Ch 75 : Tsunade's light "edited"


Orochimaru was kicked like a cannonball by Sanada.

The kick was very strong as Sanada put all his power into it, and from the looks of it, Orochimaru was blown a few hundred meters away, leaving only Tsunade and Sanada here.

" Sanada.."

Tsunade saw the scene in front of her and didn't know how to face Sanada.

She had betrayed Sanada and Konoha by attacking him before and tried to heal Orochimaru, so when Sanada approached her once again, she really was lost about what to do.

She was averting her gaze from Sanada, but Sanada held her cheek, preventing Tsunade from looking away from him anymore.

" Look at me, Tsunade.."

It was just four words from Sanada, but these four words had made Tsunade feel very weak.

Reluctantly, she met her gaze with Sanada, whose eyes were now locked in her eyes, as if it could see what was on her mind.

" Sanada.. I.."

Tsunade's throat felt very dry. No matter how hard she tried, the words were just stuck in her throat, and she could not say anything to Sanada.

Tsunade was now resigned to her fate. She no longer had an excuse as she knew she had done a huge crime by backstabbing fellow Konoha ninjas and trying to heal a missing-nin.

She saw Sanada's hand was getting closer to her as she closed her eyes.

" A naughty girl needed to be punished!" Said Sanada with an indifferent tone.

Tsunade heard Sanada's words, and a chill grew on her spine.

It's okay. You deserve this...

That was what Tsunade currently thought.

However, the slap that Tsunade waited for had never come, and instead...


" Ouch!!!"

Sanada flicked Tsunade right on her forehead.

She raised her head to see Sanada's expression, but this time, there was not even a single trace of anger and dissatisfaction in Sanada's face.

Instead, he was smiling warmly at her.

" Well, that's all. After all, everybody made a mistake right? Just remember to not do it again!"

Sanada said as he placed his hand on Tsunade's hair, giving her a nice head pat.

The sudden word and smile had fully broken down Tsunade's defense. At this time, she was like a teenager whose world was enlightened by Sanada's warm smile.

" Why..."

That was the only word that she could mutter.

Why? Tsunade couldn't understand why Sanada could still look at her like this. She had expected a look of contempt or even disgust, but why dies this person in front of her was looking at her with a loving expression.

Sanada waited for Tsunade to calm down a bit before he finally opened his mouth.

" Why? I also don't really know why... It's just that.. I feel that this is the right thing to do. I can't promise that I will be here to fix all your problems, but I promise you that every time you feel stuck and don't have the courage to walk your path, I will be right next to you, holding your hand and walk with you.."

At this moment, Tsunade could no longer hold back her tears.

All her anguish and sadness, all of it was overflowed as she hugged Sanada while crying.

It was the first time she said everything that was burdening her so far, and she didn't know why, but she felt her heart was healed a bit when she said all of that.

Sometimes all you need was just to vent, and you will feel a lot better. And that was what Tsunade currently feels.

With the burden from more than ten years ago being let go, she finally felt a bit better.

A few minutes later, Tsunade finished her venting as she finally let go of Sanada.

The eyes that she used to look at him now had a trace of blush on it, and her heartbeat was a lot faster every time she thought of Sanada.

If not for the fact that the two were separated by a huge age gap, maybe she would have pushed down Sanada and proclaimed him as hers.

The two stayed in this ambiguous atmosphere for a while, before finally, a cough from Jiraiya woke them up from the trance.

" *Cough* You two over there, can you guys please spare me some thoughts? I don't think handling the two of them by myself is a great idea..."

Yup, while Tsunade and Sanada enjoyed their moments together, Jiraiya was working hard on the side handling Orochimaru and Kisame.

Sanada and Tsunade blushed a bit as they heard this, and Sanada was immediately ready to support Jiraiya.

But before he could even activate his Total concentration breathing, he felt a small delicate hand was holding him.

" Sanada, could you please spare me a moment?"

Said Tsunade as she looked at Sanada with a blushing face like a high school girl in love.

Sanada saw Tsunade looking at this and just nod. Jiraiya might be in a bit of a pinch, but the Sage of mount Myoboku surely wouldn't have any complaints even if he was to stay here for one or two more minutes right?

Tsunade saw Sanada didn't reject her attempt and a warm smile rose on her face.

She took off her necklace which was her most important possession right now and placed it for Sanada.

" This.."

Sanada was a bit dazed. He never thought that Tsunade would give the necklace to him. If he didn't remember it wrong, this necklace should be given to Naruto, right?

But seeing Tsunade's determined face, Sanada knew it was futile even if he was to ask. With Tsunade's shamelessness, she would even deny the fact that she had made a bet with Naruto.

Sanada was just about to make his move to the battlefield, but then something completely unexpected happened to him.

After placing the necklace on Sanada, Tsunade suddenly had this bold idea.

She saw Sanada was a bit dazed, and using this momentum, she tiptoed and placed her kiss on Sanada's forehead.


It was just a kiss on the forehead, but somehow, Sanada felt this kiss was very lewd.

His gazes shifted at Tsunade, who now didn't have any more confusion on her face and was looked more determined than ever.

" Go Sanada, beat that two missing-nin for me!"

" Sure, just remember to not punch me again when I'm battling them. My heart is too fragile for that!" Said Sanada with a teasing smile which made Tsunade blush.

She was about to say something, but Sanada whispered something on her ears that made her face blush even harder.

" Well, you get the free pass this time. But next time, I will give you some "punishment"."


Then, Sanada flashed as he was going for Orochimaru's neck once again.


A.N.: Some of you might say that Sanada was too forgiving for this, but you must remember that Sanada didn't do this without any benefits.

By doing this, he would get the full trust of Tsunade, and rather than being cold and indifferent toward Tsunade, it would only be useful for him if he was to gain Tsunade's full trust.

It was like a people who come even after you betray him and messed things really hard. Inadvertently, you would begin to put all your trust in him, and that was what Sanada was aiming for >_<

After meeting the elders, Sanada knew that he also need some backing, and therefore he had chosen Tsunade as his backing.