I stood outside the gate as I was trying to get access to my phone, the gate miraculously opened. I called my mother to let her know that I had arrived since she was scared that I was going to get lost. She was relieved,, but I was not home, so there was still something that she was still worried about, I could hear by the tone of her voice.
As I reached the door, I noticed that Tlo was not nearby. I left him a message before I could enter. The lady opened the door and I got in. In no time, she was already asking me what I want my dress to look like. I showed her the picture of what I wanted, all she told me was ,I got taste.
"This is a great taste, I must say. Do you perhaps what to be a designer, fashion star? This will pretty cost . I mean, the fabric of the dress is expensive and exclusive, you cannot just get it anywhere. This will cost about 15 thousands"She said confidently with a smile.
The only thing that disturbed me was the costs, mind I am black. Raised in an average family, even if my parents could afford it, but I don't think this is what I want, I still have to think about my hair, make-up, heels not to mention the transportation fee.
I smiled to hide my real emotions, "I think that's pretty expensive, but everything with beauty doesn't come cheap. We can take measurements, but I will still have to talk to my parents when I get home, and that's then we will give you our final decision."
She did not hesitate, she started taking the measurements. After she was done, she escorted me out of the house. I walked myself out of the gate and wsited for Tlo.
As I wait, I called my mom and let her know what was happening. After it felt like thirty minutes I texted Tlo, and it looked like he could not get his way here, he seemed lost. I had to send my live location for him.
After a while, an hour, a car stopped in-front of me. The windows rolled down, I tried to keep my eyes and my attention to my phone, but I could not.
I lifted my eyes and moved them from my screen and looked at what was infront of me. The car door opened and a medium man stepped out. I drooled in him, I could not resist the charm.
He had lifted chest, his arm were masculine, so was his legs. He was well-built. His legs gave me goosebumps when I shifted my eyes on his lower body, I was met by a well-built angle, charming,calming and handsome face. He intimidates me a bit,, but I was unable to let him see that. He was not what I expected, well he looked handsome on pictures but what I was looking at in front of me was beyond ha front of he was attractive. No women could resist all this.
He pulled me with a hug." I am sorry for letting you wait, I will probably make it up to you one day." His voice made my body weak. How can one be gifted with more than one charm, wasn't his sexiness enough, surely God knew what he was doing with him?
I tried to adjust to the situation, I tried to give it in,, but I was still in denial. I could not believe what I was seeing, even though I was still mno at him for making me wait for an hour. We exchanged greetings. We both decided to go to Rosebank mall where we could sit and have a proper conversation.
When we finally got to Rose bank, we could not know what to do. I was not familiar with the place. He decided we go to a candy shop. He bought everything he needed and decided that we go to steers for ice cream since we were both not in the mood for a heavy meal. He bought the ice cream and found a comfortable table to sit on. When we finally settled, that's where everything started to hit up.
"Well, it is finally nice to see what I have been longing to see. I am delighted with what I am seeing, not that physically features are important,, but that's what first attracted me to check your profile. I know I have already, but this is different, my name is Tlotliso Maatla originally from Limpopo from a small town as I told you."
He brushed my hand since we were sitting next to each other.
My blood rushed as his hands was on my hand, this man has too much affection for me, and it affects me badly. Him being next to me makes me weak. It let me leave everything behind and puuh everything away, and let me live the moment.
"I am glad myself that I finally see the gentleman behind that messenger text. Zandile Mthombeni is the girl you got attracted to, maybe someone who you will be pleased to call a friend one day. And you look more handsome than those pictures you sent me." There I finally said it, my tongue might have slipped, but you can't resist a good thing when you see one. I looked at him with my shy eyes,, but I wanted to see what has been making me weak. His look is what I could not get used to. Who am I fooling, Obviously it's my first time seeing this guy,, but my soul was already attached to him. It felt like I had met him on some different universe.
"You a bit shy I must say. When we spoke over the phone you really intimidated me with your sassy, I versioned you as a rude not in a bad way, but I am quite surprised yet pleased. You sweet, I think this is the reason I still have this question,, but it's for the last. All I want to know is what you are really into in general?"he turned his body to me. He pierced his brown eyes on me.
I fully gerund not only the basics but the in-depth meaning of myself. There wasn't much since I had no skulls in the closet. It wasn't easy for me since I am one that is not happy with their feelings to be fully known. I believe people take advantage of somebody who is vulnerable in any circumstances.
"You pretty a relaxed yet indusium person who is open to everything that elevate their knowledge state. I believe that you being with me will be perfectly fine with each other.So, my question is can you be my girlfriend since I have done what you wanted me to do?"
At some point, I knew he was going to ask that question because that's what he has been wanting from me. I had elaborated much of myself to him and truly speaking, I didn't think he was going to propose that question what I have said. But nevertheless I had to say something.
" At this moment I would not mind if we continue with this, but maybe as friends. I really don't know you much for me to move to that level yet. I need to get to know you much better and from there maybe we can talk about your proposal."
"I thoroughly understand, we should not rush this. But if you change your mind, let me know." His genuinely respond melted my heart. He is understanding yet too ardent.
We continued debating about linguistics, since we both had the same interest in things. It was pretty astonishing how one's brains can be fully exposed when you get to deeps topics.Yes, he is intelligent and an open person and that right there I needed to keep him close.It's always interesting when you learn two or more things from your lover. Wise boyfriend are always attractive.
When it started to get late, and I was getting a bit cold, so he suggested we leave and go home. As we were still waiting for our rides, I got closer to him.
"I'm feeling cold" that right there I could not keep it to myself. He hugged me tightly and gentle.
My soul diverted to heaven.
As I was still enjoying the moment, my rider came first, so I had to leave him behind. Before I could get inside the car, he hugged me again and kissed my forehead for a goodbye.