Ch 15 : Change Player

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After that, the battle proceeded like in the anime.

Sasuke Vs. Haku, and Kakashi Vs. Zabuza, while Sanada and Sakura watching from the side with the alibi of protecting Tazuna.

" Sensei, are you sure that we should not barge in now?" Asked Sakura with a pretty worried tone. The battle between the two sides had about to reach the climax, but Sanada on her side didn't seem to have any intention to help.

" Well.. It wouldn't be long, Sakura. let's stay silent and observe first." Said Sanada with an indifferent look.

While Sakura and Sanada were conversing on the side, the battle between Sasuke and Haku was about to determine its winner.

Haku had already utilized the crystal mirror technique and trapped Sasuke within. And then..

" Ninja technique - Thousand needles of death!"

Haku kicked the ground, upon which all the scattered water round turned into needles as they all came in Sasuke's direction.

At this moment, Sasuke, who had awakened the two tomoe Sharingan, tried to dodge, but the movement of the needles was still a lot faster from his body.

*Poof* *Poof*

A lot of needles skewered Sasuke's body, as Sasuke could not avoid all the needles coming in his direction.

Nonetheless, the injury in Sasuke's body was pretty shallow as Haku didn't have any intention to kill and was just here to hold off Sasuke.

" Just give up.. I don't want to kill you.. But if you are to come after me.."

Haku's line was the exact same as in the anime. He, who even though had a kind heart, was willing to be a weapon for that person, and if that person wanted to, he would be a ruthless killing machine.

Haku was still in the middle of his sentence when suddenly a voice came from outside and interrupted him.

" Okay, that's it. Such a long and complicated speech, do you think we don't exist here?" Sanada's voice echoes throughout the bridge, gaining the attention of both Haku and Zabuza.

Even Kakashi had a complicated look on his face. ' That Sanada, what is he going to do..'

Among everyone present here, only Sakura had a bright expression on her face. ' Sensei is going to make a move? Then everything should be okay!'

Yup, for Sakura, her Sensei was the strongest. Even if both Sanada and Kakashi are in the same ranks, Sakura always thought that Sanada wouldn't lose to Kakashi if they were to battle.

She was just about to be happy that the matter would soon be solved, but Sanada's next sentence felt like splashing cold water to her enthusiasm.

" That Edgy Brat already has enough play-time. Now it is the turn of my disciple." Said Sanada confidently.

* Silence *

Kakashi: " .... "

Haku: ' .... '

Zabuza: " ... "

Sasuke: ' Who the heck is an edgy brat? I am the last descendant of Uchiha!'

The whole atmosphere became silent as everyone thought that Sanada was going crazy. And at this time, even Sakura was looking at Sanada with a pale face.

" Sensei, you are joking, right?"

" Of course no, wait here for a bit. I'll be taking out that edgy bastard."

Before everyone could respond, Sanada's figure had disappeared and reappeared once again in front of Haku's mirror.

' Fast! This guy's speed might be on the same level as Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi!' thought Haku on his mind.

He had just been surprised about Sanada's speed, but Haku felt he was dreaming the next moment.

Sanada had just knocked on her ice mirror, and immediately the ice mirror shattered like it was just a fragile glass.

" See, it was actually not that hard!" Said Sanada as he disappeared once again only to drag Sasuke away from the space of the crystal mirror.

What Sanada just do was the combination of Fish-man Karate and water chakra-nature manipulation. He was using his finger to achieve about the same effect as Karakusagawara Seiken, albeit lesser, and easily cracked away Haku's ice mirror.

This was not an easy thing to do, but for Sanada, who had the Jinbei's skill on Fishman Karate, this kind of thing was still somehow possible.

Now that he had dragged Sasuke away, the only thing he needed to do was to put Sakura inside.

" Okay, it's now your turn Sakura!" Said Sanada as he pointed to the ice mirrors.

Sakura froze in the spot. Her face displayed an expression like 'Am I dreaming?', but Sanada didn't care.

He saw Sakura didn't move, so he put Sakura on his arm in a princess carry position.

" Ah Sensei..." Said Sakura as she immediately went out of her daze when Sanada put her on his arm. Her face was blushing so hard, and she could not look at Sanada straight in his eyes.

" Wait a minute, I'll put it inside."

' What inside!!!' Sakura screamed at her heart.

But the next moment she knew, she was already inside Haku's ice mirrors, while Sanada was looking at her with a smile from outside.

' Sensei.. really!?' Sakura could only sigh in her heart. Sometimes her Sensei was just too unpredictable.

However, she knew that everything the Sensei did would only be good for her, and he would definitely come and interfere if things were to get dangerous for her.

Sakura's eyes no longer have any worries in them and instead were replaced by sheer determination.

" I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, but if Sanada-sensei says that I must defeat you, then I will defeat you!" Said Sakura as she assumed the basic combat stance.

However, Haku didn't answer and just stayed silent. And instead, he just began to attack Sakura with needles.

The emergence of Sanada was an extremely unstable factor in Haku's heart, and all he wanted to do now was to quickly defeat Sakura and came to Zabuza's side to aid him.