17 Wedding Dress Fitting and Choosing A Ring

"Follow my command and don't talk too much."

Is that the fate that Rein must experience?

Now the girl is with Redis. Instead of fitting a wedding dress and choosing a wedding ring, the two people just argued wildly. There's no end.

Blame Rein's mouth which is difficult to keep quiet and Redis's dislike of being disturbed.

Right now, Redis, who is a presdir director, should be in the office struggling with the files he loves so much. Not even with Rein and the details of the wedding ceremony.

But whatever the power, the papa and mama did not approve so that Redis could not help but end up in this situation.

By the way, Redis is well. Well, due to insisting on going to the office, Redis was told to fitting clothes wedding.

Long story short, Redis and Rein going to the boutique for fitting clothes and choosing a ring, Mr. and Mrs. Sanjaya agreed physically and mentally.

However, if go to work, don't expect it, until the author can get married, it's not necessarily given.

Uh, I just kidding.

Back to the story.

Please, Redis wants to work!



"Hurry up, pick any dress you like. I don't have much time."

"Then it's better for you to tell me to go alone, rather than being angry all the time," said Rein with an annoyed face.

It's okay she's fitting her own clothes. Even though they both come, Rein still feel alone.

"Shut up."

Shortly after that Redis took a berat breath. He didn't think that Rein was such a troublesome person.

Rein is too active and chatty!

"Take care of this woman, please. Help her choose the best dress."

After saying that Redis got out of the place, grabbed the tablet and then busied himself. Had to be fast. Redis didn't want to waste precious time.

For Redis, time is money. Every second is money. That's what makes Redis happy to wrestle with files. The term daily food.

That love is so ingrained that it is called a workaholic.

Hey..., who has that system of thinking...?

It's good, but it can hinder meeting a life partner. Live life according to portion.

Meanwhile Rein was looking at various kinds of wedding dresses. Everything looked good and she liked it too.

Just don't embarrass yourself. Must choose a nice dress that fits the criteria of all parties.

"Mery?" Rein muttered seeing the name on the cellphone screen.

Suddenly her friend called during busy hours. Hey, that guy's at work.

Rein is free even though he has to be agile to work on a book that will be published by a printed book publisher. After that Rein took part in the work as a translator of foreign language books.

Free but still bound by strict responsibilities. If are not agile and good at managing time, it's the same as committing suicide.

Print book publishers are very troublesome, you know. There's a deadline. Likewise book translators.

Rein is choosing a wedding dress. Automatically she was busy, therefore Rein only sent a message.

Not because of the spirit of choosing a dress, but must. Bear in mind that.

"Just this one," said Rein, pointing to a dress that looked elegant and simple.

The dress does not look troublesome and a lot of decoration. It's still beautiful even though it's simple.

One thing that is lacking, that dress the bottom touches the floor. No problem, Rein is still interested.

"Alright Miss, let's give it a try."

Finished putting on the dress, the two of them went towards the curtain to show Redis the result of the dress.

The curtain was opened, Redis did not give any respon.

Look, felt Rein to be marrying a banana stem instead of a human.

Redis is busy with the tablet, as if the world belongs to both, the tablet and himself.

Again, Rein has to face Redis' workaholic nature. If possible, Rein would like to give up.


Rein cleared his throat for a moment, looking straight at the person who was still focused in front of her.

At this rate, if possible, Rein wants to throw the slipper she's wearing on Redis's face.

But oh well, no lust. Therefore what Rein did was turn to the saleswoman who was looking at her. Rein's intention was leave.

After all, there's nothing to do, it's all over. Rein likes the dress whereas Redis is busy.

One point that must be underlined, Rein likes the dress.

So, finish. After this Rein akan had thought of something to repay Redis' treatment.

Who wants to marry to Redis so that he becomes a person who is not considered?

Tch, don't want to!

"Aish I'm a victim of cruel life, fate."

Rein still remembers how she spoke to the noble Radit while in the car park. Rein wasn't a fool to be bullied. Even though at this time fate and circumstances were not on her side.

"Alright, let's go," said Rein nonchalantly.

People like Redis deserve special treatment. If use your feelings too much, Rein will feel sore due to eating liver.

Don't worry!

Even though in the deepest corner of her heart, Rein was sad.

Why do she want to get married like this?

"Sir, miss Rein is finished," the salesgirl chirped.

At least look at Rein. Although his presence is not at all desirable.

Rein who was walking to change her clothes stopped. Unfortunately it was only for a moment because Rein continued to walk.

Stupid. After all, she was not considered to exist.

Yeah, if that's the case, Redis just marry the office files.

"Hey, where are you going."

Redis' words were considered by Rein past wind. Whatever, she clearly wants to go.

Rein is a mess. Offense. After that speak.

"Change your clothes, sir. You're busy. That's why I want to finish quickly. After this I also have to work. After all, sir not is the only one who has work," Rein grumbled, she to walk while lifting the dress whose bottom touched the floor.

The wedding dress is complicated, it's okay, this is the elegant side. Rein's choice was right!

"Who told you to leave?"


Rein could stare confusedly Redis who was suddenly right in front of her. Don't forget that person's hand holding Rein's arm.

So fast, where did it come from?

Felt strange, Rein tried to neutralize the heartbeat. Don't disco now!

Rein didn't deny the fact that she was nervous to see Redis' expressionless face. The gaze requirement an aura of intimidation.

More than that, Rein's gentle eyes met Redis' sharp eyes!

Redis' eyes so easily traced Rein's body as if he was naked!

Who's heart is still fine as if stripping Rein?

Please, Rein is a normal woman who can be nervous.

"Beautiful, it turns out you made a good choice."

Ambiguous, Redis was complimenting Rein's dress or appearance?

Okay, forget it.

Only a few syllables, but the effect can make Rein float.

Oh no, Rein is upset. She not considered Redis!

So now the story is upset.

"Okay, I want to change clothes," said Rein quietly.

Rein hope she not nervous. It's not a matter of placing Rein's face but rather how the story of life will be in the future.

Shame Rein!


Rein stare at Redis who seemed to imprison the entire scope of his vision. It was so sharp and piercing that it was hard for Rein to tell what was real and what wasn't.

"Call me sir, or... name?"

Immediately, Rein's face went straight.


The woman blinked slowly, no longer subconsciously.

The real world is dark and evil.

The real world can't just exist with sweets. There are good and bad destiny.

The real world is far from dramatic. It's real.

"Okay sir."

"One more..."

Redis couldn't finish his sentence because of the sound of the phone. It must be an important phone. Without wasting time, the company leader that picked up the phone.

Rein looks like an idiot.

[Okay. I will be there. Remember to finish if you want me to forgive you. By the way, I'll still take 60% of your salary.]

Redis turned to Rein as he turned off the phone unilaterally.

"Sorry, I have to go. You pick own wedding ring."

It was that easy for Redis to say, 'sorry, I have to go. You choose own wedding ring.'

Annyoying. Rein wanted to be angry. Come to think of it, Rein was writing a chapter she hadn't had time to finish when Redis suddenly visited and said, 'get ready, we're going to get fitting wedding dress.'

After that left without thinking about whether Rein was busy or not. Hey, Rein hasn't said anything yet.

Do agree or reject. Then now Rein abandoned...?

Rein wants to rage!

Don't have feelings!


Not have the heart!

Rein's annoyed face accompanied her all the way out of the boutique. Whatever, Rein didn't want to care. The clothes are done, now only the rings are left.

Just choose a ring, okay, fine.

Even with an angry heart, in the end Rein went to complete the 'sacred state duty.'

"Hi, beautiful."

One question that arises, who is it?

Will Rein's life get any worse?

Hua, someone please Rein!
