Chapter 21:

* Carlos *

I knocked hard on the door in front of me, knocked with tremendous intensity to break the door ,my body boiled, as soon as the news reached my ears about Eithan's release I ran to his jouse . There's no way I'll let this son of a bitch be with Eithan and let him beat him. My gun was pulled out I was ready to shoot him as soon as the door opened while i enter Oran and my mens stood behind me and we were on alert to open the door.

"Relax Big Boss!" Oran tried to calm me down, to take the frustration out of me but I did not let him influence me, I wanted to murder him, I wanted to make this bastard suffer just like his son.

"Calm down " Before I could answer the door opened and Eithan's father appeared, I did not linger and pushed him in and walked, my eyes began to scan the house. The whole house was shaky, the floor was dirty, the smell of alcohol flooded the house, empty bottles of beer were thrown on the floor and my eyes were caught and stared at a pool of blood that was on the floor and I ran, my feet took me towards the blood droplets that were, if I find out he did anything he goes Sorry about that.

"Carlos !! Wait…." Oran and Jaison's voices were behind me and I let them pass me, and I trusted them to arrest the father and the man who was with him. I kept going forward I did not want to listen to them, I was not ready, I did not want to either. I had to know that Eithan was fine.

"Eithan!!" I shouted, I opened the room at the end of the slope, And in front of me I saw Eithan wearing a cut and everything was full of blood.

"What the hell ????? What happened to you???"

Eithan was startled and dropped the bandage, he looked at me in fear and awe, he did not understand what I was doing here, but how I found out. I start to move towards him to get him out of here but something grabbed my hand. I turned around to see who the cheeky man wanted a bullet in the head and saw Eithan's father angry and screaming at me.

"What are you doing?" He stood up straight and blocked my way "Who gave you permission to break out? Get out right away!!"

"Oran!" I clenched my fists to avoid hitting Pit.


"Bandage his hand and take him to the mansion!" Oran did not say anything and I understood that he received the message. I turned my whole body to my father and said "and you're coming with me! Jaison" Pit's hands were quickly damaged Jaison dropped him to the floor and ground him, I did not want to create a commotion here, I looked at him and motioned for him to take him.

"Hey release me !! Release me!!"

"You son of a bitch! You'll still pay for it!"

Pit screamed all over the world and he tried to squirm". It's because of you!! It's because of you!!! You bastard!! I wish you would die, useless boy! You will still pay for it" my hand fly and slap is face, and he collapsed those words made Demi bubble designers and I gave him a punch in the stomach to shut up.

"You have lucky your son is here!"

"Eithan !!"

I turned my head quickly back, and Eithan was unconscious in Oran's hands, I ran towards them and took Eithan from Oran's hand, "What happened??"

"He fainted from blood loss, he needs a hospital"

I got to my feet with him in my arms and said, "Let's go to my house, call the doctor."

Oran nodded, we both knew what would happen if Eithan returned to the hospital now, the police would intervene, welfare would arrive and in the worst case Eithan would go to the charter, and I did not want it so I took him to my house.

I put him in my van which is all hot and breathing heavily, they put Pit and Arnon in the other car and we drove, "drive the fastest" I said to Oran, and Oran said nothing but just drove and I looked at Eithan who was lying motionless.

"Just so you know I got answers about an hour ago"

"Answers to why?"

"About Pit and three night before three days"

My attention was quickly diverted to Oran and I waited for him to say something.

"It turns out that his father told Eithan for money and drugs to his friend to fuck him"

"What ?? Are you sure?"

"Yes, we bribed one of Dad's friends"

I looked at Eithan again and stroked his hair, who dares to do this to you, how dare HE? I will kill one by one, I will make them pay!

Oran parked the car in the parking lot after half an hour. I untied Eithan's belt, picked it up by me and gently dragged it to bed.

"Let me do it "

"Do not need!" I protested, "I can do it myself!" I told him, there is no chance I will let anyone take care of them, I will not release him there is no chance.

"D… A… D…" Eithan began to mumble words I looked at him for a second and his lips moved, his body dripping with sweat.

"Oran! No one touches them until I reach!"

"Okay" Oran opened the mansion door for me, the door opened the maids were waiting for me and the doctor next to them. The doctor came to our room and I gently laid Eithan on the bed.

"He's suffering from blood loss," I said.

"yes sir, let me take care of him" My hands did not release Eithan's hands, I could not, I wanted to stay next to him I wanted to find out he was fine, I did not want to release him.

"Carlos .. Let him do his job…they will be fine" I closed my eyes tightly and breathed, trusting the doctor with my eyes closed I knew he was the only one who could save him but I was afraid of losing him even though I know him less than a month. Having no choice, I released his grip and left the room. A vibration was felt in my pocket and I took it out and Jasion was on the show.



"Arnon ran away… he hit some of our men and disappeared"

"What????" I screamed, "How the hell did you let this happen! Jason I swear to you I'm going…"


I turned my head towards the doctor who called me.

"If you want yo scream so not here" and I understood the message so I went out

"How did it happen?" i ask Jaison

"He had a gun" My eyes widened