Mission Completion

Four hours later, Fang Heng arrived outside the apocalypse camp.

"Before I go back to the prison, I might as well submit the T-virus mission on the way."

Fang Heng muttered to himself. He stopped the truck and got a few vine zombies to go down, then left them on the side of the road. After that, he continued driving the truck into the apocalypse merchant camp.

Seeing that Fang Heng's truck had arrived, the NPC unloading workers in the merchant camp all thought that it was a new job.

They instinctively surrounded it and prepared to unload the goods from the truck.

"No, no, there are no materials in the truck! Disperse!"

Fang Heng smiled bitterly and quickly waved his hand to disperse the NPC workers.

The truck was filled with corpse vines. What if they were accidentally infected?

"We're not here to deliver materials! The back of the truck is filled with dangerous infectious agents. Don't get too close."