Ch 87 : Sanada the wanderer

The sun shone all over the place as sand filled everywhere the eyes could see.

There was no laughter of the children running around nor businessmen negotiating with each other, only some ninjas patrolling and sand.

Sunagakure, The Village Hidden in the Sand, or as it's usually called Suna is one of the biggest villages in the ninja world.

However, contrary to Konoha who was very prosperous, Suna could be said as the poorest among the big five villages in the ninja world.

The location of Suna was just so bad, and the land couldn't be used for agriculture, making the villager must defend their life on mining.

During the noon, where the sun shone the brightest on the dessert, a man with cloaked was walking tirelessly across the desert, trying to cross the wind country and reach Suna.

" Huff-Huff..... So hot..... Luckily, I am a water-type ninja and I can make some water to refresh myself..."

Kaedehara Sanada, a Jonin of Konoha who was currently on his trip across the ninja world now regretted that he choose to go to Suna for his first destination out of all places.

He had told Tsunade that he would come to Suna to finish the delegacy matter, but he never thought Suna's condition would be this bad.

Everywhere was dessert, and it was pretty much a miracle that the people of Suna could survive until now.

On his journey there, Sanada stopped at a little town, where he saw countless children running around.

Even with the hotness of the sun, it didn't diminish their spirit to play, and it somehow gave a smile to Sanada's face.

Seeing the little children's happy faces, Sanada thought of his disciples back at Konoha.

It had just been a few days, but Sanada began to miss them very much.

' Sakura.. Karin... Hope you two are also well in Konoha!'

Sanada finished taking his break in the small town and was ready to leave after he paid some money to the street vendor he had his lunch in.

But suddenly, he heard some commotion outside the small town that attracted his attention.

Sanada was now traveling undercover. However, it didn't take his curious nature at all, and for a person who transmigrates from the earth, it was natural for him to have that tendency to intervene in other people's matters.

Sanada followed the villager, and it brought him to the entrance of the village, where he could see most of the villagers put their heads down as they looked at a Sunagakure ninja.

Sanada was just about to ask what was going on here, but before he could even open his mouth, the Sunagakure Ninja had shouted at the villager first.

" Don't you remember what I have told you before? I want the amount to be ready by tomorrow, or else, I will start massacring everyone in your small town! Your small town could survive until now because of the protection of our Suna, and it was natural for your town to pay some protection fees, right?"

The words from the SUnagakure Ninja made Sanada frown a bit, but it also cleared up the whole situation here.

For matters like this, Sanada didn't have any plan to interfere. He didn't know who was right or wrong in this case, and he didn't want to help the villagers because they were in the weaker position.

He had seen a lot of cases on the earth where the one in the weaker position was the one actually at guilt, and they use their weaker position as their advantage to make the other side look bad.

Furthermore, Sanada was just a newcomer in Ninja world. And even though he had memories of previous Sanada, the previous Sanada was just a trainingholic and didn't know much about the situation of the ninja world.

Sanada was ready to leave. But a sentence from the villagers stopped him.

" But... Didn't Baki-sama say that we did not need to pay that much amount of money anymore? We only need to pay a portion of our income, and not a fixed amount anymore!"

At this moment, Sanada smelled a fishy thing here. He decided to stay a bit longer and observe what was going on here.

The ninja heard the villager's words, and instead of being angry, he just sneered.

" Yup, that was Baki-sama words...."

" But that was not mine! You only need to pay the fixed amount to Baki-sama, and the rest is for me! I am also a ninja from Sunagakure, so don't you think I indeed pose the right to have you pay some money to me? After all, I have been protecting this town for years!"

The villagers' faces immediately turned into despair as they heard these words. The thought that bringing up Baki's name would make the SUnagakure Ninja back down, but they never thought the SUnagakure ninja would be this crazy.

Sanada heard this and no longer could hold himself back anymore.

Such an injustice. He couldn't let it go if it was happening right before his eyes.

He came forward and stood between the Sunagakure ninja and the villager.

" Do you think this is funny?" Sanada asked with a hoarse voice.

Seeing a man in cloaked suddenly intervene in his matter, the Sunagakure ninja becomes annoyed.

He was ready to leash back at Sanada, but when Sanada took out something from his pocket, he immediately felt terrified.

" I am a delegacy from Konoha. I have seen what you have done here, so what do you think if I was to report this to Baki-Sama?"