Market Research

Today there is research on marketing management. The activity consists of five people in groups and is carried out in a traditional market. Luckily, Laras was in the same group as Nindy, so she didn't have to take over much of the leadership. lBecause to be honest, after the day she found out about the fact that Panji only thought of her as a runaway, Laras's days became chaotic.

Many of her college assignments are neglected because she always spends time finding out about Panji and Ghina through social media. m But unfortunately, the traces of Ghina seem to have been completely erased. Because no matter how good Laras cosplay is as an IT programmer, she still doesn't find anything about Ghina. All she found was a photo of the girl during the student orientation period. It's also a very blurry photo, so Laras can't be sure if it's true that the girl named Ghina has a face that almost resembles her.

Laras' elbow was gently nudged by Riri, a very religious group of friends. "Don't keep daydreaming, the neighbor's chicken will die." Laras laughed a little hearing that. It's true, lately Laras daydreams a lot and sometimes doesn't know where to go. In the canteen, class, even the lecturer's room, Laras can still daydream.

Her thoughts were not far from Panji, her pregnancy and Randi. Why is Randi in third place? Because Laras' hopes for the boy began to fade slowly. Maybe Randi's attention has shifted to the presence of Panji who continues to be in her mind. The image of the man's face always danced in her head. How he treats Laras very gently, just like a bodyguard who always guards the royal princess.

"See, it's arrived. Don't daydream, Ras. It's okay to be sad, but don't drag it on, it's not good." Riri said softly as she opened the door.

Laras is no longer surprised if her other friend always manages to guess what Laras is feeling. Maybe it's because she's a gentle woman, so she knows what other women feel even if she doesn't tell her first.

Laras set foot on the paving block of the market parking lot. The pungent smells began to waft up to evoke a feeling of nausea from her stomach. The pungent smell of onions, tofu which smells like rotten, also fruit which unfortunately has durian and jackfruit. All the scents mixed together and required Laras to cover her nose with her hand.

"Here, masks." Nindy handed Laras a medical mask.

"Thanks." She said after putting the mask on. It doesn't get rid of the smell completely, but it does reduce nausea.

"Don't go near fruit vendors, you'll vomit. I'm confused as to what the reason will be." Nindy whispered before the five of them walked into the market.

Rizka, that annoying woman. Why did she have to be in the same group as Laras? Moreover, her style is always arrogant, as if she is good at doing anything. Makes Laras sick of seeing it. Silently, Laras stroked her flat stomach while whispering. Hopefully her future child will not have the character or face that looks like Rizka.

"Here, you better survey the fruit merchant." Suddenly, Rizka held out a paper that was placed on the exam board to Laras.

"Uh, why me?" Laras frowned.

"Yes, who else? It's just you who haven't got the target. Besides, it's really hard to be asked to brief." Annoyingly, Rizka spoke while forcing Laras to accept the paper.

"I already apologized, didn't I? I also explained the reason why I was late, why do you keep getting annoyed? Do you have a problem with me?"

Seeing the hot atmosphere, Nindy tried to intervene. "Eh, it's okay. Don't make a fuss here, be ashamed of people. Is it time for students to be noisy in the market?"

"Yes, this! Your friend is really annoying."

"Look at it, Sis! Who's bothering you, me or you?"

Riri took the initiative to take a middle ground. "If Laras doesn't want to, she can exchange with me."

"What target did you get, Ri?" Laras asked.

"Meat and fish seller." In her heart Laras immediately complained. Crazy meat seller, especially fish. Laras might vomit when she arrives.

"You don't have to, Ri. I'll just go to the fruit seller."

"Watch out, full-fledged fruit merchant."

"So what if it's not complete? Isn't it the same?" Nindy asked.

"Yes, let's make it clear, so we can get all the valid information. So that if the percentage keeps getting tricky questions, we can handle it."

Laras just said yes without denying more. Arguing with Rizka is like arguing with an idiot. Don't want to lose, don't want to be denied and always want to be right.

Laras held her breath when she came to a full-fledged fruit vendor like Rizka said. The nausea is now back when in front of her there is a durian that has been cut as a tester.

"Sir, excuse me? I'm Laras, a student from the next campus. Would you like to conduct a survey, would you please answer?" Laras asked politely.

"Yes you can, Sis. What do you want to ask?"

Laras started recording on her cellphone. She began to read out the questions the merchant answered. There were only three questions, but Laras had already been made nauseous by this damn durian. So, in a hurry, she took off the mask she was wearing.

"Sir, sorry. I have to go to the bathroom first. Where are you?"

"On the other end, Sis."

Without waiting any longer, Laras immediately rushed to the direction the man was pointing at. Damn, Laras stomach seemed to be stirring rapidly. So, she couldn't run. If only she ran, Laras might have vomited on the street.

Arriving at the bathroom, Laras almost fainted when zhe smelled a very strong smell of urine from inside one of the cubicles. Laras turned around, slightly ran to exit the market through the back street.

Quiet, beside the luckily dry gutter, Laras squatted. Spit up her guts there with a vengeance.

"Huekk!!" Laras massaged the nape of her own neck so that her throat would cooperate and immediately vomited what was stuck in it.

"Very sick." Laras whispered. She even had tears in her eyes when she remembered how the bathroom smelled earlier.


Laras head felt very dizzy. However, it seems the nausea is not over. Because when Laras was about to stand up, her mouth actually leaked clear water.

Laras felt like there was a strong jolt from inside her stomach. Struggling to be vomited immediately. Laras cried, she sobbed as she kept trying to vomit with satisfaction.

Between the tears, Laras felt a hand that was pressing the nape of her neck and holding her hair so it wouldn't droop down because Laras was squatting.

"Panji?" Laras moaned, she looked at who came with teary eyes. "Panji, I'm really sick. I want to throw up but I can't." Laras is crying. Then Panji pulled his body so he could be hugged.

Laras really sobbed in Panji's arms. Her tears covered the shirt the man was wearing. "I'm tired, I don't want to get pregnant. I don't want to be sick, I hate throwing up. Panji, I want to end it."

Laras squeezed Panji's shirt. Without a word, the man carried Laras' body instead. "Panji?!!"