Pratama's Residence

It takes more than six hours to travel from Jakarta to Jogja. Both Laras and Nindy were still lying on the floor of the prayer room, where they rested after a tiring journey. Even though they took turns in driving the car, it still felt very sore. Legs that are cramping, as well as waist that hurts like an old man.

"If I know I'm going to be really tired like this, I'll just use a driver." Nindy complained. Along the way she kept nagging non-stop. Swearing at super long tolls, or even commenting on party billboards on the side of the road.

"Sorry, Nin. I don't want to bring anyone else, just me and you." Laras said guiltily.

"No, I just want to nag. Crazy, really tired. If Randi isn't home, we'll just wait for him to come home. I don't want to go back to Jakarta in vain." Laras nodded in agreement. Although in her heart he thought, if they did meet Randi, would Randi bother them? Or should there be a drama of contention first?

Laras massaged the bridge of her nose. Dizziness began to hit, followed by a feeling of nausea that he tried to suppress using her hands deeply. No, please don't act.

"Ehm, we haven't eaten yet, have we? No wonder I'm so emotional, it turns out that my stomach is rumbling."

Laras also actually hasn't eaten anything since morning. Because her original intention was to eat at the damn event, but it turned out that bad luck had hit her. Last night she fell asleep from exhaustion. Haven't had time to eat anything other than the pasta she ate at Yuni's birthday party.

"What do you want to eat? There seems to be someone selling it. Let me buy it, you just rest." Nindy stood up, hugged her pants many times to clean the dust that had stuck to them. She looked at Laras, where the woman was lying, with her hands wrapped around her stomach. Her eyes were closed, but Nindy knew that Laras was not asleep. She must have felt a pain in her stomach.

Then without waiting for Laras' answer, Nindy left to go to the shop. Bought two packs of rice and side dishes if it didn't make Laras nauseous.

"Here, eat first." Nindy held out a packet of rice to Laras who was still lying on the floor.

"I don't want to eat, Nin. You can eat it." Laras refused, still with her eyes closed.

"Get up first, eat. You're so weak," said Nindy as she forced Laras' hand to get up from her position.

Laras with a tired face, she looked at Nindy sadly. "Thank you." She said sincerely and then slowly opened the package of food.

Having just taken three bites, Laras got up immediately. Jogging towards the back of the prayer room, the place where the toilet is located. There, she was like a demon. Vomiting all the contents of her stomach not only once or twice until her body was made weak and fell on the bathroom wall.

She was crying, covering her face and mouth so as not to be heard from outside the bathroom. "Randi." She whispered.

It took Laras about five minutes to calm down, she finally came out of the bathroom and found Nindy washing her hands.

"It's been so long, what are you doing?"

"Dead," answered Laras nonchalantly.

"Alright, then finish your meal first. We'll continue to look for the address."

"Let's just go straight away, I don't have an appetite anymore."

"Are you full yet?" asked Nindy while noticing the look on Laras face.

"It's okay," answered Laras completely lying. Luckily she had brought her bag into the bathroom earlier, so she could apply lipstick to her pale lips. So, now her face looks fresh even though she had vomited violently like someone in a trance.

"Yeah, come on."

About twenty-five minutes, Nindy's car finally stopped in front of a classic-style house with shoulder-high black bangles surrounding it. Laras held her breath before she matched the address on the paper with the house number plate.


Instantly Laras's heart was pumping fast. It beats erratically, especially when a middle-aged man comes out of the house. His appearance was simple, only with a T-shirt and black shorts. But his face, very familiar in Laras eyes. Similar to Randi's father's face, which makes it possible that this is indeed his house.

So, where is Randi?

Was he fast asleep considering it was so hot today? Or he likes to eat delicious ice cream, or is watching his favorite cartoon. If true, it would be outrageous because here, Laras almost went crazy due to his sudden departure. So, if Laras meets Randi later, allow him to give the man a hard slap.

"Come on down." Laras asked after she felt she was ready for this.

"Are you sure?" Nindy asked doubtfully. The worry on his face was very obvious.

"Yeah. You said yourself, coming home from here, we have to get something. Okay, I agree. We have to get something, either acceptance or rejection." Laras spoke firmly, either to Nindy or herself. Because, for God's sake, her head was full of the terrible things that would happen when she got out of this car.

"Yeah, I'm always by your side."

The two of them descended simultaneously, treading the streets of Jogja for the first time on their own feet. Laras began to tremble, especially when her hand was about to move to touch the bell attached to the side of the gate.

"Me or you pressing?" asked Nindy.

"I don't."

Tet! Tet!

Twice, until a middle-aged man in the bamboo hall looked at them. Heartburn hit, dizziness plus nausea felt so thick. Looks like Laras' panic attack has recurred. So to calm down, Laras continued to bite the inside of her cheek until it bled. Salty and fishy mixed into one, she swallowed along with the saliva that entered his throat.

"Excuse me?!" Nindy shouted.

Seen, the middle-aged man who looks like Randi's grandfather is walking towards the gate. She frowned before moving her hand to open the large padlock used to lock the gate.


The creak of the iron being pulled sounded like a discordant sound in Laras' ears. She had time to hold Nindy's arm as a help so that she could still stand straight without wobbling. Really, it felt like Laras wanted to faint right now.

"Excuse me, I want to ask. Is this really Ms. Pratama's residence?" Nindy opened her voice, she made it as friendly as possible like a Jojga accent.

"That's right, I'm Pratama. Who are you and what do you need to find me for?"

For God's sake, instead of being relieved to be able to find the right address, Laras' heart was beating really fast. Especially when you hear the sound of the engine roaring from behind. When Laras turned around, her body seemed to become a statue.
