Chapter 2

* Carlos *

From the first moment I entered the classroom, I realized it was going to be interesting. The class was awful in noisy children, no child listened except the pale child who was on the floor. When I looked into his eyes I saw something miserable in him. I signaled with my hand to sit down and started the lesson, during the whole lesson my eyes shifted between the disturbed child and the sleeping child in the corner of the classroom. During the lesson I told them the history of the people, the most boring lesson in life, but at some point in the lesson the boy annoyed me, he just slept all the time he did not open one eye, and the disturbed child did not stop harassing classmates or talking. So I took the tablet pen I had in my hand and opened it, in my right hand I held it and in my left hand, I held the cork. I raised my hand and all the glances were turned towards me with a puzzled look, except for the two of course.

"What the hell? Who dared to throw it??" He looked for the culprits, he did not imagine I did the so I said to him: "Me! And now stand up!" The boy smiled at me and said, "Why me?" I aimed the marker at him and said, "You're getting restrained! After class, you stay here!"

"What ??? Are you crazy?" The boy began to approach me in his furious voice, and the whole thing staged his walk like someone tough, but I struggled if older and tougher adults than him, so I approached him, put my hand on his shoulder, and in one second dropped him on the floor.

"Ahh... It hurts ..." The boy squirmed trying to let go he was screaming while I let him go.

"Of course?"

"You ... You ..." he looked at me with a whole hateful look, "release me or I'll tell you, my parents!"

"good luck to you!"

I released him and continued:" Sit down and see you at the end of the lesson" I got to my feet and walked over to the sleeping boy. I straightened my hand and hit his head, the boy quickly rose from panic and shock and stared at me, he was scared, he did not understand where the blow came from him, and more than that his eyes were beautiful honey green, he was pale and was seen to be tired, but I do not care! No one but no one slept for me in class.

"What is your name, child?"


"What??' I couldn't hear him so I screamed at him, he started to get on my nerves, not only did he create a scene before class but also in the middle of class and I was still asleep.

"Eithan, sir!" Sir? I love how that sound sounded to my ears, I started liking this kid with his innocence.

"Fine! You are captivated, stay at the end of the lesson!"

The boy did not respond he nodded to me slowly and looked at his desk, our eyes did not cross but he was strange and weak, I looked at his body and saw that he had bruises on his hands, and his hair was too cropped, and a wound appeared on his head. I turned around and said:

"Let me tell you, something kids!

I hate indiscipline! Disobedience, and especially rebellion.

In other words, do not try me, understand? "

My voice was aggressive, and loud the whole class stared at me in fear and that's what I needed, that they would be afraid of me, that they would not dare to do anything that they would listen to me differently just so I could carry out my plan. I got to the front of the class and looked at everyone and came to say something but the class bell rang. And they all rose quickly.

"Do not forget homework!" I shouted.

The students hurried out, all prevented from making eye contact, no one spoke or tweeted, but all fled, except for the disturbed child who was sitting at the table and despised me and the quiet child staring out the window.

I approached the disturbed child and said, "Your name?"


"Great, Eithan, Jaz until the end of the break I want a complete summary of the lesson, if I find out you're missing a detail you will regret it!" I did not let them respond, say something I just walked away. And I went to the nurses' room in the building

. When I got there I saw Oran sitting and checking someone's leg.

"I understand you're having fun!"


Oran quickly got up to greet me but I raised my hand in denial, looked at the injured boy, and asked, "What happened to him?"

"Sports lesson from a football game."

"It looks awful!"

"It's nothing!" Oran turned to the boy helped him stand, gave him crutches, and helped him walk, I always liked to see Oran's heart, Oran was more gentle than me but in battles, I do not want to be there, always both sides were opposite but gold what I like in him, no matter On which side he gets up in the morning, he does not show the other side during the day.

"I understand you got up well today!"

"Just shut up!"

Oran escorted the boy out and then closed the door and looked at me, "What do you want?" I smiled at him and leaned against the wall.

"Everything ready for dinner?"

"Yes," he nodded his hand throwing the bags and clearing the blood.

"The child has clearing and bleeding if you ask," he said.

"I did not ask, and it does not interest me"

"That's what I thought!" And Oran went to the drawer and took out documents.

"Everything's ready, Jaison found it there and I imagined you would like to see it, I snatched the documents from him, what's going on here? How long has it been going on already? How dare they? I wrinkled the page I felt my anger rising and the desire to murder someone.

"Call everyone!"

We'll get organized in the school hall and then we'll attack them in the evening! We will teach them what happens to those who steal my money! "

And I left designers out of the room. And went to make myself coffee after all I have two articles to read now, the thing I suffer the most. After I finished my coffee I went back to the classroom to see what was going on with the two students, as soon as I got to the class I heard screams, I came to open the door but I heard every explosion and I quickly opened the door, in front of me I saw three students Eithan Jaz and another child, Eithan was on the floor Bleeding in the head, his hand was a boy who touched his leg and saw that it hurt him, and Jaz who smiled a devilish smile.

"You should not have gone back! And you, too, Rosen, do not interfere!"

My anger burned in me, Jaz got on my nerves, and how he dared to do it, what I told him, all I asked for articles it was not supposed to be that hard. So I walked towards him and cleared my throat.


Their faces turned towards me and in one second Eithan trembled and a boy tried to get up, a Jaz who picked me up smiled at me and said: "You came? Fine! He is the one who started the mess, he is the culprit" and pointed at Eithan.


As soon as the teacher left the class the tremor hit me, the knowledge and I knew I was going to get punished, and then they would tell my father. And not only that but the fact that Jaz and I are the only ones left here. I looked quickly at the whole class Rosen was nowhere, he was gone, where is he? Rosen? Rosen? Rosen? And in great fear to see who the shadow was in front of me, I saw Jaz smiling, he threw a blank sheet on the table and knocked on it.

"Write!" He scream, my body was still shaking with fear, my hands were shaking holding the pen, but I did not know what to write, I was not in class, my head hurt at the time, I felt powerless, weak, and tired, I was tired in class, I did not sleep all night, I was responsible for Filling glasses for my father, for washing dishes. I spilled in class and now I did not know what to do, how to get out of this situation.

"I cannot" I whispered.

"what did you say?" He knocked on the table angrily again, pulling my hair inward, and I screamed in pain.

"I fell asleep in class I have no idea what was in class ..." I tried hard to finish the sentence but before I finished it, Jaz slapped me and I fell from the chair to the floor and fell by the sore one. A cry of pain erupted from me but I did not have time to respond and Jaz hit him in the stomach. And from the pain I coughed, tears began to come out of me, the pain was unbearable, bruises healed in the past came back to hurt, my weak heart weakened, even more, I was never Eithan I could never stand in front of someone I was always the one who snatched the blows always weak, me. I am...

"A son of a bitch! A useless maniac!"

He grabbed my shirt and lifted me, my legs would be in the air and with one hand gave me a punch and cheek and I collapsed to the floor again, the taste of blood appeared in my mouth, I spat blood on the floor, raised my head but a chair hit my head and hit the floor.


Rosen's voice was heard in the distance, my vision blurred I could not see or move, only sounds of beatings and falling things, I blinked several times to see something but blood entered my eye and burned, I touched my forehead to see the blow level but as soon as I touched I was sorry, the pain penetrated me, and I understood That I'm going to suffer a house. I was not allowed to get injured today, my father explicitly warned me what would happen if I came injured, and he gave me explicit instruction. I could not, I was scared, and I was terrified, what will I do now? How will I get home? What will I do? I widened my eyes until I could see something, and focused on Rosen, who was lying on the floor with his leg injured and bleeding, gas was over him with a bottle of minerals, and his foot stepped on Rosen's foot.

"Stop it !!" I shouted, no more beatings, please. "Stop fighting, stop please .." I begged both of them, both of them would always get into a complicated situation because of me, Jaz would abuse me and Rosen would snatch the locals the blows. In a moment they both looked at me, I came to say what is but as a sore throat behind me and that I turned around to see who it was and saw that it was the teacher. Before I or Rosen took a step or said Jaz said:

"Did you come? Fine! Ethan is the one who started the mess, he is the culprit" and pointed at me, he always becomes like that, teases me, and then blames me, the teacher looks furious he approached me and looked at our threesome.

"Who are you?" The teacher pointed at Rosen whose leg was still being crushed by Jaz, Rosen came to say something but saw that he was suffering from pain in his leg. The teacher approached Jaz.

"Release him!"

Jaz released him without hesitation and I understood what the technique was, to be the good boy to blame me, Jaz looked at me with a warning and hinted to me to be quiet, Rosen started to stand and I hurried to help me and when we both stood the teacher looked at Rosen.

"Who are you?"

"I will not ask again! "

"I'm Rosen!"

"Rosen, tell me, is what Jaz says true or not?"

I looked at Rosen, I did not know what he would say, he knew where the coin was moving on both sides, what would happen if he told the truth or lied. And I waited quietly for his answer.

"No, teacher!"

The teacher nodded and then looked at the table where I sat, blood dripped on him and both of our pages were on him, and I swallowed, what was going to happen to both of us? What will he do now? Before that, the teachers would just turn a blind eye because they knew there was nothing to do with the situation...


"Yeah .." Jaz looked stressed he did not know what was going to happen. He did not get into this situation for a long time, the only teacher who managed to hold him thin was two years ago.

"Sit down!" He ordered him and Jaz did so, I started to lead Rosen towards the yeshiva but the teacher stopped me with his hand: "Go to the clinic! You need treatment!"

I nodded quickly, did not want to procrastinate so I went with Rosen to the clinic.