Ch 11 : Support Mission

" Sensei!!!" The three said in unison.

As they saw Sanada was approaching, the trio no longer dared to assume a lazy position and quickly straightened up their back.

Even though Sanada always looked kind and always had a smile on his face, the three knew how strict Sanada could be in training.

In fact, Hibachi and Ami have secretly given Sanada the nickname Devil teacher behind his and Sakura's back.

" I see you three have been working pretty diligently these days. So as a reward, I have issued a request to the Hokage about giving a higher rank mission to you guys. How about it? do you guys have any interest in doing a higher rank mission with me?" Sanada said with a smile.

" Really? You are not lying, sensei?" As usual, Hibachi, the loudest among the three, was the quickest to respond.

" Of course not. We will depart as soon as possible, so quickly prepare your belonging and report to me at the village gate in 30 minutes. Remember, this time, the mission is serious, and you need to have sufficient preparation!"

" Yes, sensei!"

Along with those words, the trio quickly separated as they returned back to their home to prepare their own things.

This was their first outing mission, and there was no way they would not get excited.

However, unknown to the trio, Sanada who was still displaying a smile before now has a frown on his face.

' Wave country mission-support team? If I'm not wrong, this mission should be the one that Naruto and the others are taking, and there is no such thing as a support team in anime or manga. Is it just I, or my appearance here has changed the anime plot?' Sanada thought to himself.

When giving this mission to him, the Third Hokage didn't explain anything and just told him to go and support Kakashi as soon as possible. And this somehow created a worry in Sanada's heart.

As a traverser like him, his biggest weapon is the plot, and such a quick change would definitely be detrimental to him. The current Sanada was not strong enough to handle a big change in the plot, and he could only hope that his appearance here would not mess with the plot too much until he got strong enough to protect himself and the people he cares about.

. . . . . .

Thirty minutes later, the group met at the entrance of Konoha. Hibachi, Ami, and Sakura had prepared their belonging and was ready to go.

" Okay, before we go, let me brief the mission a bit to you guys."

" Our mission this time is to support team seven in their mission and provide help if necessary. Other details will be provided after we meet team seven, and all we know is that our target is the wave village. Do you guys have any objection here?"

Hearing Sanada, the trio immediately shook their head. Even though a lot of the mission details have been missing, and the mission seemed a bit sketchy to them, it was their chance to go outside, and they definitely wouldn't want to waste this chance.

" Good, then follow me. I will try to use the same speed as you guys, so try to maintain your distance with me."

Along with that words, Sanada gave the signal and the group began to rush to the point indicated at the mission scroll.



A while later, Sanada and the trio eventually arrived at the location specified in the mission scroll.

It was on the way to the wave country, and from the looks of it, it seems that Naruto and the other have just been into an epic battle with one of the seven ninja swordsmen Zabuza Momochi.

Sanada and the group didn't waste any more time and quickly sped up. He didn't know how bad the situation made Kakashi request support from the village, and Sanada didn't want to take a bet on it.

On the Kakashi team were Naruto and Sasuke, and Sanada definitely didn't want anything bad to happen to them.

Yup, even though Sanada was confident that in two years he could get himself and Sakura on their level, but having a little bit of assurance against Madara and Kaguya would not hurt too.

Reaching Kakashi and the others, Sanada surveyed the group, and seeing that Sasuke and Naruto were okay, he sighed relief.

" Kakashi-senpai, what's happening here!"

The first thing that came out of Sanada's mouth was asking about the current situation. The mission scroll didn't tell him anything other than he should go and help Kakashi, so he could only learn this from Kakashi's mouth.

Kakashi looked at Sanada with a bit complicated expression, but in the end, he still chose to tell the story honestly to Sanada.

* A few minutes of storytelling from Kakashi *

After Kakashi finished telling the whole story, Sanada couldn't help but have a twitch on his face.

Basically, all the stories so far were in line with what he knew from the anime. However, there was one change here. Sakura was replaced by another girl called Kasumi, and this girl's psychological strength was not as good as Sakura.

The moment the girl saw Kakashi was injured by Zabuza, she began to scream and cry, demanding the group to return to the village and cancel the mission.

Of course, this brought a contradiction to the group. Naruto and Sasuke said they had promised Tazuna, so they should follow the mission till the end, while Kasumi kept crying and saying she wanted to quit the mission.

In the end, Kakashi could only tell this matter to the Hokage, and the result was the Hokage sent Sanada and his group here.

After listening to Kakashi's story, Sanada stayed silent for a while and sighed.

" So, basically, are we useless now?" Said Sanada with a tired expression.

" Hahaha, of course not! You and your group could get an outing experience, isn't that good?" Kakashi also laughed awkwardly at Sanada's words.