Chapter 19:

The next morning I got a call from a hospital that said that Eithan is being released, and I was angry about it, He is sick, from fluid, so why is he going home? What his dad thinks he does, he's just exaggerating. The car I was driving out of nervousness had already reached 100 km / h and I did not care about the rules, from the people I just wanted to get to the hospital quickly to stop his father from releasing Eithan home.

About half an hour later I parked the car in the parking lot and walked towards Eithan's room. I got into the elevator that for some reason was empty and I clicked on the floor where Eithan was, after a few seconds the elevator opened and I came out but I saw Rosen.


"Rosen? What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you!"


"Because Eithan told me what happened when he disappeared" My body tensed very quickly, and my curiosity increased.

"What happened?"

"No , let's go to the porch," Rosen behaved strangely, his thoughts wandered and he seemed preoccupied, apparently it's something too serious, and I hope for his father that it's not what I think because I'm the second to pull the trigger and kill him .. After a few minutes of hers Quiet walk we went out to the porch and leaned against the railing.

"I'm not supposed to tell you that… Eithan would not like the idea but I had to share an adult…"

"And why not your father?" His father was more interested in me than he was, he knew more about the state of the relationship between Eithan and his father, he knew more about what was going on here, and how to proceed.

"Because my father is busy with my mother"

"I understand ..." and I continued: "What did Eithan tell you?"

I looked at Rosen and waited for an answer, Rosen leaned against the railing heavily breathing deeply his eyes looked to the horizon.

"He told me that after he came home from school the day he fainted his father locked him in a room for 6 hours"

My eyes opened, the words hit me, the anger prided me on a terrible level, and how dare he hurt him.

"WHATTTT???" I screamed.

"It did not hit ..."

I stopped myself from saying anything because I so wanted to know the sequel so I kept quiet.

"His father beat him with a belt and other things and so did his friends"

"Whose friends?"

"Pit's" Rosen clenched his fists in his pocket and sorrow, saw on his face that he felt sorry for Eithan and wanted to do something about it.

"And one of his father's friends beat him… and a few days ago also raped him."

The words did not come out of me, I clenched my fists to a bloodbath, he had a feeling for his father but I did not think it went far.

"Why don't the police intervene??"

"Because they've done it already ..."

"What do you mean?"

"As soon as his father found out anyone else knew or the police were involved he would kill Eithan" Rosen covered his eyes. "I no longer know what to do… while Eithan is suffering"

I watched Rosen sobbing he was really helpless, he wanted to do to Eithan but he did not know how.

"And it turns out that Eithan fainted in the street and was brought here" and Rosen cried, his heart went out, and sadness took over me, everyone wanted to help Eithan but did not know how. But in my opinion the best way is to eliminate his father. Although it will cause more chaos, after all it should come from them the desire to be free from his father.

"Rosen…" I swelled on his back and continued:

"I understand your heart, I understand you because I also want for his benefit. But as long as Eithan is not willing to take this step we must not intervene"

"But...but...he suffers...he is beaten… he is bruised...what he expressed…" Rosen's words began to go wrong, he could not insert a word.

"I know… it's not easy especially having the affair with your mom"

I took Rosen to me and let him sob and take it all out. I looked at the sky and decided, I have to make Eithan understand that he cannot stay there and it is too dangerous and unhealthy.


When Rosen closed the door behind him and left me and my father alone a chill went through my body.

"I hope for you you did not think of something stupid!"

I shook my head. My father stood there and did nothing but just crossed his arms and it stressed me out, what he was going to do to me, what was going on here, what he was planning.

"Why are you still waiting???" he screamed at me, and the scream startled me and made me jump out of bed.

"I've already signed the documents, go ahead!"

I nodded at him, put on my shoes and stood, my mind began to imagine what was going to happen to me at home, with what object he was going to murder me, after All in all he heard the conversation between us, he was very well aware of what had happened and what was being said between me and Rosen, in other words he knew what had happened to me after I left the house.

My father left the room and I followed him, I raised my head a little I saw in front of me Rosen with tears in his eyes, and the teacher next to him. He came to say something but I signaled him no, and it's not the time now, and later. If Rosen shaved now it would only make the situation worse especially with the teacher. After all the teacher and my father will never get along.

"Eithan how are you feeling?"

"Better" I smiled, even though it was a lie and a lie , I'm wrong my body hurts and bruises , my heart beats at insane speed, and I'm all scared of what's going to happen to me.


"EITHANNN" "The scream echoed throughout the hallway so without saying anything I approached my father and waved them goodbye. When I got to my father, I saw him stop at the counter to sign documents of release.

"Eithan?" I looked back and saw the doctor in front of me handing me a bag.

"There are pills here to help you with the pain. I tried to convince your father to stay but I couldn't."

Obviously you will not succeed, my father in life will not take his eyes off me, especially not now.