01 Bad Start

"How is this, what should I do?"

Everyone would say that if they were in a difficult situation.

At what stage were you in a predicament?



Slowly a woman who could be said to be beautiful got up from a bed.

The woman immediately felt something strange about her body. Then after that immediately check the situation.

Starting from the toe to the top of the head. Examine the parts that don't feel right.

As the woman recalled, she had never woken up like this.

Her life was 'normal.'


Suddenly the woman immediately covered her mouth when she realized that she was not wearing any clothes at all. Moreover, the place he occupied also felt foreign.

Don't forget the throbbing pain in the head. It all looks like... a poor chick.

Woke up like a newborn child.


Say goodbye.

"Mother... what happened to me?"

Rein, the girl's name. She was trying to remember if something was wrong before he ended up like that. Right, there must be something wrong.

Then of course what happened before the woman found herself ended up unexpectedly.

"I drank clear bubbly water, oh my gosh... am I a rape victim?"

"Stop this crazy thing Rein, all you have to do now is get out of here. But how?"

"Hiks, Mother. Rein can't take care of herself."

A drop of tear immediately flowed down the beautiful woman's face.

Rein is a good woman. Innocent nature is already attached to the person who is only 21 years old.

She includes smart people because they graduated in only three and a half years.

Getting cumlaude.

So why can such bad things happen to people like her?

Rein joined a reunion of friends from college. Then after that, she just drank a colorless drink, then felt dizzy.

"Damn, I was framed. Which guy treats me like this!?"

Trust, this is the first time Rein has said dirty words.

Again, Rein immediately covered her mouth. With a bright red face and tears starting to seep out she finally came back to her senses.

Who thinks can calm down when they find themselves in such a pathetic state?

Would it be better to wake up while already in another realm?

Or completely naked?

Which one is better?

Isn't it that if you can't organize your thoughts, then the last path, aka suicide, is wide open?

Who knows.

"No, I'd better get out of this damn place," the woman whispered and then walked away.

Again, trust, Rein has never said dirty. Suppose at this time she was off the track of life.

Just one step Rein swung, the pain in her crotch made the woman sit back down. Not only that, there were various kinds of bluish-red marks scattered on almost all of her body.

Starting from the neck, collarbone, chest, stomach, and even thighs. Then some bloodstains seem to say that 'you're done.'

Mocking and laughing...?

Where there is a laughing inanimate object!

"Hiks, who has treated me like this. Mother..., apologize Rein."

In the end, Rein could only limp away trying to organize herself and her mind.

After this, what will she do?


Meanwhile, in different situations and conditions, a man can be seen wearing a neat office suit.

Arrogant and charming.

A neat suit that seemed to say he could do anything.

Sanjaya Corp. is the name of a company engaged in the production of electronic goods.

The well-dressed person is the leader of the company.

A cold-hearted, ah, or rather a heartless person.


The term is too sickening to discuss. The person wasn't someone who believed in love, sincerity, or anything like that.

Directly also said that he was a person who lacked parental love. Pity.

Currently, the person is preparing to go to a company that raises his arrogant nature.

Redis Sanjaya, that's what people call the person.

No, rather sir, sir, or something like that.

A 'respectful call' that makes the person even more arrogant.

After all that had happened, that person didn't think about anything at all.

He was in a drunken state at the time, so what happened wasn't his fault.


People who don't believe in love have ever dated. For Redis, it's better to do something important like make money.

Money can't solve problems, but money can solve all kinds of problems in life.

Although it can not buy self-esteem too.

But Redis didn't even care at all.

The principle of life is free.

Then for Redis, it is from money that humans survive.

With that attitude, it was only natural that a 27-year-old Redis had not been married.

Don't believe in love, but like money.

So, date with the money.


Redis put himself with the 'oath'.

Money is my heart. One and only. forever.

Want to get married, maybe it will happen someday. What is clear right now Redis still do not want to think about it.

He even plans to get married when he is 30 years old and above.

Hey, a man will continue to produce sperm cells until death.

Then health problems will be overcome with money.

If you have any drawbacks in that regard.

Easy and simple.

Cruel destiny or even karma. It might happen, but no one knows about the future.

For that Redis will arrange the future for himself.

All sorts of plans kept Redis alive.

[Hello Rey, please prepare the files for today's meeting. After that also prepare a cake for me.]

[Hahaha ok Sir, the chocolate flavor is right.]

Without answering anything Redis immediately turned off the phone.

His secretary likes to tantalize his appetite or anything that doesn't suit his boss's personality. Then Redis realized.

Whatever, as long as the secretary doesn't intrude on his privacy then Redis will just ignore him.

The two of them have been friends since high school, and college and then ended up being co-workers.

One more thing to know, Redis only has one secretary and that's a man. Starting from the era of 0.0 to 4.0.

So the term since the beginning of work.

Eits... don't think bad about Redis Sanjaya. He doesn't like same-sex a.k.a gays.

The man just likes his world.

For Redis that woman was troublesome. Especially if the coquettish to him. Therefore he decided not to look for a female secretary.

Then how can someone like Redis still act normal...?

When did coquettish women launch their actions?

Again, he wasn't the one who cared.

Period, don't use commas.

Then not long after that, a voice was heard again occupying the person's mind.

Click was heard as Redis saw who it was.

The beloved mother. The woman is great and tall.

"Must say to get married again," said Redis, talking to himself.

So often his mother him to get married, and Redis wanted to throw up because he was so sick of it.

Then not long after that he immediately pushed the green button.

Parents must be respected, remember that.

[Going home right now, Redis Sanjaya.]

[Ck, I'm going to work, Ma.]

[Who's Mama, it's Papa, Redis.]

Hearing the people's words from the phone, Redis immediately looked at the cellphone screen.

After all, it's true, the name of the caller is mama, not papa.

Cell phone swap?

Redis smirked.

[Sorry Pa, I'm busy.]

[Go home or Papa will make you regret life.]

[Come on Pa, don't be like a child.]

Tut. That is all that is heard. Now know where Redis's callous nature comes from, right?

"Ck it's troublesome. What is it that Papa wants to make me regret for the rest of my life? Will he kill me if he doesn't come? But this client is very important."

Not long after that, a smirk appeared on the corner of Redis' face.

So what will this person do?

We will see. Just one word, it will make a surprise. Especially for their parents.
