Frost Hell

Two days later, at night, there was almost no starlight in Punoze, which was shrouded in gray fog.

Catantul also gradually fell into silence.

The anniversary celebration of the Rand Chamber of Commerce in Catantul was held at a large hotel on the west side of the city.

The Chamber of Commerce booked the entire hotel and invited all the business partners in the city.

In the past two days, the word "group" had become a new favorite in Catantul.

The reputation of the Rand Chamber of Commerce's innovative experiential learning program gradually fermented. Many students had tasted the sweetness and rushed to spend money to sign up for the experiential learning program with the Chamber of Commerce.

After deducting all the expenses, the Rand Chamber of Commerce made a lot of money.

The big cash infusion was a direct shot in the arm for the beleaguered Rand Chamber of Commerce.