Ch 39 : End of the preliminary

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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The next matches once again proceeded just like in the anime. Well... except for the one between Sakura and Ino.

In that match, Sakura ended up one-hit KO-ing Ino who got blasted away by Karakusagawara Seiken.

But still, the ending was good for the two of them as both Sakura and Ino made up with each other quickly after the match.

The current Sakura, even though still liked Sasuke a bit was still far from the obsessed Sakura in the anime. Seeing her close friend madly in love with Sasuke, Sakura eventually decided to let it go and support her.


"Well, with this, the preliminary round for the round 3 test has been completed."

"To all of you who passed, congratulations."

"As I said before, in the main event your matches will be seen by everybody. Each of you will fight to represent the strength of your country. I'd like you to show off all your powers without holding back."

"And as such the finals will be held in one month from now."


- At the same time, somewhere in Konoha. -

"Orochimaru-Sama, the prelims have ended and the finals will begin in one month."

Kabuto flashed and appeared in front of Orochimaru, who had released his transformation as an Otogakure (Sound) Jonin.

"Change of plan, Kabuto. The emergence of that Jonin has interfered with my current plans, as such, we need to adapt."

"But Orochimaru-

"No buts, Kabuto. Even the current you can't handle that Jonin. What we need to do is be patient, and when the time comes, strike when everybody least expects it."


Back to the venue of the preliminary, the candidates were now taking a piece of paper from the box one by one.

"All right, now that everybody has a number assigned to them, we will reveal to you the final tournament!"

"Now, Ibiki, show them the match arrangements."

"1. Uzumaki Naruto Vs. Hyuga Neji."

"2. Gaara Vs. Uchiha Sasuke."

"3. Ami Vs. Aburame Shino."

"4. Temari Vs. Sakura."

"5. Nara Shikamaru Vs. Dosu Kinuta."

"Now since everybody is still here, I will explain about the rules of the third exam. In the third exam, there will be judges which include: Hokage-Sama, Kazekage-Sama, lords of various countries that will make mission requests, and other ninja leaders who will be watching the final test.

"Throughout the tournament, these judges will be evaluating your abilities. They'll also judge if you have the necessary qualities to become a chunin and if you do you will become one."

With that, the preliminaries were over, and the candidates were dismissed.

Some of the candidates chose to rest, while the others immediately went to train.

As for Sanada, he brought his three disciples + Karin to eat. His disciples finally shined as it was a day worth celebrating.

However, just a few minutes after Sanada and the others arrived at the Izakaya Nobu (their restaurant), trouble came knocking on their door.

A familiar figure with a duck butt hairstyle opened the restaurant door before Sanada had the chance to hang up the "Closed" sign.

"I want you to train me!" Sasuke said to Sanada.

The last battle with Hibachi had truly shocked him. If even Hibachi could grow to that extent, then maybe he would have a chance of surpassing Itachi if he was to get trained by Sanada.

But sometimes, the reality was ruthless.

Without even thinking twice, Sanada said nonchalantly:

"No. Don't you have Kakashi to train you?"

Sanada didn't even bother giving another glance before rejecting him. Training this little bitch would also mean that he had to curb down his ego and that was too much of a hassle.

[Name: Uchiha Sasuke]

[Age: 12 Years]

[Potential Grade: SSS+ Grade]

[Power Potential: 10]

[Agility Potential: 9]

[Ninjutsu Potential: 10+]

[Appearence Potential: 10+]

[Note!: An edgy brat with a super high ego.]

Even his system warned him from taking Sasuke as his disciple, which just added another reason for Sanada to reject him.

But at this moment, a notification that he rarely heard ringed in Sanada's mind.


[DING!!! A Special Mission has been issued.]

[Train Uchiha Sasuke for One month.]

[Initial Reward: 5-Gacha cards.]

[Completion Reward: Based on the performance the training will be graded. A special reward will be given based on grade.]


"... "

Fuck, Sanada really didn't want to train Sasuke.

Other than needing to train edgy emo, he also had to be wary of Orochimaru in case that he trained Sasuke.

However, the reward of this mission was simply too good to refuse.

In the end, Sanada could only gulp his saliva and convinced himself that it was all for the better.

He saw Sasuke, who even though was looking a bit down, didn't have any intentions of leaving his restaurant until Sanada accepted his request.


"I'm not heartless.. If you want to, I can train you but on one condition." Said Sanada, which greatly surprised Sasuke.

He looked at Sanada with a glimmer in his eyes and responded.

"Say it, no matter what you need me to do, as long as I get the power to kill that bastard, I will even sell my soul to the demons."

Sanada heard Sasuke say this, and an evil smirk appeared on his face.

'Hehe, I bet you would rather sell your soul to the demon than do this.' Sanada thought.

"It's easy.. you just need to *Censored*"


Not only Sasuke, Sakura, Karin, and the others felt like they had heard it wrong.

Even Hibachi, who was still eating happily suddenly splurted the food from his mouth onto Ami's face.

'Evil.... You are more evil than an evil *bleep*.. Sanada-Sensei!'

That thought surfaced in everyone's mind, but no one dared to say it out loud.

In the end, they could only look at Sasuke with pity.