Ch 86 : End of the first part

In the end, Sanada had no other choice but to agree to Tsunade's condition.

He actually had the idea of bringing one or two of his disciples with him, but when he considered what Tsunade said, it all made some sense to him.

He was not Jiraiya who could take Naruto roaming around with the excuse of S-Rank mission.

Some of the elders still doubt his loyalty toward Konoha, and for that, Sanada could only leave his disciples behind.

Of course, this would get some problems later on as no disciples mean that Sanada would not get any mission from the system. However, Sanada believed that this matter would be solved when he met Temari later in Sunagakure.

Sanada nodded and his wandering plan was approved by Tsunade.

For someone like Tsunade, who also wandered around in her younger days, she knew just how meaningful this event was for Sanada.

When Sanada returned, he would be someone completely different from before, and at that time, Konoha's strength would definitely be enhanced to another new level.

Even in this state of time, Sanada didn't tell too much about the future to Tsunade.

Telling Tsunade that the Ninja world would be peaceful and there would be no war for another twenty or thirty years would definitely not be a choice as there was no way of backing it up.

Therefore, Tsunade still thought that the current peaceful time was only temporary, and sooner or later, another big war would come to cover the whole ninja world.

Sanada finished all his preparation with Tsunade, and only after midnight Sanada left the Hokage's office.

His body was tired, but he could not hide the feeling of joy hidden deep inside his heart.

After so long, he would be free and wander around the ninja world.

Unknown to him, being a teacher and the teacher system had slowly chained Sanada, and it kept increasing his burden every time.

Being a teacher was not easy. He must always think about how to nurture his disciple and spend more time managing the training session rather than spending time for himself.

For someone like Sanada, who was just a normal university student before transmigrating, he only appreciated the true value of a teacher after he came here.

Never once crossed his mind that being a teacher was so hard, and now he began to feel sorry for his previous teacher back on the original earth.

In the original earth, just like a typical student, Sanada liked to make trouble in class, thinking that it was funny or even cool to attract some attention.

The only thing that held Sanada back from leaving Konoha and wandering around was just his disciple, but in the end, he could only apologize to them silently and promised that he would pay them all back after he returned to Konoha later.

. . . .

- the next day -

After everything was prepared, Sanada went toward a secret location where Tsunade had been waiting for him.

It was a secret escape road that only is known by some higher-ups and would normally be used for secret evacuation.

But just for this time, Tsunade gives some leniency to Sanada and let him use this place to escape the eyes of everyone.

Tsunade watched as Sanada was about to leave, and suddenly her heart felt a bit heavy.

She knew it was for the best, but she was still afraid that something bad might happen to Sanada out there.

Though in the end, Tsunade gritted her teeth and pretended that everything was okay.

" Are you ready, Sanada?"

" Yeah, thank you for helping me so much. By the way, are you sure that you could handle everything?"

Asked Sanada with a bit worried tone. Other than this matter, Tsunade would still have her task as a Hokage, and Sanada was afraid that all this matter would drag Tsunade tired to death.

" Don't worry, I'm a Hokage, and I at least have this capability. Rather than that, be safe out there, and don't forget us!"

" You betcha!!"

As the two were ready for the separation, Sanada gave her last smile to Tsunade.

It was a smile that Tsunade had never seen before as this time, the smile was mixed with a lot of emotion.

Sad from separation, happiness, and even worries.

But in the end, Sanada steeled his mind as he said his last words to Tsunade before flashing away.

" Please watch the Konoha and the little guys for me!"

" Sanada.. I-"


Unfortunately for Tsunade, before she could even finish her words, Sanada had long gone away.

Sometimes things were better to be kept hidden and not said out loud, and it was also the case for the two.

Sanada left the Konoha, and Tsunade could only watch silently from afar, spending some time watching the leaving silhouette of Sanada.

' That rascal... I will teach him a lesson when he gets back. Doesn't he know that he shouldn't cut an elderly?'

Tsunade spent some time watching the leaving silhouette of Sanada.

Even though the person was no longer there, she still wanted to see his departing figure.

It was only after thirty minutes later that Tsunade decided that it was enough and proceeded to return to the Hokage office.

She still has a lot of matter to do, and she couldn't just spend too much time on this.

' I'll miss you a bit, you know....'

. . . . . . .

On the other side, Sanada who was leaving Konoha felt he was finally free.

He jumped down the trees, singing or even complaining that the pay of being a teacher in Konoha was just way too low.

It didn't take long for him to reach the Fire country border.

He took the document prepared by Tsunade and successfully left Fire country.

Fire country was prosperous, but sometimes, there was much more to see than the prosperous fire country in Naruto world.

' Ninja world, here I come!'

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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