S2 Ch 15 (Ch 103) : Temujin

- A few days later -

Back to the land of wind, Sanada told Kankuro to wait in the destroyed ship for a while as their informant was going on their way.

Kankuro, at first was pretty pessimistic with what Sanada was saying, but under the glare of Temari, he was eventually subdued and decided to follow Sanada's words.

It has been a few days now, and there was no trace that there would be someone coming this way, and it made Kankuro feel he was duped.

But just when he was about to leave to Suna to complain to Sanada and Temari, Kankuro suddenly noticed a few people were coming his way.

' A person... no, there is four person.'

' Here he comes!'

Kankuro waited for one person to be separated from the others, and when Kankuro felt the person was close enough, he no longer held back his killing intent. He used his puppet as he was ready to ambush the incoming person.


Kankuro sent his puppet to get an ambush. He controlled the puppet precisely to strike at a vital part of the incoming person.

But contrary to his expectation, a sword was blocking his puppet from getting the job done.

The place was a bit dark that Kankuro was not able to see the face of the other party, so when he saw his first move was blocked, Kankuro quickly went for another round of offensive.

*Clang* *Clang* Clang*

Right after his first attack was blocked, Kankuro summoned another puppet and surrounded the enemy from two sides.

While Temari has been taught by Sanada, Kankuro was also developing his skills, and now he was able to control two puppets simultaneously.

Strangely, no matter how hard he tried, he seemed to not be able to get the advantage against the other party.

All his attacks were blocked by the blade, and even when Kankuro tried to send some poisonous needles, his enemy easily avoided it.

The two sides clashed continuously, but soon the battle entered a stalemate until Kankuro heard a sound:

" Hinokami Kagura!"


All of a sudden, a flaming sword appeared and burned the two puppets of Kankuro.

The puppet still survived as it was modeled to be fire-resistant, but it still made Kankuro lose control of his puppet.

' This...'

Kankuro should be fazed at this time as he has fallen at a disadvantage. However, this time, Kankuro was unfazed because he quickly recognized the other party's identity.

That blazing sword and voice. It was none other than the last descendant of the Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke!

" Wait, hold up!! It's me!!!

Shouted Kankuro, much to Sasuke's shock.

The two recognized each other's identity, but it only made the atmosphere a bit awkward.

The current situation between Suna and Konoha are allies, but because Suna had just invaded Konoha a few months ago, Kankuro's face still seemed a bit annoying to Sasuke.

The two fell into silence as they had nothing to say to each other, and both of them hoped that another person would soon come to break this icy atmosphere.

Fortunately for both sides, a voice soon appeared from behind them as if to clarify this misunderstanding.

" Well, it seems you guys are here. Now, it's time for me to clarify this misunderstanding!"

" Who!!"

It was a bit of surprise for the two, but the figure soon revealed itself to be Sanada, who was in his Kazuha's disguise, and behind him was Temari.

" Don't be worried. It's me. I'm here under the instruction of both the Hokage and Baki-Sama!"

Sanada revealed some identity proof that he got from both sides, which made both Sasuke and Kankuro sigh a relief.

" Well.. now all we need to do is to wait for the others as I don't think I want to waste my voice explaining the same things multiple times."

" .... " x3

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- Half an hour later -

" And that concludes my story! Said Sanada as he finished saying all he knew about the movie to the group.

In front of him were Kankuro, Naruto, Sasuke, Karin, Temari, and the knight, whose name was eventually revealed to be Temujin, one of the main characters in the Gelel stone movie.

The explanation was a bit bizarre for them since they didn't know whether it came from reliable sources or not, but in the end, they had no choice but to trust them as it came from Sanada.

" No way..."

" Lies... All of this is lies!!"

Amongst everyone here, Temujin's reaction was the harshest.

Sanada just now explained how he was actually duped by Haido, the main antagonist of the Gelel Stone, and how he was actually working for his enemies.

It was a harsh truth, but Sanada decided to say it just like that. After all, he was not Naruto, and he just wanted to finish this thing as fast as possible.

A.N.: Gelel Stone summary from Wikipedia:

{At a desolated beach, a night-time battle rages between the sand ninjas and bulky, robot-like, armored warriors. Gaara and the group of sand ninjas gain the upper-hand and when the remaining warriors begin to retreat back into the ocean, they shoot flares into the night to reveal a large warship waiting just offshore.

Meanwhile, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, and Sakura Haruno are on a mission to recover a lost pet ferret when they too are attacked by the armored warriors as well as a mysterious knight named Temujin. After a short battle, both Temujin and Naruto are blasted off a nearby cliff. Shikamaru and Sakura run to the edge to see if they can spot their friend, when suddenly a massive machine, like a giant moving cathedral, plows through the forest and comes to rest not far away.

Naruto and Temujin wake up to find themselves in a moving caravan led by Kahiko and Emina. Luckily the ferret, Nerugui, has survived the fall and has taken a liking to Temujin much to the chagrin of Kahiko whom Naruto discovers is the person whom ordered the mission. Shikamaru investigates the cathedral and discovers a room filled with pods containing human beings. He witnesses two people, Kamina and Ranke associates to Temujin, appear to activate the pods which seem to use the humans to place souls on each armored, soldier body.

Temujin leaves the caravan to return to his own part with Naruto in tow. Back at the cathedral, Temujin introduces Naruto to a man named Master Haido. Haido informs Naruto and Temujin about the Gelel Stone, a mysterious powerful mineral controlling the traveling caravan which the annihilated clan lost it. Haido plans to get the stone in order to make the world in peace. Naruto and Temujin head to the beach, where Gaara defeats Ranke and Kamina flees, while Shikamaru and Sakura save Kahiko from Fugai. Temujin recalls his past memory, before Shikamaru restrains him and reunites with the others. They interrogate with Temujin, but he and Kahiko leave the caravan. At the Gelel Mine, Naruto and friends confront Haido for sacrificing anyone. As Haido and Naruto pursue Kahiko and Temujin below the platform elevator, Shikamaru, Sakura and Kankuro defeat Kamina and Fugai. At the Chamber of Sealing, Haido informs Temujin that he killed his parents. After destroying Teumjin's stone, Haido tries to use his power of the real one to kill him, but the sacrificing soldiers arrive to save the repentant Temujin. As Naruto uses the green and orange Rasengan to destroy the stone and defeat Haido, Naruto, Temujin and Kahiko discover the mine losing control. Temujin uses the Space-Time Hole to destroy the mine and Naruto saves him.}

Under his rage and disbelief, Temujin tried to attack Sanada, but before he could even graze Sanada, a flick has hit his forehead.

" Accept the reality, kid. I know you are not this stupid. You also have found some suspicious things, right?"


Temujin tried to attack once again, but no matter how hard he tried, Sanada was easily able to avoid his attack and even gave him a lot of flick on his forehead.

" Kiddo, it is useless! Once again, ask yourself. Do you really never question Haido and the others?"

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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