WebNovelYear 20XX76.92%


It's the year 20XX and I'm right now still interrogating the group of idiots. The other two idiots names were Isaac and Carmel. "So I know your names, now I need to know why you started the fight. Tell me," I pointed at Isaac who gulped nervously and seemed to hesitate. "Answer now or you can do so later on but you just wouldn't get any food," I shrugged and said in a fake sympathetical tone.

"Don't say a word," Will glared and Isaac got more scared. "Don't worry about him, he's as helpless as a baby." I joked and pointed to Kai who was still with Vic. "Papa," Kai called and reached out to me, I picked up Kai and gave him a few kisses. Someone cleared their throat, who? I don't know but it was a good thing they did. I handed Kai to Val, "Can my little cutie wait here with Uncle Val?"

Kai nodded and I messed with his raven hair before turning back to the idiots. "So?" Isaac took a deep breath in and nodded. "We're from two towns away, our place was infected with zombies like anywhere else but something was really wrong there." The whole building was silent as he paused, the other idiots were staring at him like they're begging him not to tell us.

"Continue on," Val urged and Isaac nodded, he took in another deep breath. "Since we were the only ones in our town still alive and human, we would count the daily total of zombies. Obviously it should have decreased right? Well it didn't, it was until a week ago." By now everyone was gathered close to us and listening serious.

"It first started with ten then it was twenty then thirty, it was like they were migrating and we tried killing them. We had to leave our home and we came here. We noticed you guys two days ago, we didn't know how to tell you guys about the situation so we figured it would be easier if we sacred you guys out of this town." Isaac finished explaining and had his head down. "Forgive us for everything we said, we didn't mean any of that. Your baby is adorable and I'm actually a lesbian. We're sorry," Emily apologized and so did the others.

"How can we trust you guys? You could be lying and we wouldn't know," Joel snarled but I stopped him, I don't think they're lying about this. "I think they're not lying. Remember when I first met you guys months ago? My old shelter attacked by a huge group of zombies that came out, I was the only one who could escape but a few still followed me till our old home." I recalled and Val took my hand into his, I guess he did remember me saying I don't like talking about it.

"And when those zombies that broke into the theater." Ria reminded and I nodded. "Zombies are mindless creatures. If there's something that scare them then its probably something big." Carmel spoke up and I agreed with what he said. "He's right, these creatures are running on pure instinct so that means this thing is probably dangerous."

Rosh then snapped her fingers catching our attention, the started signing to let us know that since their claims are probably true we should untie them. "She's right," Vic said and pulled her pocket knife out. "Yo what did she say? We told you guys the truth," Will's face was filled with horror and the others were just shaking. "We're sorry, please let us go." Ria snickered and Joel signed to tell us about a prank he thought of.

For once Val actually approved one of Joel's little pranks. "Now time to discard these idiots," Val shrugged and played along with Joel. "Wait, can I do it instead?" Alex asked with a sadistic grin and I trying so hard to hold back my laughter, I thought of a way to get away from them so I don't ruin the joke. "I'm taking Kai for his nap," I took Kai who was half asleep from Val's hands and went over to his crib to lay him down. "Tell everyone good night, little guy."

"Nigh nigh, Al, Vi, Lele, Ro, A'i, Jo." I giggled and put the sleepy guy in his crib. "Please, we're good people, we even warned you guys." I chuckled and rushed back to them. "Okay guys, I think they're all gonna shit themselves." I said right as Alex and Vic freed two of them. "Dude," Joel put his arms on my shoulder and continued, "you're such a buzz kill."

I rolled my eyes and pushed Joel away from me, "they were scared shitless. Besides they want to help us. Wasn't it already bad enough I injured them horribly?" I noticed that Vic was getting along greatly with the idiots. "Get them food, we can discuss about the upcoming danger after." Val chased Joel away and gave me a small kiss kiss on my forehead. "They deserved it so don't sweat about it."

I nodded and listened to him, he gave me another kiss, this one made me giggle. Alas, our moment was ruined, "They're such a cute couple." I looked lazily at Emily who was the one that screeched. "Are you guys dating?" Jason asked and I shook my head. "Not yet, soon." I said smiling like a dork.

"You're such a dork," Val laughed and I just laughed along with him. "I maybe a dork but I am your dork, amore mio."