WebNovelYear 20XX46.15%


It's the year 20XX and I'm right now hiding in a random building as shelter. Its been 2 days since I got separated from my friends. I was staring at the watch Joel gave me. The dots were spaced out but I knew they were still in the same town. "Wonder how everyone are," I mumbled and took a sip of the energy drink that somehow still hasn't expired. The dots all stopped moving an hour ago when the sun started setting.

I chugged the rest of my drink and laid down beside Kai who had fallen asleep a few ago. What put me at ease was how Kai was such a quiet kid, he barely cried and slept well throughout our journey. He didn't make a fuss either. I closed my eyes and started to drift off, my head filled with thoughts of how my friends were doing out there.

What I didn't know was how Joel had gotten injured protecting Ria from a zombie they ran into or how Ria had cried and blamed herself for his injury. How he kissed her to shut her up and fallen asleep immediately after or how she finally realised how much she adored him.

Another pair that I was oblivious to what they were doing was Vic and Rosh. I wondered whether Rosh had told Vic about her crush on her or if she kept it a secret like she always did. How I wish someone would tell her that Vic actually had eyes for Alex. What do I say and Alex has a crush on dear old Rosh. What a confusing situation, right?

Would Alex have teased Val about the confession and got his ass kicked for it? What I didn't know was that Val did kick Alex's ass for the exact reason. What I also didn't know was how Val and Alex protected each other despite that. How Val forced Alex to eat while Alex tried to starve himself to keep more food for Val.

I don't know how many hours its been but I was woken up to Kai crying. I woke up and changed his diaper, not something I'm too fond of. I'm pretty sure no one is but well I got a busy day ahead of me. I made him his formula and fed it to him. I ate some food myself, amazingly stored beef jerky and dried fruit. I gathered my stuff up and got up to get out of this rundown town.

The sun shined bright and the moss growing at the side of buildings seemed happy with their lives, I walked sneakily on the top of building. Very dangerous but also safe from zombies. I had my trustworthy bat with me and a baby so what could go wrong right? I checked my watch and it seemed like I would be the first one out of town. I picked up the pace and walked faster.

"What's the hurry there?" I recognized the voice immediately and stopped. "Vic, Rosh." I exclaimed, turning to them both. "You're impossible to catch up to, kid." Vic joked and pulled my into a hug, that is also while being cautious of the kid who's strapped to my body. I waved at Rosh who waved back and gave a warm smile. "I missed you guys," I chuckled and left go of Vic. "Us too, we were worried about you both too." Rosh nodded, conforming to what Vic said.

"Let's walk and talk, Kai gets a little excited when we stop walking for more than five minutes," I scratched my head and we continued walking, jumping from one roof to another. I looked more closely at the two girls and realized that Rosh had a bandage wrapping her arm. "What happened?" I asked concerned and Vic explained.

"When we first got out, we ran from the theater. When we were sure no zombie followed us, we took a break. A piece of concert fell and I didn't notice so Rosh blocked the hit for me, injuring herself while doing so." Vic's face darkened while explaining, I guess she didn't like that Rosh got injured trying to protect her.

I peeked at Rosh who looked like she didn't regret it one bit, I smiled sadly, if only she knew who Vic liked. "I'm thankful but it probably hurts a lot," she looked down while probably thinking back to what happened. I just kept quiet and we continued on our way. We stopped once for lung but kept on our way. When I last checked the watch, it seemed like we were close to the others which was amazing.

An hour right before the sun set, we made it to the new town. We found a huge shopping complex which was deserted by both humans and zombies. We decided we should wait there for the others and make it our new shelter. I spent the night talking to the girls about what happened in the last two days.

"So you broke it's neck and started running?" I asked Rosh who nodded proudly and signed something which Vic translated. "She's asking whether you came across any zombies." I thought for a second and answered, "not one, I did my best to hide away from any. Can't risk getting little Kai in trouble, right?" They both chuckled and agreed. "Our little guy is way too precious to be put in any sort of danger" Vic smiled and rubbed the sleeping boy's head.

"He really does sleep a lot," a familiar voice echoed through the place. I smiled and ran up to them. "See I told you I'll keep my promise," I grinned and Val just smiled like a dork. "I missed you," he pulled me in for a kiss, this one longer and more passionate than the one before. His hands held onto my waist, pulling me closer to him. My arms wrapped around his neck while our lips just mingled with each others. "Get a room," Alex's commented separated us and I just smiled the brightest with really red cheeks.