The children of Daniel

A lot of what Daniel told me seemed to have come outta some superheroes comic book or fairy-tale, it was total bullshit apparently he is an immortal being called a primodial and that his has been around since ancient times. The part that got me the most was that I might have inherited some of his abilities which explains why those goons were after me and how I was able to recover from the gunshot wound earlier . He also spoke about the First Path a mysterious shadow organization that hunts down any all persons related to him, he neglected to explain why though.

Daniel: Zoe I know a lot of what I said is hard to believe but it's true am an immortal have been since ancient times.

How old are you?

Daniel: am as old as humanity itself am tied to all of you I am because you are. I have stood at the sideline Shepherding humanity onwards pushing them from the discovery after discovery, fire, the wheel, science I have helped them built empires out of the ashes of the old world, I have fought in countless wars and led countless conquest all for the betterment of the whole to facilitate your humanity's wellbeing.

Still Doesn't change the fact that you abandoned mom...

Daniel's face didn't even show emotion when I answered he was ever stern like a machine unemotional and cold I don't know what mom saw in him really.

Where are you taking me anyways ??

Daniel: To one of my estates in the county side, 120 acres you will be safe there.

Safe from the First Path right

Daniel: yes for now...

Did you borrow money from them or something ??

Daniel: no it's not like that at all

Then why are they trying to kill me

Daniel's face became solemn like he was thinking of a far off memory from the past.

'' The first path have always sort out the destruction of the primodials and the world, they don't like us and will do anything in thier power to kill any and all beings related to us. That includes you..''

Why ???I didn't do anything to them

" Your blood contains icor a life sustaining substance if distilled properly could reguvinate cells allow the body to regenerate and repair damaged organs, it's a basically a cure all elixir.

Wait so the first path want what is in my blood???

" not just your blood, your organs as well, getting an organ transplant from semi-primodial is a major life improvement the benefits alone, you are a valueble product for the Firstpath, a commodity thier willing to go to great trouble to obtain.

Great, just great as it if my life wasn't hard enough.

Don't worry I will teach you how to survive, after am done the bad guys will think twice before tangling with you.

We drove in silence after that through winding country roads and farms  lands, heading ever south from the New hemisphere I got bored counting cows so I turned the radio on.

Radio: bzzz still no lead on the New Hemisphere cafe shoot out as police are still investigating the whereabouts of one the cafe's

employees Zoe de blanc on her alleged involvement in the murder of Derek Lamech the police spokesperson says that it may have been a robbery gone wrong as video show Zoe fleeing the scene with an accomplice bzzzzzzz.

Daniel: it's better that you don't listen to that.

They think I had something to do with Derek's death, why would they think that ???

Daniel: the First Path has influence they will do everything in their power to have you brought to them ,be it behind a cop car or in a body bag.

Just how powerful are they and why haven't I heard about them before.

Daniel: their a fairly secretive group with ties to many echelons of society, their influence permeates governments and kings which have moles implanted in them,  thier well founded  backed by affluent people, monarchs, war lords and dictator who seek immortality.

By killing us,that's sick !!

" it will surprise you what people will do for little more time, but I  assure you they won't lay a finger on you so long am here."

I felt better when Daniel said that I felt protected for the first time in forever was this what it felt like to have a father.

Daniel: why are you looking at me like that.

Dunno it's just am not used with the notion of having a dad an immortal one at ... *yawn*.. that.

Daniel: you are exhausted, you need to rest,  let your body recover.

Yeah so you can abadon me again

" Zoe am not going anywhere, I will still be here when you wake "

I dozed off in the back seat as we continued on the country road the classical ''60s'' music put me to sleep right quick like an old lullaby, I dreamt of Daniel and mom arguing, they were in car with baby strapped in back seat, my mother looked young  her eyes teary as she turned to face me " you can't just leave us like this without an explanation Daniel!!!, you can't!!! "

If I stay I will put you and the baby at risk, there are people after me Esme bad people!!!

" we are suppose to stick together remember, am your wife your trials are my trial, we can face this danger together!!!".

I can't stand you getting killed over my sake I can't live with that no again, I love you Esmeralda de blanc with all my heart it's why i will have let you go     

Mom froze as Daniel eyes lit up she seemed to be in tranced " you will drive to New Dawn and start a new life, i will be but a distant memory to you my love, take of our daughter " Daniel waved his hands and mom repeated what he said starting up the car, Daniel turned me  muttering a low  " goodbye my love " the dream faded off and woke up screaming " dad !!".

Bad dream ??

Am fine just a night fright I gleamed shyly looking at the estate's gate, we had arrived as 120 acres, the exterior walls were 7 to 8 m tall stretching in all direction with green plants growing on them. They were security camera on the corner of the gate with a guard towers manned by private security personnel.

The gate opened revealing a large acre of land with green lawns and open fields with a mansion that stood at the center.


Daniel: necessary precaution... to protect my treasures.

The mansion  was huge,  it had 2 floors with a helipad on the roof, from the town house alone I could tell Daniel was wealthy but  this was whole other level.

The driveway circled around a fountain with statue of a chirabeam spewing water,  there were shrub  which acted as a barriers between the gravel and the sprawling lawns stretching far on both sides of the drive way.  there were training grounds to far right where an obstacle course was visible and what I could describe as a shooting range to the far left with sandbag embankments and trenches where the lawn was obliterated.

The jilapi came to rest in the driveway where 5 other cars were parked including what looked an awful lot like moms mini coupe, it looked neewer with fresh tires and a clean body

Is my  moms car???

Daniel: yeah I had Harrison bring it from the impound lot

Who is Harrison???

Daniel pointed at a tall guy coming to greet us and boy did he look handsome, he wore a tank top vest that exposed his well-toned body with a clean shaven face which accentuated his grey-blue eyes, He whipped sweat off his brow as he walked towards us I could make out a tattoo of the number 120 on the forepart of his left hand.

Harrison: welcome to 120 Acres Zoe, I am Harrison your range leader..

Hi, am Zoe nice to eat you. ..... I mean meet you... sorry

Harrison: hmm nice to meet you too

Harrison's voice was so deep he seemed like the type of guy to take command of a situation and win, if I rated him he would be close 8 though  something dissuaded me from flirting with him.

"Get her sorted into a room she has had a hard day"

Harrison: yes father


Daniel drove off leaving me standing with Harrison in the driveway I mean damn not even a see you later daughter or whatnot.

Father... !!! you mean. Daniel is your dad too.

Harrison: yup he didn't tell you .didn't the tattoo give it away ...

"Ahhh.... what...???..."

Harrison: father is immortal he gets around soo..

Okay skip the awkward conversation please I rather not think about that right now.

Entering the mansion I couldn't help but notice how spacious it was on the inside, The foyer opened up to a grand staircase which rose up to the second floor. The interior was decorated in the artdeco art style as the townhouse with ornaments and display cases filled with treasures and artifacts from a forgotten age , there were framed abstract oil paintings, nubian masks and a large ceramic head sculptures lining the corridor walls, at the centre of the rotandar between the two stair cases stood a giant marble statue of a man with eagle on his shoulders with two women by his side.

"The titan Prometheus he stole fire from the gods as a gift for mankind Zues punished him by having his eagle pluck out his liver every morning, dad is big art collector"

you don't say...

Suddenly the doors above us burst open, a teenage guy came through riding a skateboard, he did tricks with his board grinding against the second floor railing

Harrison:  Rodriguez!!! I told you no skating in the house!!!, what's the matter with you...

The boy spun to halt kicking his skate board up upon seeing me "chill bro no harm no foul, whoa whose the new hermana ?"

Harrison: this is Zoe our new sister, don't get any funny ideas !!!

Relax hermano I know the rules no


Rodriguez was of medium height and build obliviously of Hispanic descent with a mischievous face that obviously said am a trouble makers and dont trust me with scissors.

Harrison: that is Rodriguez 121 he follows me in range of birth, his wreckless behavior had him landed in juvie a couple of times, dad brought him here a while back, after the incident at home.

Incident ??

Rodriguez: I lit my  stepfathers's car on fire.

Just why ?? Why would you do that?

Harrison: his rebellious and reckless a simple cry for help and attention really.

Rodriguez: the douchebag sleeping around I had to get even with him for causing mama and little Sopie so much Angish now that you would care bro"

Rodriguez pushed past us heading out, I could tell he didn't  like Harry.

Our tour continued on through the mansion, we visited the kitchens, then living room and lastily the library,  a  blonde white girl stood on a ladder sorting out some of the books, she glanced to us waving " hey Harry did you collect that shipment of encyclopedias I order at the...oh ..hello ??"

this is Zoe de blac, Zoe thats Claire 122 your eldest sister.

First I find out my dad is alive then I found out I have two older brothers who I didnt even know existed and now a sister, I can only take some much really this is ridiculous.

It's crazy I know, we are a weird family spoke Claire flashing her perfect white teethy smile.

You are almost my age!!! Thats what's freaky...

Wait till you see Rachel


Claire took my hand pulling me along as we continued the tour to next floor, the sound of pop music increasing became audible as we approached the lounge where a person was dancing, there was something about them the way they moved their body it made one feel free.

Who is that ??

Harrison: Rachel 123, every family has its black sheep.

" more like wild cat "

Rachel seemed to be of asiatic descent with short black hair, fair freckled face seeming rather androgynous, if it wasnt for her sports bra I swear I would have said she was a guy, the song ended with Rachel doing a twist, Claire applauded garnering her attention , Rachel unlike most of my siblings had synical disposition about her casing me as she came " a new comer huh, great I hope you can last longer than the last guy " she grumbled seemingly unimpressed.

Claire: ohh just she in one of her moods

Moods or not you got put everything back the way you found it, this is not a dance studio its a lounge roared Harry, I could see there was some bad blood between these two.

" i dont have to do anything,that's what the help is for "

" the help is only here to maintain the house not clean after you , now go pick your shit up or its a week of cleaning duty ".

" gosh you are so annoying ".

" sorry about that, Rachel has authority problems, especially with men, she gets along well with Rodriguez though, since Lucia basically raised them together groaned Harrison ushering us forward to where the bed rooms were, the arranged of the bedrooms had the boys on the ground floor and the girls on the second floor level, though there were two boys, there was one room on the ground floor which seemed a miss, its lock has been removed in an effort to prevent people from accessing it, I pointed it out but my siblings ignored the query leading me up to the top floor instead.

Harrison: here we are, your room and your key, dad had us prepare it for you in the morning so feel free to do as you like with the decoration, before I forget be in the dining room at 6 for supper there we will formally welcome you to the family.

"bring your appetite it's my turn to cook and am thinking of a celebratory recipe today"

thank you very much

With that Harrison and Clairetook leave of me, I opened the door to my new room, It was certainly bigger than the room i had at the apartment , a fresh coat of paint a fur rug with pink drapes on the window, the pink was a tad much but I liked it , just like at the town house the wardrobe was filled to the brim with clothes. A small box caught my attention, it had been placed on top of few blankets with note a the bottom " these belong to you " flipping it open I found some of my belonging I  left at the cafe, my wallet, phone and necklace, the necklace was a memento of sorts that mom gave me so I would never be too far from her, I stopped wearing it cause of how much it reminded me of her.  checking my phone, all my social media had been whipped, records,pictures statuses all gone.

All three of my accounts had been taken down, like someone had hacked into them  deleted my life, my school account was also affected the log in page greeted me with a user-unknown.

At the bottom of the box were letters, one was addressed to my mother  from the school and the other a notice from the hospital, the school had accepted my transfer from mainstream schooling to home schooling stream issuing me a transfer and  a final report card, the hospital bills had paid up in full including a sizable donation in my name made by the Hauntermann foundation.

Was all this Daniel's doing, the ransfer script stated that my mother had been moved to Blue-Bay private, it was know to be the countries most sophisticated institute leading in cancer treatment and recovery.

I had alot to think about now, the view of the courtyard provided a brief repreave , I watched Rodriguez skate back forth on that halfpipe unconsciously, I didn't even notice him overshoot the pipe crashing into the flower bed, I sat there just reminising on memories from my past, mom had just booked us a family getaway to the Island of the sun in the Yauken , mom was still healthy and strong then, we scoured those ruins taking selfies in sun , it was one of the days I could say I was really happy, the following day saw the sickness creep in,  mom wasnt as vibrant on the return trip she told me of her diagnosis how long she had before things took a turn for the worse. I was devastated that day, I felt helpless in the cafe.

I was caugh in my daydreaming when someone knocked on my door"Lady Zoe dinner is ready, everyone await your arrival in the dining room ".

I grabbed what I could and ran for the dining room, in my daydreaming I completely forgot about dinner, I sprinted through the corridors getting lost a few times. I finally made it to the dining area where everyone was waiting. The dining room was more refined than the rest of the house, a dining table which could seat royalty stretched out with elegant wooden chairs etched with an H-sigil. Daniel sat at the front everyone else crowding about him at opposing sides of the table.

Everyone eyed me as I made my way up to my assigned seat,  Dad had  a stern look on his wagging his finger even "dinner is served as at 7 p.m Zoe you can't be late. "

Sorry umm, it won't happen again.

Rachel scoffed garnering a stern look from Daniel who rang the serving bell, almost instanenously an older looking Gentleman burst through the doors with a trolleys laden with food, Claire followed soon after with still arrayed in her apron, she looked so motherly moving about briskly making sure everyone was served, she was so selfless.

" Rachel can you bless us please " droned Daniel who patiently waited till Claire had sat down,Rachel was very eloquent in her prayer surprising me a little as I hadn't expected her to be a devout Christian. Am not one for dinning etiquette my siblings seemingly had the fine dining postures down, I struggled a little trying to figure out which spoon or fork to use, Rachel snickering when I made a mistake to Daniel's disapproving glare.

After dessert Daniel had us gather in the family room for a meeting of sorts, the room smelled of stale air and rooting wood, the room was seemingly used only for special occasions, on the walls were picture frames, dozens of them with numbers on each ranging from 60 to 124, some frames had photographs missing or rather red-x drawn over the photograph which was strange, 124 was among those frames without a picture in it, I could only guess why.

" these are the vanguards who came before you, the fallen, the traitorous all recorded here on these walls, the history of my children "  Daniel places his hand at certain part on the wall  in trevealing an hidden alcove, that housed a strange urn, the thing looked old with undiscernible descriptions about it, Daniel poured the content of the urn into a cup, it congealed like molasses" he that drinks of my blood and eats of my flesh shall everlasting life, so said our lord much like him, I offer you my blood figuratively speaking of course,  sap from the world tree, quite potent stuff.

You want me to drink tree sap ???

" it's the trail of knowledge, the  tree sap will open you eyes, you will learn your history through the eyes of those who came befor "

We all went through it Zoe, all of us, trust me it's safe spoke Claire, I was hesitant at first looking at the strange drink, the liquid was cold to the touch it tasted  like sea water leaving an after taste in my mouth. " you might want to seat down for the next part

I wasn't prepared at all for the sting that followed, my insides felt as if they were on fire, I lost control falling to the ground squirming.

you..poisoned me !!!

Nope, Harrison and Rodriguez let's go ordered  father leaving Claire and Rachel to tend to me, i couldn't move nor could I see very well, my vision blurred and darkness swirled around me as I passed out, I have had dreams and nightmares before but this was ridiculous, it was so real like I was there , our entire history was revealed to me from the beginning,  I saw the birth of the world, the manifestation of father and the other primordials brough on by the arrival of the new comers, I aaw the sundering of Able at the hands of Dan and the war the preceded it, I saw the  birth of Eckart first our name, the return of the primordial Ezu-al who slew Eckart mother in a fit of jealous rage, so much time passed culminating with the birth Ishtar,  all this was shown to me with other visions I could quite wrap my head around visions of war, explosion echoed out of the darkness, the battle ground appeared and disappeared each time a different age, different adversary, some were people and other looked like horrid creatures resembling men but wholly mutated, the sky darkened with the shadows of airplanes, zeppelins and flying saucers, creatures to terrible to behold shambled across the earth thier many legs rending the ground bear as atomic detonations flashed about blinding me everything  just spun and the universe blew up and I was in darkness again floating in fetal position amongst the stars, My arm burned as a the number 125 appeared on my skin. I woke in with such a start that I fell off the bed, I felt like a fool lying on the floor with disheveled hair and strewn out blankets, a unfamiliar mark drew my attention to my arm , the number tattoo had come in, dark against my skin "125".

"ohh you are finally awake " droned Claire who closed the door behind her  sitting besides me" hell of ride isn't  it past millennia just crammed into your brain in space of few hours, most people would go mad but not us though "

I think am going to be sick.....

" just drink some water the migraine will pass eventually, come on I will make you some orange slices".

The children of Daniel

Anomalies #000/B001-126.

Threat level: beta to Sigma level

Nature: maleficent

primordial human hybrid

Nomanculture: semi-primodial


All of Daniel's offspring are to be regarded as highly dangerous humanoid entities with varying degree on the threat index scale,each

Incorporating unique above human abilities to paranormal manifestation.

The organization doesn't contain or deal with any these threats leaving them to their devices unless deemed so by the council.

Declassified information

Current range under observation as of circa 1995

Research folders on observation.

Harrison 120

Age: 20 years old

Gender: male

Ethnicity: caucasian-Freedonian

Status: alive

Extensive military training with overseas special forces, current range leader, no special abilities as of observation.


Age: 17 years old

Gender: male

Ethnicity: Hispanic-Freedonian

Status: alive

Delinquent of the group, wild card, proficient driving skill no-special ability as observed.


Age: 17 years old

Gender: female

Ethnicity : Asian-Freedonian

Status: alive

Hyper aggressive, behavioral problems, artistic coercion, no special ability.


Age: 16 years old

Gender: female

Ethnicity: caucasian-freedonian

Status: alive

low level empath, genius intellect, archery, marksmanship.


Age: 16-year-old

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Nubian-freedonian

Status: deceased

Extremely Athletic , self-sacrificing, elusive personality ,has hyper  reflexes.


Age: 15 years old

Gender: female

Ethnicity: mixed

Status: alive

Naive, empathetic, hyper-aggressive vector when aggravated.

Has Latent regenerative abilities

"extant unknown"

Underlying bioenergetic synthetics and symbiosis extended to entities close in genetic makeup to her.

Possibly has other primordial abilities not yet observed.

Advice for engagement

Anomaly#000/B125 must be placed in containment for further study or neutralized citing events caused by anomaly#002/B001.