Chapter 7: I gave my youth to him.

"Hey! Up here." James called me waving his hand the moment I entered the shop. Stefan was busy on his laptop as usual.

" Hey my two beautiful stupid dead mouse stingy cockroaches.'' I greeted them while reaching onto their table.

"Eww what was that? None of the words matches me. Are you still drunk? Haven't had your black coffee yet? Do you want me to get you one if only you'd pay?"

" At least to me it does. DEAD." Stefan said, eyes still on the screen, "I'll pay if you want one." he said, lifting his head towards me.

" nah it's okay. I had one before coming here." I told him, while I sat in front of them.

" Anyway, thankyou for sending us home last night. The way you were drinking I thought we three would end up on the street. Thank god you were still sober to do that." James said laughing.

I didn't send them. Nope. Impossible. I don't even remember anything.

" Yeah, no problem," I said, wondering if it was him.

"Okay then let's start our main discussion for which I have requested my two fellow fighters to gather here."

" Skip this stupid formality and say what you have" Stefan said sounding annoying.

" You boring people" James said, throwing his hand onto the air and continued "so look, Inessa and Matthew have been dating for four years now isn't it darling?"

"4 years and 7 months," I said.

"Uhh whatever. That bastard still cheated." " so i stalked him in the morning today and i found out that the girl you saw him with isn't the only one whom he is messing around with"

"What do you mean she isn't the only one?"

"Yes, there are numerous girls I have found pictures of him with on the dark web. So in easy word the girl that you saw yesterday and the other girl i saw him with are prostitute who are fucking him for money. No emotional relation is included but only physical."

"But that doesn't change the fact that he cheated on her even if they are prostitute or whatnot" Stefan said interrupting James and all i was doing was listening quietly.

I am a strong person and hate to give up but more than that I hate lies and betrayal. So I won't hesitate for a moment to throw someone out of my life if I catch them doing so , no matter how close they are to me. And the same I was thinking of doing to Matthew. But listening to James seems like he got a more satisfying way of bidding farewell to that bastard.

"Did I say anything like this? What I mean is even if he is fed up of his relationship with you; no offence and fucking girls around giving money he is still not breaking up with you. Which means you have something on him. Do his parents like you?"

"Yes they do, I guess. They call me once a while asking about how I am doing and also when we are getting married."

" So you are approved by his parents. So he is not breaking up with you."

"That doesn't sit together. I mean even if his parents like her he is not obligated to marry her if he don't love her at all. And seeing his recent action i don't believe the fact that he loves her'' Stefan said cutting James. Which does seem to make sense to me. I don't think that he is holding this relationship just for his parents' sake.

" Listen when two people are dating for way too long you guys get used to each other even if the love has vanished a long time ago, you still stay together because you want to avoid changes. You become more like a couple who's been married for almost 40 years now. There isn't any love, affection or charm and if there's anything maybe a bit of care for the sake of all these years. And Mathew and you, are that couple. Am I wrong Inessa?"

James asked me with a firm face.

He wasn't wrong. It's true, me and Matthew have been dating for almost five years now. We have gotten more accustomed to each other than the passion we used to have in the beginning of this relationship. We met during our college freshers party. We clicked way too much for our interests, likes and dislikes. We hated the same people and loved the same. How weird. He was a year older than me but since the first time we met I never felt the senior feeling or fear, nervous around him. I was always comfortable. Maybe my first love syndrome was working out. We started dating toward the end of first semester, convincing myself that he loves me and everything he said was true and not just my illusion. My college life was more about him than anything else, maybe more than my study. I gave my youth to him. But when did we start to slide apart? Maybe after he graduated or after I? Maybe after we decided to stay two continents apart till we did not figure out anything? I don't know? Did he know? If I stayed true to him, why didn't he do the same? Isn't that the most important pillar of a relationship which he broke god knows when. I was honest all along. And what did I get back? Founding him fucking a prostitutes' in my apartment. It wasn't a good investment.

"Inne ? " James interrupted my thoughts.

"So what is your idea James?" I said ignoring his previous question.

" what i want to say is that he is not thinking about breaking up with you and will continue doing this whenever he want"

" then I'll break up with him"

"No you won't. How far I feel he will ask you to marry him. Believe me. I am sure. And that's the day we will throw the bomb onto the staged."

" What nonsense. Why would he? And do you want me to pretend nothing happened so that we can ruin his proposal day. That's too much to give in for what I'll get."

" Matthew is a very proud person. I Have felt it every time we met. The grip with which he holds you claiming you as his is easily noticeable. And a person like him will hold the official day of purposing you as a grand event. I am sure of it and that we will ruin his whole life." " and you don't even meet him very often. It's like two times in a few months. From now on make more excuses so you meet him two times a year. That will make him propose you much faster.

" I get what you mean. But there is no point in waiting so long for his proposal to expose his shitty behavior. His birthday is approaching within two month. Of Course he will throw a big party inviting all the rich asswhole of the entire business industry. We can do that then. It's the same."

" I think we should do what James is saying. Not because I want you to expose all this but I feel it's much more than that. Nobody will marry one for the old time sakes or just because his parents like you when he owned his entire family business of billions of dollars. His family can easily find an appropriate girl for him with the same background as his. But I feel there is more to this story. And we need time to find that out."

" What do you mean?" I said, confused "why would he be with me if not for those reasons?"

"Maybe it has something to do with your investment?" Stefan said.

"That's not possible. Matthew doesn't know about her investment." James answered, waiting for my approval.

" Yes, that's nonsense. Mathew doesn't know about my…." I stopped in the middle as it hitted my mind. I think he knows about my investments. Something that nobody except James, Stefan and 3 more knows in this whole world.

Almost eight month ago Mathew suddenly showed up in my apartment, said he landed here a few hours ago and just finished his meetings. It did seem weird but I didn't think much about it. That night he also asked to use my laptop which was the first time ever he asked something of mine to use. So I remember that day clearly. Then we had our dinner and went to bed. And the next morning when I woke up he wasn't there, all there was a note saying that he had an early flight to catch for a meeting in the morning. Later on when I opened my google drive the last document which was opened was about the journal and financial records of all my investment and assets. I didn't paid much attention to it thinking maybe i opened it but thinking back I never did. It was Matthew. He opened those documents.

And he knows about all of them. Then why didn't he ask me anything.

" I think he knows about it," I said after clearing my mind and constantly telling myself to not lose my temper now.

"What? But how? You told him?" James asked.

"No I didn't. It was just that when he found out I didn't pay much attention. But now looking back it was him." " But why does that matter? I don't think my investments are enough to make him stay with me when he himself owns a whole fortune."

"And what about your involvement in the Chinese market? Does he know that? If he does that, this exactly makes sense.`` Stefan asked, sounding he knew something else.

"No. None of my documents in my drive are related to any of those. There is no possible way he would know. But why does it matter?" I asked, still no clue.

" The big three of Chinese investors have denied their investment into the biggest project of "Charmes metal and steel" due to which there is a rumour of their being bankrupt anytime soon."

"What! And what does it have to do with me?"

"That's what we need to solve" "that's why I want you to be with him for the time being. I know it's hard for you but I think it will be worth it." Stefan said, patting my shoulder.

"Okay and if I found out that whatever you said is true then I'll be the one who will ruin his whole hierarchy."

"Sir, your coffee." The waiter came to our table and put down three cups.

"Thank you," James said with a smile.

" I said I wont drink, why did you order three?" I complain.

" I know you wont drink. It's not for you."

" Then who is it? James, listen to me, drinking too much caffeine isn't good. Few days ago you were complaining about your messed up sleeping schedule"

"Girl, It isn't for me and not Stefan either. It's someone else. Since we had something to discuss, I called him a bit late. He should probably be here."

" who did you call now"

"Just someone who I met yesterday. He gave me a call in the morning. So I invited him to hang out with us." James replied excitedly.

" Put me out, I am busy. You guys hang out." Stefan said starting to organize his stuff to leave.

" c'mon seriously. You are so boring. I am so sad." James replied with a sullen face.

" James, if you are not drunk you're sad. That's normal so stop making a scene like a baby.`` Stefan said standing up.

"I think I am busy…" I wondered if I should go since without Stefan I'll only be bored watching James' acting skills.

" No you are not. It's clearly your day off. So don't even think of making any excuses.'' James interrupted me.

"But why do you want me to be a third wheel on your date?"

" uh c'mon it's not a date. I just want to introduce him to you guys. But someone is way too busy." James said, rolling his eyes.

" you guys enjoy it. I am leaving. Take care Inne everything will be alright. We are here for you always.`` Stefan said giving me a hug which I really needed and ignoring James.

"Okay. I know. Bye . take care.`` I said. And he left.

" So who is it? Break the suspense c'mon." I asked James.

" There is nothing suspenseful. It's just I don't think you remember him."

" Have I met him?"

" Oh there he is." James said, looking towards the door. " Hey there. Up here."

I turn around my head. And it was the thunder storm I was trying to avoid all morning. And did forget about it for a bit.

But here it is.

Misery won't leave me i guess.

The almost puking guy is here.

Ugh god.

(To be continued.)