Ch 83 : Teacher to Teacher talk "updated"

A few days later, Sanada was now roaming around Konoha aimlessly.

After that talk with Kakashi, Sanada seemed to be not satisfied yet, so he tried to find some other people to ask about the same thing. However, all their answer was different, and it just made Sanada even more confused.

In the original earth, the conflict was mostly for how to gain wealth and influence, while in the ninja world, it was mostly about power.

But for Sanada, who was the original inhabitant of the earth but transmigrated into the Naruto world, he was trapped in between, and he didn't seem to be able to relate much with the people in the ninja world.

The words that adult Sasuke said last night kept ringing inside his head, and no matter what he did, he just couldn't get it out of his head.

Of course, adult Sasuke's words were not the main cause. It was just a nail hammered on an almost breached dam that made Sanada's worries flood a bit faster than how they should be naturally.

It just hit him that all the thing he had done so far was because of the system and also the plot.

He may pull a trick here and there or play with the characters in the Naruto world, but was it really what he wanted? Or was it just one of his way to hide his fear?

People said that Sanda was a strong one and he could adapt quickly, but Sanada knows very well that it wasn't necessarily the case.

All he did so far was to survive. He was desperate to survive, and that's why he was doing all these things. He even went as far as locking all his feeling deep inside him and hiding them up so that he could blend in Naruto's world without any worries.

It was at this point that Sanada began to question himself, and his credibility as a teacher.

He was still wandering around Konoha, trying to find something, when he accidentally bumped into a familiar face.

" Yo Sanada! It's not like you to wander around like this!"

Sanada turned his head around only to see an old man with white hair standing behind him.

It was none other than the Sannin Jiraiya, one of the most famous teachers in the Naruto world.

Then, something came up in Sanada's mind.

If it's Jiraiya, then maybe he could help to solve Sanada's problem.

Sanada looked at Jiraiya with his eyes full of glimmer, and it somehow made Jiraiya shuddered a bit.

" Umm... Jiraiya-Sama. Can we talk a bit?"

When Sanada said those words, Jiraiya immediately there was something wrong with Sanada's current state.

Jiraiya nodded as he followed Sanada to Izakaya Nobu, a place where the two could have a proper talk.

After last night's party, Izakaya Nobu was closed the whole day. Therefore, other than Ami and Hibachi, who were still cleaning all the mess from yesterday, the place was currently empty and very suitable for Sanada to consult his problem to Jiraiya.

The two sat across from each other as Sanada began to talk.

" Well... Jiraiya-Sama, you are the teacher of the fourth Hokage, right?"

" Hmmm.. what is it, Sanada? No need to praise me that much!"

Said Jiraiya as he laughed embarrassedly.

For the current Jiraiya, Minato was his pride, and he would be very happy if someone else praised how he taught Minato to be like that.

" Actually, I do have a problem. Have you ever faced a state where you question yourself as a teacher? Because I... I recently don't know what to do about myself....."

Sanada began to explain his worries to Jiraiya, to which Jiraiya listened attentively.

It was a pretty rare case where Jiraiya didn't joke around with the younger generation. But because he knew just how much Sanada was worth to Konoha, especially the weakened Konoha right now, he had no other choice but to listen to this younger generation who was on his crossroad of life.

In fact, back in earth, it was common for someone at the age of Sanda to be confused like this.

Before his transmigration here, Sanada was just a normal university student.

All the events so far had forced him to adapt quickly to the ninja world and pushed all these worries that a guy his age normally had deep inside his heart.

Now that he had the strength to protect himself a bit, the feeling resurfaced, and Sanada needed guidance from someone far more experienced than him.

" Hmm... that's a pretty hard question you asked me here, you know?"

Jiraiya frowned after he listened to Sanada's question.

It was not rare for someone to have this kind of question, but it was the first time felt so hopeless regarding these kinds of questions.

In the ninja world where strength is everything, a guy's dilemma normally would only include how to get stronger, and it was a rare occurrence for him to encounter this kind of question.

Jiraiya fell into silence for a bit.

He racked his brain so hard, but eventually, only one answer came into his mind.

" Sanada, have you ever thought of wandering around?"


Sanada was a bit confused. Why did Jiraiya suddenly ask this kind of question?

But before Sanada could say anything, Jiraiya raised his hand, indicating that Sanada should listen to him first.

" Listen, Sanada, these kinds of questions.... you can't ask the answer from anyone else but yourself. Do you know the reason why I am always roaming around?"

Jiraiya asked with Sanada's only response by shaking his head.

Obviously, he couldn't say that Jiraiya was only wandering around because he could not move on from Tsunade.

" I am wandering around to find the truth that I'm always seeking. Everyone has their own path, and maybe it's time for you to find yourself one. It was such a shame that a young and potential Jonin like you would be wandering around. But trust me, sometimes you will find what you seek after sometimes, and when you return, you will be stronger than ever."

Sanada was frozen. It was true that since coming to this ninja world, the furthest he had gone was on the Fire country border, and he never explored the world of Naruto any further.

Jiraiya stood up as he had said everything he wanted to say and proceeded to leave Izakaya Nobu.

But just before he fully left the restaurant.

" Everything lies deep inside your heart, Sanada. Just follow your instinct, and you'll be fine. Just looking from the eyes of your student, I could see that you are a good teacher in their heart."

And just like that, Jiraiya left Sanada alone in Izakaya Nobu.

But different from before which Sanada's seemed a bit lost about what to do. Now he seemed to get back the light in his eyes.