Ch 80 : Sanada's plan

- Later that night -

After a few hours of playing and drinking, everyone eventually went back home.

The Izakaya Nobu was full of a mess now, but Sanada would just leave that for Ami and Hibachi to clean them up later.

The fun part had ended, and now was the time to be serious.

Sasuke stayed at Sanada's home because he had no place to stay.

Two grown-ups share the same bedroom at night while discussing severe things.

Wait.. it sounded a bit wrong... well, never mind... let's just leave that thing to Sasuke and Naruto.

Adult Sasuke and Sanada were now sitting across from each other at the dining table in Sanada's house.

" So, what do you plan on doing?"

" I don't really know... But our goal this time is to protect Naruto from Urashiki..."

The two person had known that they were not from this timeline, so they didn't have any reservations with each other when they discussed things.

" Hmm.... against Urashiki, huh. Based on our power, it was a bit hard to deal with him.."

" Yeah... In fact, I don't really know what to do against Urashiki."

The atmosphere turned silent as they said those kinds of depressing things.

It was the truth that the current Sanada was far outclassed by Urashiki, and Sasuke was nerfed so much that he would deplete his chakra just by using one jutsu.

Of course, as a big fan of Naruto, Sanada knew that they would eventually be able to kill Urashiki later with the help of Boruto. But he couldn't say to Sasuke that Boruto had an ass full of plot armor to protect him, right?

In the end, the two could only scrape the idea of trying to find a countermeasure against Urashiki here.

Sanada saw adult Sasuke, and a thought suddenly popped out of his mind.

" By the way, since you are here, why not as well meet your brother?"

" !!???"

Sasuke was surprised by this sudden word. It's not like he didn't have any thought about meeting Itachi, but...

" Geez, no need to think too much. You know that my appearance here had messed up the timeline, right? It's okay to meet him. After all, I have messed all the timeline here Hahahahah!"

Sanada laughed it off, but it just made him look a lot less reliable.

If he could, he really wanted to let adult Sasuke meet Itachi. after all, that was the biggest dream of every Naruto fan.

" But.. I have a favor to ask you. You wouldn't mind doing a favor to me, right?"

. . . . .

The next day, just like in the original plot, adult Sasuke's appearance had reached Tsunade's ear, and Sanada was called by her to explain things.

" Well, that's basically it. The two possessed no threat for Konoha, and if you want surveillance, you could leave it to me!"

Sanada said to Tsunade with a super reassuring face.

Seeing Sanada like this, Tsunade could only sigh. Who made her trust Sanada so much in the first place?

" Since you say so, then I will place the responsibility in your hand. But I hope you won't be disappointing me, Sanada.."

" Yeah, sure <3."

Sanada then proceeded to leave the building full of smiles, which Tsunade could only shake her head helplessly.

He just walked down the Hokage building when he saw adult Sasuke had been waiting for him.

" So, what did she say?"

" Haha, everything is under control! What did I say? I'm the most trusted person in this village!"

Adult Sasuke just ignored these words of Sanada as the two walked into the team six training ground.

Just for today, Sanada specially requested most of his disciples to gather here, except for Hibachi and Ami, who were cleaning Izakaya Nobu right now.

Inside the training ground, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Boruto, and Karin were waiting for them.

And for Kakashi, let's say that he was still traumatized from yesterday's event that he still could not get out of bed until now.

It was a very luxurious lineup. Among the people here, three of them was the original team member of team seven which was the main cast of both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. The son of the plot Boruto, and lastly, Karin, one of the few last descendants of the Great Uzumaki village.

Sanada smiled as he watched this.

His reason to call them here today was indeed to give them special training.

He grouped Sakura, Sasuke, and Karin with him while leaving little Naruto with Boruto to adult Sasuke.

It was under his last night discussion with adult Sasuke that Sanada decided to leave Naruto with him.

Because of Sanada's interference, the Naruto right now had lost most of the significant experience that should have happened in his life.

From the battle with Gaara, Sasuke's retrieval arc, or maybe even the death of Jiraiya in the future.

All that things that had helped Naruto grow to his adult self might be lost because of Sanada, and even if Sanada was from the earth, he wasn't sure that he could guide Naruto into the Naruto that we all know.

And for that, Sanada decided that Sasuke would be the right person to guide Naruto.

Someone said that your rival was the one that knows you the most, and for Naruto, it would definitely be Sasuke.

The Sasuke right now was a perfect teacher to Naruto. He knew how Naruto fights in the future, a huge arsenal of ninjutsu, and the wisdom that may lead Naruto to a brighter path.