Ch 27 : The first stage of the Chunin Exam

In the Chunin exam room, the first exam had already started.

In the first exam, all the candidates would be tested about their capability to gain information.

Of course, there is some special occurrence like Sakura, who would do all the questions by herself, but on average, everyone here would finish the exam by cheating.

Now that about ten minutes have been passed from the beginning of the exam, a few candidates have been able to realize the true meaning of this exam.

Sasuke used his Sharingan, Neji byakugan, and Gaara used his third eyes. There were many other methods, but the three listed above could be said to be the most failproof among all the available methods.

Nonetheless, there were also some clueless candidates who really didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. One example was the main protagonist of the original series, Uzumaki Naruto.

This blondie currently had a super headache trying to figure out how he could finish this exam. But in the end, he decided to give up and just put his everything in the final question.

Unfortunately for team 6, one of its members, Hibachi, also suffered a fate that was not that much different from Naruto.

( Damn!!! What the heck, sensei, you have only trained me in combat and survival, and you never said there would be something like a written test here!)

Hibachi was very frustrated when he looked at the content of the Chunin exam paper.

Just look at one of the questions in the Chunin exam:

Line B in the picture is the greatest possible distance a shinobi can throw from his shuriken from a tree of seven meters. For enemies who appear within the circumference of the shuriken attack range, Explain the attack option using this distance!

Heck, even Sanada, a graduate of the earth with science a hundred years more advance from this world, could not answer this question, so how could Hibachi, who has the same brain cells as Naruto, aced the exam.

In the end, Hibachi could only put his hope on the tenth question. No matter how hard he tried, he would only get a minus point if he tried to answer the nine-question in front of him. So rather than doing useless work, he would just put his bet on the tenth question.

Time passed, and eventually, it was the time for the tenth question.

At this time, both Hibachi and Naruto had almost cried. They had seen many candidates being eliminated because they were caught cheating, and the two had almost become one of them.

If not for some timely coincidence that made them unable to cheat, those two would have definitely been thrown out of the room by now.

Ibiki, the proctor of the first exam, stood up once more, and at this time he began to speak:

" Okay, and now, we will begin the tenth question. and now, before we get into it, I'd like to go over added rules for this question."

" I'll now explain the rule of desperation."

. . . . . .

- At the same time, Sanada and the others -

" It's been lonely when the disciples are gone, huh?" Kakashi sighed as the image of the loud Naruto and the tsundere Sasuke came across his mind.

" Well, it's gonna be busy soon enough," Asuma assured. " Rather than that, what do you think about the performance of your disciple Sanada? Do you know this year's proctor is him? Asuma smirked at Sanada.

After Kakashi came, the four began to communicate with each other, but Asuma still wouldn't let go of this chance to show off his connection and power.

" Him?" Kurenai asked as she was also interested in this topic.

" Yup, it's Morino Ibiki, a professional at torture and interrogation." Answered Asuma like it wasn't his business.

Among all the Jonin instructors here, Asuma's disciples could be said to gain the people with the highest floor. Shikamaru was a genius, Ino could use her ability to find the answer, and Choji, even though he looked like that, was also not that stupid.

Therefore, Asuma was pretty confident that his disciple could easily breeze through the exam.

Asuma looked at Sanada as if he wanted to prove that he was superior, and his eyes seemed as asking 'How is it? Are you confident with your disciple?'

However, what Asuma didn't know was that Sanada was a transmigrator who was very familiar with the plot's direction. He sitting here with them signified that he was confident that his disciple would pass through the first exam without much trouble.

Sanada didn't answer directly and just smiled at Asuma. Then, he opened his mouth and said:

" I'm sure that they are okay. After all, they are the disciples I cherished and believed."

Seeing that he didn't receive the answer he wanted, Asuma could only twitch a bit before acting as if there was nothing wrong here.

. . . . . . . .

Back in the exam room, Ibiki has finished reading all the remaining rules.

The two rules that shook the participant's heart the most were the fact that if one of the three decided not to take it, everyone would instantly be failed. While if they decided to take it, there was a high chance that they would be stuck as a genin forever.

It was like walking in a tight rope, and even at this time, Sakura's mind began to waver.

( Sensei... what the heck is this... You said that everything will be okay.. so why is it like this?)

Yup, Sakura was not worried about herself at all. She was pretty confident that she could answer correctly. However, it was an entirely different case for her two teammates, especially Hibachi.

One by one, the Candidate decided to drop out. Sakura's heart now was racing like mad, but at this time, a voice suddenly came and shook the whole room.

" Don't underestimate me! I will not run! I'll take it even if I'm a genin forever. I will never back down because it is my ninja way!"

As the real protagonist of this world, Naruto once again proved his worth.

His words were able to convince everyone and turned the situation of the whole room.

At this moment, Ibiki smiled. He was about to end the test as he thought there was no use continuing it anymore. But then, he suddenly found a candidate was shivering at the corner of the room, and Ibiki seemed to found another chance.

" Candidate over there who is shivering, How about you? Do you want to give up or not?"