
Laras felt that her head was hit by a very heavy rock that made her dizzy. Her eyes were also very difficult to open. Little by little, she finally found an all-white room with Nindy's head lying beside it. Smelling this scent, Laras could already guess if she was in the hospital.

What happened to herself? Did she experience self-harm again so that she had to end up lying in this bed?

But apparently not, because Laras didn't feel any pain. Neither in her hands nor her head. Because, usually if she does self harm, the main object is her hands to be slashed as well as hee head to be hit hard against the wall.

"Are you awake, Ras?" Laras could see the relief on Nindy's face. It was obvious that this woman was tired, it could be seen from her face that was not as fresh as this morning.

"You waited a long time, didn't you? You should just go home."

"Keep leaving you here alone? I'm crazy," said Nindy before drinking the water that was on top of the drawer.

"How long did I sleep?" Laras asked when Nindy helped him to lean on the pillow.

"So long! I picked you up from Randi's house at around nine o'clock. And now you just woke up at two. What are you doing, Ras? Why did you faint in front of Randi's house? That's how your feet are bleeding again."

"Bloody?" Laras frowned.

"Yes, bleeding, when I brought you to this hospital, I saw blood coming out of your jeans. What blood is that, huh? Are you getting it?"

Laras thought. She wasn't ready to tell Nindy everything yet. About that night, about Randi, also about the child that is now in her womb.

Oh, or maybe with the bleeding that Nindy was referring to, that means Laras miscarried? And the fetus in her womb also disappeared with the blood? If so, maybe Laras will thank God every second for lifting such a heavy burden in his life.

"That blood... isn't it a lot? So what did the doctor say?" Laras asked carefully.

"There's not much blood, just the doctor bill--"


"Insolent child!! How dare you do something disgusting with a man who is not your husband?!"

Plakk!! Plakk!!

Yuni opened the door loudly, then screamed with all her might and slapped Laras on both cheeks until they turned red. Nindy who saw that immediately retreated back. Realizing that this is not the time for her to ask Yuni what the doctor said.

"Why are you silent? Answer!! Who is this lecherous man who did this to you, WHO?!"

Laras remained silent, not intending to answer at all. She uses hee right hand to hold her right cheek which feels very sore from Yuni's slap. She put her left hand beside her body. Not for nothing, but to keep from going crazy.

"Answer!! Who?!" Yuni pulled Laras hair hard.

"Ah! It hurts!!" Laras must have screamed when she felt a burning sensation on his scalp. One hundred percent sure if a lot of hair is pulled out due to this tuft.

"It hurts, you say? Where does it hurt more when you find out you are pregnant out of wedlock?!"

Nindy covered her mouth with her hand. Didn't expect what Yuni said. Laras pregnant out of wedlock? What kind of joke is this?

"Why are you stupid, Laras? Is this what you did to Randi, huh?!"

Randi? Nindy tries to relate all the complicated things here. Did Randi leave because Laras was said to be pregnant out of wedlock? Is this what made Laras faint in front of Randi's house? And the blood flowing from her feet, the blood from the bleeding?

Good grief! What's all this?

"Now, come with me to Randi's house!"

She released the infusion that was originally stuck on the back of Laras' hand. Until his blood splattered on the floor. Nindy could see Laras who grimaced when Yuni grabbed her hand. How her best friend held her stomach that looked very painful.

"Come on, you!!"


Nindy wants to help Laras to just avoid physical violence from Yuni. However, she could do nothing but follow them from behind.

The car driven by Yuni was speeding through the slightly deserted streets of Jakarta. Nindy kept biting her nails while still trying to drive well. Even though she had to desperately chase Yuni who was driving like a madman.

It didn't take long to reach Randi's house. The big house was still the same as it was this morning. The gate was still tightly closed with a padlock stuck in the middle.

"Randi!! Get out!!" Yuni screamed immediately after getting out of the car.

"Responsibility for all your depraved deeds to Laras!!" Yuni continued to scream, not caring about Laras who started to sob loudly.


"Go out!!" Again, Yuni dragged Laras roughly. "Randi!!! This is the woman you have stained! Now, she is pregnant with your child!!! Get out, take responsibility!!"

Silence. There was no answer other than Laras' sobs which were getting more and more sad.


"Yes, Aunty!! That's it!! Randi is gone!!" Laras screamed back. Her face was flushed red with the emotions that were bubbling up.

"Didn't you say anything? Run away?" Yuni's voice began to soften. Now she frowned at Laras who started to fall to the ground with her hands covering her face.

"I don't know, I don't know. Randi is gone, he can't say anything to me." Her cries grew louder, along with the drizzle that began to fall down the earth.

The rain was getting heavier, even though it was clear the weather was hot. Is this what is called the universe also crying with Laras?

"Haa!! Randi!!!" Laras shouted loudly. Her voice matched the sound of a heavy drizzle.

Yuni raised her head before rubbing her face roughly. "I can't understand it! How could I have a nephew as stupid as you? To get pregnant by a man who doesn't even want to take responsibility for his own actions."

Yuni squatted down, aligning her face with Laras. "I'm sure your mother will handle it hard up there, seeing her child have to endure such a huge disgrace like this. She will definitely regret giving birth to a stupid child like you."

Just like that, after saying a sentence that could make Laras scream louder, Yuni left Laras. Speeding the car so fast that the water under the wheels splashed at Laras.

"You stupid!!" Vile. Yuni even threw a piece of trash out the window, hitting Laras before the car started.

"Mommy!!! I'AM SORRY!!"

Nindy immediately ran to Laras. Squatting on the ground wet by the rain. Hugging her best friend's body shaking violently.

"I'm here, Ras. I'll always be by your side."

The two of them wept under the pouring rain, hugging each other to channel strength.