Ch 71 : Night before

The day passed, and tomorrow would eventually be the day where the bet took place, or in other words, the day where the confrontation with Orochimaru would occur.

This afternoon, Sanada had just finished his training with Naruto and was ready to go back to the Motel to sleep.

But out of nowhere, a slender hand grabbed him and took him away by force.

Well, who else would it be other than Tsunade.

In these few days, the relationship between Sanada could be said as pretty close, and the two were good gambling "friends". They spent almost every night together, visiting every casino in the town and ending the night by drinking to their own content.

Of course, the words gambling "friends" were only in Tsunade's mouth. Sanada really wanted to cry as every time Tsunade gambles, it was all from his pocket, and he had almost burned the same amount of money that Ami burned in the match against Kankuro in just a few days with Tsunade.

This day, however was different.

Sanada could see the subtle mood in Tsunade, and just for today, Sanada decided that he would let Tsunade go all out.

Time passed quickly when you went all out, and that saying perfectly suited Sanada and Tsunade's current situation.

The two, who was beautiful woman and handsome young man, quickly took everyone's attention anywhere they gamble.

Everyone saw how Sanada was so royal toward Tsunade and immediately became envious. Heck, even some women tried to approach Sanada to sell their services, but thanks to Tsunade, she quickly chased away those women, and Sanada didn't need to deal with them.

When the two returned back to the Motel, Tsunade was a bit drunk, so she leaned toward Sanada.

Under the beautiful moonlight, the two seemed very much like a couple, but Sanada knew that the two were not fated to be together.

There was an about thirty years gap between the two, and even though Tsunade looked very beautiful, the relationship between the two was leaning more toward a Mother and child.

Sanada brought Tsunade back to her own room, but just when Sanada was about to leave, he felt a hand was grabbing his hand.

" Please.. don't leave. Don't leave me alone..."

Maybe because of the effect of alcohol and the burden she had in her mind all this time, Tsunade had truly let her guard down right now.

It was not like she had anything toward Sanada. But the feeling that Sanada had given her these few days had made her able to trust Sanada, and that's why she chose to reveal this side of her in front of Sanada.

She cried and cried, and Sanada only stood there, waiting for the strong princess to finish venting her emotion.

It was ten minutes later that Tsunade eventually stopped trying because she was tired.

She looked at Sanada and a blush covered her face.

It was such a shame for her to vent in front of a young Jonin, and one that she had known for less than a week on top of that.

She was about to say something, but then, Sanada's hand was placed on her head.

" It's okay. I will never leave you. After all, you will be my Hokage, right? Jonin Sanada is at your disposal!"

The night was closed in a comical way, with Tsunade punching Sanada away, saying that such a hairless brat should not be so cheeky.

But deep inside, the two knew that their relationship had progressed a lot further, and now they were much closer than just an acquaintance or gambling friends.

Sanada: *Wait, now that I think about it, have I really mastered the art of head patting. First Sakura, then Ami, Hibachi, Karin, and now Sasuke.... Don't tell me that just like how Naruto would be able to defeat Obito with his talk no jutsu, I would be able to defeat Kaguya with my head pat no jutsu....*

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Early in the morning the following day, Sanada decided to set off early.

Today will be the day where he would finally kill one of the most annoying villains in Naruto, and he couldn't help but be excited about it.

He left some notes on his bed, telling that he had some business in the morning and would return by afternoon, and proceeded to leave the Motel.

After leaving the Motel, Sanada surveyed the whole town.

He jumped from building to building, trying to find the exact location where Tsunade would meet Orochimaru later based on his memory from the manga.

It was a bit hard since it has been some time since he last read the Naruto manga, but with effort and persistence, Sanada eventually managed to find the location.

' Well then, there was some time left before the promised time. Let's go and find some good food first!'

Sanada thought that he had everything under control left to find some food.

The presence here had brought some butterfly impact in the original plot.

Sasuke no longer defected, a more useful Sakura or even Orochimaru whose hand was not sealed by the Third Hokage.

However, until now, the direction of the plot was still the same and now was his chance to finally mess with the big plot.

His goal was to kill Kabuto, and no one would be able to hold him back from doing it.

That was also one of the reasons why Sanada had trained Naruto very hard, and if nothing goes wrong, Naruto this time should have been a lot stronger than his original counterpart.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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