The Outstanding Hope Town

[Hint: Your HP is dropping. Please leave the sewer as soon as possible.]

[Hint: You are at risk of being infected.]

After running in the sewer for ten minutes, Fang Heng could not hold on any longer.

His HP started to drop faster.

He saw a ladder going up on the right-hand side of the sewer, so he held his breath and quickly climbed up the ladder.

Fang Heng held his breath, opened the manhole cover on his head and quickly climbed out of the sewer.


Fresh air!

Fang Heng had never thought that breathing in the air to his heart's content could be so wonderful!

Fortunately, the manhole cover was not locked!

Fang Heng was glad that he had used his zombie clones to clean up the zombies in the underground passage in advance.

Otherwise, he would have to escape and deal with zombies at the same time, so his speed would be abnormally slow.