Ch 42 : Training Method (2)

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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A.N.: Like what I said in the previous chap author notes, Sanada was just "lending" Sasuke the book. And even that, Sasuke could only read that in the presence of Sanada. Sanada wanted Sasuke to read the first few chapters of the book, which are the basics of the breathing technique to help him progress faster.

And for why Sanada didn't make a new breathing style for Sasuke..

The time is just one month, and devising a new breathing style plus expecting Sasuke to learn it is just a bit too much, I think >_<

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- The Next Day: Early in the morning -

Just like the previous day, Sanada brought Sakura, Ami, Sasuke, and Karin to the team six training ground.

If the day before was the introduction on how they would be training, today was the day their hellish training would truly start.

Sakura, Ami, and Karin were currently running with weights on their back, while Sasuke was carrying Sanada, who held a permanent marker in his hand.

"Faster, do you think you can dodge anything with this speed? At your current speed, even Gohan would dodge better than you!" Said Sanada while drawing a big arrow on Sasuke's bald head.

'Who the heck is Gohan!' Sasuke thought silently. However, he was too tired to complain and eventually just decided to go on with his training.

The physical training lasted for about two hours, from 3:30 AM to 5:30 AM. During this time, Sanada would continuously increase the level of physical training to push their bodies to their limits.

After the four Genin were done with their physical training, they immediately slumped to the ground having heavy breaths of exhaustion while preparing to rest their tired bodies.

Heck, they weren't only doing two hours full of sprinting with weights on their body, but they also needed to dodge Uchimizu from Sanada.

It was a miracle that they could even last this long, and even Sasuke began to miss the laid-back training with Kakashi.

Not long after they finished their physical training, a boy arrived with a big basket in his hand.

"Yo, still training hard, huh? Here, take this! It will make sure that your body has enough nutrients to handle the harsh training!" Said Hibachi while he handed over some lunchboxes.

Before the training, Sanada had asked Hibachi to prepare a special diet for the four of them.

Sanada actually wanted to take this role of preparing the diets by himself, but when Hibachi saw Sanada cooking in the kitchen, he asked if he could take over this role as he also wanted to do something for his teammates.

Sakura, Ami, and Karin immediately thanked him when they received their lunchbox, while Sasuke was a bit tsundere and only hummed after receiving his.

Of course, Hibachi wouldn't get offended by something like this. He had since long known about Sasuke's personality, and it would be surprising if Sasuke didn't act a little tsundere.

After finishing their lunchbox, the Genin continued their training while Hibachi returned to the Izakaya Nobu.

Now Sanada had slowly transferred the role as head chef of the restaurant over to Hibachi and as such Hibachi now had a lot more work to do in the restaurant.

- Afternoon training -


A snap could be heard throughout the training ground as Sanada used his wooden sword to hit Sasuke on the head.

"Foolish! Have you not remembered what I said? Total Concentration Breathing is an advanced and esoteric breathing technique where the user inhales the maximum amount of oxygen in a specific breath pattern to raise their physical and mental prowess to their utmost limits."

"You need to follow the specific breath pattern and not just rush to inhale all the oxygen in one breath!"

For the afternoon training, Sanada tasked all the four Genin to join the total concentration breathing training.

Even though Sakura, Ami, and Karin wouldn't be focusing on the breathing style like Sasuke, Sanada still thought that making them learn the total concentration breathing was a good choice.

The total concentration breathing was just like Seven Heavens Breathing Method used by Shinra in the Naruto anime. The difference was that this one was milder and easier to control.

There weren't any bulging veins like in the Seven Heavens Breathing Method, and even though the effects were not as good as the Seven Heavens Breathing Method, it was enough for them.

Ninja battle was also a battle of concentration, and Sanada believed that total concentration breathing would help them to maintain the peak state during combat.

Sanada looked at Sasuke, who was obediently following his commands, but from the looks of it, he had a lot of questions on his mind.


'It seems I must show him the true worth of the breathing technique first....'

Sanada clapped his hands to signal the four Genin to stop what they were doing and shift their focus to him.

"So.. before you guys ask any more questions.. Take a look at this first."

The Genin were wondering what Sanada was going to do. Suddenly, they noticed a change in Sanada.

Sanada placed his hand on the wooden sword, and suddenly everyone could feel Sanada had changed his breathing.

"First Form: Water Surface Slash (Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri)."

While facing the empty spaces in the training ground, Sanada combined his mastery in water attribute chakra with the water breathing style to generate a slash with enough momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash that could rip the ground.


The air around Sanada's sword seemed to compress as a huge 10-meter long water blade appeared from it. The water blade crashed down onto the ground creating a huge crater that wouldn't lose out to the destruction caused by a B-Rank ninjutsu.

Time seemed to have stopped for just a moment as the four Genin couldn't believe what they had just seen.

They knew that their sensei was strong. But to generate an attack equal to B-Rank Ninjutsu in just a single slash was certainly beyond their imagination.

One must know that the consumption of chakra needed for a B-Rank Ninjutsu wasn't low. But from the looks of it, it didn't seem like Sanada had consumed a lot of energy in that one attack.

He still had the same refreshed and nonchalant expression on his face, and it looked like he did that easily without any problems.

"Well.. it's basically like that. If you guys master the total concentration breathing, then you might also be able to pull off something like that!" Said Sanada with a smile.