Large-scale Operation

Fana's team exchanged glances, their hearts already filled with waves of shock and surprise.

The color of the protective barrier had deepened significantly, indicating a substantial increase in its defensive level.

As the vehicles gradually entered the lakeside area, the entire front line battle came into view.

The fusion Tyrant forms were shouldering heavy energy beam weapons, frantically pulling the triggers to unleash their firepower.

A large number of zombies charged in the first line, locking the mutated monsters that were pouring into the battlefield from the prisms around the island.

So, it appeared that Fang Heng had initiated an attack on the defensive barrier voluntarily?

Amidst their astonishment, Fana couldn't help but feel more puzzled about Fang Heng's intentions.

What did Fang Heng want to achieve?

Hadn't they already agreed to assist in solving the defensive barrier? Why did he choose to forcibly break through it?