Ch 7 : Sanada Vs. Team 6 (2)


Sanada kicked Hibachi, who was the first to get close to him.

The difference in the physique of Jonin and Genin was just way too far, especially for the case with Sanada, who has the full knowledge of Murloc Karate.

Sanada was ready to greet the second person, but at this moment, he saw multiple kunai and shuriken were flying toward him from the corner of his eyes.

It was Ami who threw them this time.

Sanada easily dodged them, but Sakura and Ami reached Sanada almost simultaneously, ready to engage him in combat.

The synergy of the two girls was pretty good as it was the first time they battled together.

Nonetheless, even after the two combined their effort, they still couldn't possess any harm to Sanada.

Sanada easily blocked Sakura's punches, and as for Ami's, Sanada just needed to tilt his body a bit to fully avoid them.

" Sakura, haven't you eaten anything yet? Your punch is way too weak. And for Ami, you need to control your movement a lot better. There are too many wasteful movements in your attacking style."

Even with two people besieging him, Sanada could still have the time to tutor them, and it somehow made the inner Sakura fly in rage.


At this moment, Sanada no longer took her punch and easily avoided it.

Sakura's punch entirely missed its target, and she lost her balance a bit. But this image somehow reminded Sanada of the Shippuden Sakura. He still clearly remembered the scene in the anime where the ground would crack every time she punched, and this somehow gave a shiver to his mind.

' For the one who will marry Sakura in the future, I give you my deepest condolences.' In the regular timeline, Sakura would marry Sasuke. But now, Sanada thought that the chance it would be happening was pretty small as the two no longer was on the same team, and the emotional entanglement should soon go away as time passed.

Just when Sanada fell into this mood, Sakura, who had just regained her balance from the missed attack, also saw this opportunity and caught the flaw.

"It's finally our chance!" Shouted Sakura to her teammate.

" Eh.. what!?" Sanada heard Sakura's shout and was awoken from his daze, but it was a bit too late this time.

The first kunai that Hibachi threw was actually just a decoy, and in fact, it was Hibachi who was hiding using transformation jutsu.

Sanada's position was now directly exposed from three directions, and the three were ready to use their best moves.

" Water style: Wild water wave!!"

" Multiple shuriken throwing techniques!"


Sanada finally realized how bad the situation was for him, but even now, Sanada could still have a smile on his face.

" You three passed. Now let me show you guys my true power."

Sanada began to make hand seals with his hand. Even if he could easily deal with this situation using the Murloc Karate, he wanted to show the difference between Jonin and Genin, and the best way was to use Ninjutsu.

As the three attacks got closer to Sanada, multiple hand seals were rapidly created. Even though he was not as fast as the God Itachi or Kakashi, Sanada's previous experience of being a virgin until he reached university greatly enhanced his speed in creating hand seals. It was fast enough for Sanada to do so finish his jutsu before the three attacks reached him.

" Water release: Water dragon bullet!"

Immediately, water droplets appeared around Sanada and converged to a small water dragon.

The area was clear of water, and it was pretty hard to make a big water dragon like in the anime, but it was enough to handle the three attacks.

The water dragon surrounded Sanada, and it successfully nullified all the attacks coming at him.

After successfully completing the task, the water dragon disappeared and revealed Sanada, who was standing without any harm in the middle of the trio.

" Dammit! I thought we were so close!" Hibachi was the first to complain.

Their strategy worked as they planned, and they thought they could at least get a scratch on Sanada, but in the end, it was all ruined by the B-Rank water dragon jutsu.

And not only Hibachi, Sakura, and Ami also showed a trace of frustration on their face. It was so close yet also so far, and this feeling was a lot more bitter than being brutally abused by Sanada from the start.

" Mouuu, Sensei, isn't it unfair to use a B-Rank jutsu against us?" Sakura complained!

" Yeah, we are just a genin, so sensei using a B-Rank jutsu should be considered cheating!" Ami added to support Sakura's opinion.

Looking at his three students, Sanada could only laugh awkwardly. It was indeed a bit too much for using B-rank jutsu here, but Sanada also wanted to tell the students that ninja battle was always unfair.

Sanada coughed twice to calm down the situation a bit and said:

" Hahahaha, okay, okay. You guys win this one, so once again, I must congratulate you guys for fully completing the test of a genin!"

" Really x3" The three genins looked at Sanada with blazing eyes. Even if Sakura had predicted this before, they were still excited to get the approval of Sanada.

" Of course! You guys did pretty well before, and for the reward, I will give you guys this lunchbox!" Said Sanada while he walked to get the lunchbox he had prepared before.

But contrary to his expectations, all the excitement of his students seemed to have flushed down the toilet when they heard Sanada say lunchbox.

" What? You guys don't want these lunchboxes? I have prepared this just for this occasion!" Sanada didn't know whether to cry or laugh. This lunchbox was cooked with the full knowledge of Shinomiya Kojiro, and Shinomiya Kojiro would definitely vomit blood if he knew that three little brats were rejecting his cooking.

Sakura: " Yeah, yeah, Hurray for the teacher! The teacher is so generous that he doesn't want to treat us and just give us a homemade lunchbox!"

Ami: " I heard that it was a tradition for the Jonin instructor to treat their student into bbq after the trial, but it seems Sanada-sensei is not the one that likes to hold the tradition!"

Hibachi: " Bah, just a cheapskate. You act all-powerful just now, but actually, you are just a cheapskate huh?"

Sanada " ..... "