Ch 77 : End of Tsunade retrieval arc

After that, Itachi appeared and brought the injured Kisame away.

He had done his favor to Sanada, and there's no reason for him to stay any longer.

Kisame actually wanted to continue the battle, but after one or two words from Itachi, he decided to let things go.

Nonetheless, Kisame still made a threat to Sanada, saying that he would get back to Sanada later.

And so, the curtain of Tsunade's retrieval mission was closed just like that.

A bit anticlimatic, but Sanada was relieved since everything was going just fine except for the fact that Tsunade's blood phobia was still there.

Although Orochimaru escaped, the injury that Sanada inflicted before was still there, and there should be no big movement from Orochimaru after this.

Orochimaru escaped one again, Kisame ran with his tail behind the back, and Kabuto was killed by Sanada.

In fact, Sanada didn't really need to kill Kabuto as he wouldn't survive with all the injury he suffered from the compressed Rasengan. Still, Sanada decided to kill him as he didn't want all the burden of killing someone transferred into Naruto.

Naruto, at this point in time was still a kid, and Sanada wasn't sure whether Naruto would really be able to handle the thought of killing someone else.

After Naruto get better, Sanada, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Shizune decided to return to the village.

Tsunade has decided to be the fifth Hokage, and there's no need for them to stay in that place anymore.

And what's better was that Sanada noticed Tsunade's trust toward him had gone through a very high level.

With this, there should be no problem even if Tsunade was going to pull some strings behind everyone's back for him.

. . . . . . .

- Forest outside of Konoha -

A few days later, after Tsunade successfully took the Hokage position in Konoha and stabilized her position.

Unknown to Sanada and the others.

A space portal suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and two figures appeared.

" Ouch..."

Maybe because of the sudden occurrence of the portal, one of the figures that came out of the portal was not prepared to land, and hit his ass during the landing process.

A little brat with yellow hair and blue eyes and a middle-aged man with only one hand and emo hairstyle looked at each other.

They were still battling a fearsome foe just now before they suddenly teleported into this place.

The situation was really confusing for them, but then something happened.

The middle-aged emo man who was okay just now suddenly came to his knees.

" Ugh... I'm out of chakra...."

" ..... "

At the same time, Sanada was now in the Hokage room alone with Tsunade.

After the failed invasion by Sunagakure, Tsunade decided to establish a new bond with Suna.

It was pretty much inevitable as under their current situation, both Suna and Konoha were weakened by the invasion. Tsunade knew that Iwa and Kumo were watching from afar, and one misstep, the two great villages would definitely try to declare war on Konoha.

Konoha's prosperous land was both blessing and a curse. It was a blessing since the population could live happily, but on the other side, it was a curse since every other village always eyes on Konoha's land and would not hesitate to declare war at any chance they got.

The agreement of Suna and Konoha was pretty much done with Suna paying some Ransome for Konoha, and some of the missions would be handed to Konoha.

However, there was one requirement that gave Tsunade a headache, and for this, she had no other choice but to call Sanada to her office.

" Here, take a look at this!"

Said Tsunade as she handled a document to Sanada.

Sanada was pretty curious about this. He never heard anything about things like this in the anime, and he couldn't wait to see what was inside the document.

But the moment Sanada opened the document handled by Tsunade, he felt his eyes widen.

This... is this serious?

Sanada looked at Tsunade with an expression asking if she was really serious, to which Tsunade only responded with a slight not.

' The heck... what is this...'

Inside was the agreement between Suna and Konoha.

Everything was just like what Tsunade explained before, but there was one thing that caught Sanada's attention at the bottom of the page.

One of the clauses that Suna offered was as followed:

' Accept Temari as Jonin Sanada's disciple.'

Sanada felt like he was dreaming.

What in the world had happened for the timeline to make such a big change?

Was this really possible he thought?

Sanada was still in a bit of a daze when he suddenly felt Tsunade's hand was placed on his shoulder.

" Jonin Sanada, this is a special mission for you. And I believe that you would not disappoint Konoha for this!"

Along with that word, Sanada's fate has been sealed.

He no longer has any reason to object to this demand, and could only accept Temari as his disciple.

Either way, Temari was a pretty and talented disciple, and if Sanada could say, Temari's tomboyish nature was the one that charmed him the most among Naruto original cast.

Sanada thought everything was over and was ready to go back when the system suddenly issued a new notification.

[ DING!!! A new mission has been issued.]

[ Get Temari to full-heartedly accept you as her teacher.]

[ Reward: 10x gacha ticket.]

' Hmmm... what is this? Why do I smell something fishy here?'

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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