Chapter 14:


my head is pounding, I blinked, my body trembled in huge worlds, my heart pounded once, I squeezed my legs and hands, at least they are alive, I opened my eyes a bit to identify the area, then I looked to the sides, a beeping machine sound was heard and in front of me was an infusion, I blinked again and rubbed my eyes. In great pain, I sat down on the bed with my body resting on the pillow. And I found myself in a hospital, doctors, and nurses running down the hall, the door was open, the window in my room was open and the door to the bathroom was closed. I raised my hands a little they were bandaged. I shifted the blanket, someone treated me wounds to bring me here, the question is who, I tried to remember what happened, but my head rang my hand rested on my head and I felt dizzy.

Yesterday I was in the park and then I saw Tailos but what happened next, my hard had Headaches. Luckily my urban was not connected so I proceeded gently to the shower to wash my face.

I went out to the room after a few minutes and looked out the window, it was already morning outside, and then I realized. I realized I was late, and that I had to go home, probably my dad would kill me and Rosen was looking for me. I can not stay here. I have to get out of here. I put on my flip-flops and walked down the hall, I came out but I bumped into someone.

I raised my head and saw one of the nurses smiling at me.

"I see you woke up"5 Hu

I smiled at her and said, "Excuse me but I have to go…"

I came to take a step but she grabbed my hand.

"Sorry but I can not let you go"

I looked at her in misunderstanding.

"You still need treatment, one cop should come and interrogate you!"

"A policeman? Why a policeman?" What happened when I slept, why is there a policeman here? What does he already know, how much I got involved. I can not stay here, the situation will only get worse.

"Thanks for the concern but I have to…"

A shadow of a man emerged from my mind I raised my head and saw the policeman in front of me.

"What's going on here?" The policeman folded his hands to wait.

"He tried to run away, he's confused."

"I'm not confused, I have to go home, I have to get home before…"

The pressure overcame me, I shivered, my hands contracted, I did not look at anyone, my eyes looked at the floor.

"Hey, boy?" I raised my head slightly and looked at the policeman.

"What is your name?"

"Eithan…" I stammered.

"Come in for a few seconds" I hesitated, I did not want to go in, I did not want to stay. The longer I stay like this the greater the punishment. But I also knew what would happen if I did not stay so I nodded.

The nurse released the grip and I started to go back to the room, but as soon as I entered I stumbled. A second before I hit the floor someone put his hands on my chest and prevented me from falling.

The "caution" the policeman supported me and helped me sit on a bed.

"Thanks" I stammered.

The nurse approached us and examined the leg in case I was not injured or I further injured my leg.

"Eithan, what's the last thing you remember?"

I looked at him for a few seconds to remember and then I replied, "I remember that I was in the park. Then I talked to…" I let out a sigh of pain, headaches, my hands rested on him and tried to keep the pain out. The pain was sharp and prickly I tried to stop but it got stronger.

"Hey, are you okay?" I raised my head slightly and the nurse was in front of me.

I nodded slowly, and the pain weakened.

"I do not remember .." I replied to him.

"Okay, just a young couple found you unconscious in a wounded and weak garden and signs of rape"

I bowed my head, I did not know how to answer him, I also could not tell them that it is my father because I have already experienced it, I know what happens when the police intervene, how it begins and how it ends, that I am all beaten to death and starving to death.

"To be unconscious for three days" and here my world missed because that's the last thing I wanted to hear. Knowing I was absent for three days.

"And when can I go home?" I asked them, "You can not ..." One of the doctors in the ward appeared at the door.

"You need care and I need you to call your guardian, I have some questions to ask him"

No, no, not again, Dad can not come here, there is no chance, if he finds out if he will come..I...I...

A quick shiver shook my body, I cramped my stomach in pain, my chest went up and down, my body tried to stop the attack, his breathing was heavy, I tried to breathe normally, I tried to breathe fine but the harder I tried it the harder I lived, my eyes began to blur so I tried to hide as much as possible You're on the attack, fight him, stop him. And not to be sluggish. Until my world become dark and I collapsed.