Ch 68 : Tsunade retrieval mission

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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During the last few days, Sanada kept training with Kurenai, Hinata, and the other member of team six.

The progress could be said as pretty good as Kurenai had grasped the total breathing technique and was ready to move for the next stage.

Sanada had been preparing the Flower breathing for Kurenai. The past few days, he kept spamming Clone jutsu to derive this, and the result was pretty good, he could say.

Flower Breathing was derived from Water breathing, and because Sanada had the full knowledge of Water breathing, it didn't take that long for him to figure up the essence of Flower breathing.

Of course, it was still the first few forms, but for now, it was enough.

Sanada was just about to instruct Kurenai about the flower breathing. But then, a few masked figures appeared to summon him to the Hokage office.

' The time has come, huh?'

Before he went with the masked Ninja, Sanada told Kurenai that he might be out of the village for the next few days, so he asked Kurenai to take care of his students.

And of course, Sanada also had made some backups by asking Kakashi to also take care of his disciples in case the root would be aiming for them.

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Later that day, Sanada departed from Konoha to a bustling street that was popular for its casino.

The content of the mission for today was pretty simple.

Support Naruto and Jiraiya to get back Tsunade.

Everything was all planned. Itachi might not go and do things like Sanada told him, but Sanada was pretty sure that he would at least show up in front of Orochimaru. And Jiraya, even though a Sanin would not be able to handle three Kage-level Shinobi at once.

He would request help from Konoha, and now the only Kage-level ninja available in Konoha was Sanada.

With the total concentration breathing in full throttle, it didn't take long For Sanada to reach the street where Jiraiya was waiting for him.

He arrived right before the sunset at the specified location, but the moment Sanada entered the location specified on the map, he almost had a nosebleed.

Yup, Sanada forgot that at the core of it, Jiraiya was a pervert, and the place he marked on the map was a brothel.

Sanada entered the brothel and saw countless beautiful women. This scenery was too much for a virgin like Sanada, and he even wondered whether he was in heaven right now.

Fortunately, Jiraiya was quick to notice Sanada's presence and he brought Sanada with him out of that wicked place.

In a big room of the brothel, Sanada was sitting on a long sofa with Jiraiya and Naruto, and Tsunade and Shizune on the other side.

The atmosphere was very awkward as Sanada didn't really know where to put his eyes on.

Tsunade's asset was just too good, and even though Sanada tried his best not to glance at them, his eyes inadvertently kept focusing on them.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and Sanada with a bit impatient expression.

" So, can you stop stalling my time and explain why I am here with this hairless kid? Don't tell me you bring me here just to introduce this kid to me!" Said Tsunade as her face with a bit red.

' Eek... this woman reeks of alcohol. Nope, definitely not my type...' Thought Sanada secretly on his mind, but he was obviously not so mindless to offend Tsunade for something like this.

On the other side, Tsunade was a lot more irritable because of what Orochimaru said before, and now she saw Sanada like this, she felt like she had found a suitable place to vent.

Jiraiya was a master of understanding people. He saw Tsunade like this, and he quickly understood what she meant.

He placed his hand on Sanada's shoulder and glanced at him with a 'You can do it' expression.

Sanada was a bit late to understand this, but when Jiraiya suddenly threw him away from the window of the brothel. He knew that he had been played.

' Fuck you, Jiraiya!! I will no longer cry when I watch the Sign opening anymore!!!'

In the air, Sanada quickly balanced himself with a few flips as he landed on the ground with a swift motion.

But before even he could do anything, he felt an immense danger was coming toward him.

' Danger!!!'

Sanada totally utilized the total concentration breathing and sunshin no jutsu to blink away a few meters from his original location.


In the place where Sanada had landed before, a huge crater had been opened as Tsunade's fist hit the ground directly.

Worthy of one of the Sannin, her punch was so strong, and it could even make a Kage-level powerhouse shuddered.

Now Tsunade and Sanada were standing face to face. Jiraiya watching from above with that annoying look, while Naruto and Shizune had an expression full of curiosity toward Sanada.

Just now, Jiraiya told Tsunade and the two about how Sanada was able to repel Orochimaru, and there was a suspicion that Sanada had already reached Kage-Level.

" Not bad, Kiddo. You are pretty fast, but... That's not enough to handle me!!"

Maybe because Tsunade was a bit frustrated with all the recent events, she no longer pulled her punch and just rushed in the direction of Sanada.

She swung her arm with full power and was ready to crack Sanada's bone.

' I'll heal it later, so for now, please bear with it!'

That thought surfaced in Tsunade's mind.

But then, something unexpected to her happened.

Sanada didn't even bother to dodge.

He knew that in this kind of confrontation, he needed to show the other party his power, or else the other party definitely didn't want to stop.

The total concentration breathing had enhanced Sanada's reflex and mind to a whole new level, and

He read the trajectory of Tsunade's punch, and while using the force from Tsunade's punch, he grabbed Tsunade's slender arm as he threw her over his shoulder, causing Tsunade to fall to the ground.

' Fishman Jujutsu: Uzushio Ipponzeoi!'


One move and Tsunade had been taken down. The win just now might be a fluke because Tsunade was caught off guard, but it didn't alleviate the powerful display from Sanada one bit.