Deepest Sorrow

This morning the sky was covered with thick clouds, but for some reason it didn't rain. The fragrance of seven kinds of flowers wafted over as the slender hand spread it over two wet mounds of earth.

Stifled sobs can still be heard echoing accompanied by prayers from the pilgrims dressed in all black. Two mounds of earth with wooden tombstones on them were the reason why they had gathered so early at the cemetery. To celebrate the pain in tears that accompany the departure of two people at the same time.

Larasati as much as possible stop to sob continuously. Because her energy seemed to be sucked out without a trace when her eyes stared at the funeral procession where the bodies of the two masters were buried in the ground.

The steadfast, people say. But don't they know how it feels to lose the two people they love the most at the same time?

It hurts, can't describe how it feels.

Once again, prayers are offered by the people before leaving the cemetery. Larasati felt the tap on the shoulder repeatedly. It was as if they all wanted to give more power through that motion. In fact, how many claps it doesn't affect anything either. His parents were dead, dead, buried in the ground, and could not rise again.

So? Is Larasati alone? Nope.

A man in black clothes with matching glasses on his eyes sat crouched next to her. Embracing even let Laras lean on his shoulder. Gently patting the little back, as if reassuring that he was not alone.

"I'm alone," Laras whispered. Still accompanied by the sound of tears that never subsided. "Mom and dad went, alone, without inviting me."

Randi Prasetya, Laras' boyfriend for the past two years, still faithfully listens to his girl lamentations. He had heard a lot of mournful cries and strong screams since last night. Just as he was about to leave, two police officers came to Laras' house. Bringing bad news, that Laras' parents were involved in a series of accidents that resulted in both of them dying on the spot.

At first, Laras laughed out loud, thinking that the two policemen who had arrived were fake police officers who wanted to ask for donations. But when Laras' aunt came, the girl immediately screamed hysterically. Screaming lies to everyone there. The sobs began to sound strong as the heavy rain fell when Laras saw a video clip containing the condition of the road where the accident occurred. The waist-length black-haired girl also almost fell when her parents' faces were highlighted by the camera.

Her father's face may still be recognizable because it was only injured in the forehead. But her mother's face, was barely recognizable because almost all of her sides were exposed to shards of glass which left her covered in blood.

The next morning, two crates containing bodies arrived by ambulance. Laras screams echoed, blaming God for such a bad fate on him. She said that his parents wanted to go to Malang, not to the sky. Again, they were only gone for a few days, not forever.

"I'm alone, Ran." Laras said again. Now the crying has stopped.

"There I am," said Randi.

"Who will I be with?" She asked more precisely to ask himself.

Yuni, Laras aunt approached them. Join the crouched look at the mound of wet soil covered with flowers that caught the attention of the two human children beside him. She had time to stroke Laras' black mane before holding his nephew's cold hand.

"You will not be alone, Ras. There is an aunt, you can stay at aunt's house." Laras is still silent. She pulled back Yuni's hand.

Her puffy eyes stared at the gravestone with his mother's name on it. In the past, her mother often told her not to get too close to her aunt. For some reason, her mother always stretches the distance to her sister.

Laras then shook his head, she looked at Randi's face. "I just want to be with you, okay?" Randy is silent. He tried to digest the implied meaning of Laras' words.

Want to be with you, means to live with Randi. Both, and there must be a bond so that people don't oppose it. In conclusion, Randi must marry Laras.

Oh no.

He is still twenty years old as well as Laras who just turned nineteen yesterday. It's still too early for the two to be tied to marital status. Again, if the two of them insist on getting married, what will the household be like?

Randi is known to be smart and active in organizations in the college environment, at least that slightly guarantees the man's future. But, it's still far. Randi has not earned his own income. He is still dependent on his parents. So, what will the children be fed later?

"Don't bother Randi, Ras. He still has a lot of dependents besides taking care of you," said Yuni.

The middle-aged woman sprinkled flowers right on top of her brother's grave. Her face was sad, but amazingly he didn't cry at all. "Your mother, left you with aunt."

Laras looked at Yuni as if demanding more explanation. "You mean aunt?"

Yuni's hand turned to open the bottle cap, she poured a mound of wet earth which is now the final resting place of her sister. "Maybe a hunch." There was a heavy sigh accompanied by a tear that started to roll down his cheek before speaking again. "Your mother took Laras, she said. Take care of him, don't make her alone."

Lara turned her face away. Really, she swore she didn't want to cry anymore, but why did she break her own oath so easily. "When did you say that?"

"An hour before they both left. During the trip your mother also called your aunt to stay at home. She said so you wouldn't be alone."

"So, Ras, please help auntie so that she can fulfill the mandate from your late mother. Come on, stay at aunt's house. After all, you can also go back and forth often, right?"

Laras looked at Randi as if asking for advice. From behind his sunglasses, Randi looked at Laras worriedly. For some reason, it felt bad. However, having no other choice, he finally nodded. "It's okay, you live with your aunt, don't you?"

"But--" Laras was about to object, but failed when Randi interrupted his words. "I'll be visiting often, too."

"Yes, Ras. Aunt's house isn't too far from yours, right? Randi's house is in the same direction, it won't be a problem." Yuni continues to reassure her nephew.

With a heavy heart, Laras nodded. "Yes, Laras will."

Yuni smiled widely. She put his arm around Lara's shoulder. Replacing Randi's hand which he deliberately brushed off earlier. Meanwhile, Randi seems suspicious of Yuni's behavior. A year ago, the Laras family and Yuni's family were involved in a conflict regarding the company. But, why did Yuni suddenly become like this to Laras?

Again, if Yuni is sincere with Laras, where has Yuni's husband gone? Why when his wife's sister died, he didn't come?