long as you are here!"

"Albert is so thoughtful. Sally, listen to him! We came here to play. If we follow him, we'll definitely have a good time!"