S2 Ch 21 (Ch109) End of Gelel stone arc


The sound of air being torn apart filled the space as Sanada aimed his fist at Urashiki.

The voice of Urashiki stopped abruptly, traces of blood gradually appeared on his chest, and he fell down with a blank look on her face.

The punch had hit Urashiki's abdomen, and this time it had dealt a fatal blow to Urashiki.

It still hasn't killed Urashiki yet, but Urashiki's condition was far from okay, and it wasn't known whether he could still survive from this.

At this point, Sanada looked down on Urashiki.

This lower rank Otsusuki no longer possessed any harm to him, and he could end him at any moment possible.

The only reason that Sanada didn't instantly kill Urashiki was only that he was still adapting to Whis's power, and it was pretty hard to control it without blowing down the mine at first.

Sanada took out a kunai and aimed it at Urashiki as he was ready to kill Urashiki now.

The Whis's transformation has a limit of five minutes, and until now, Sanada had used almost three minutes of it.

The kunai shone in blue light as it was enveloped with Whis's power.

" Goodbye, how do you feel to be killed by the mortal you despised.."

" You..."

The Kunai pierced Urashiki's body and was slowly went toward his heart. But just the moment when the Kunai was about to reach Urashiki's heart, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the Gelel's mine.


While Sanada was battling Urashiki, Naruto and Temujin were facing off with Haido below, and now it seemed that the battle was over.

It was only for a slight moment, but during the time when Sanada was obstructed by the explosion, Urashiki decided to pull out his trump card.


Urashiki's body disappeared as he use all the Chakra he had in a space teleportation. He set the coordinate as random as he only wanted to get as far as possible from Sanada.

Sounded pretty absurd for someone who treated himself as a God like Urashiki, but this strategy had done wonders.

It only took a millisecond for Urashiki to escape, and since Sanada still needed to handle the explosion in the Gelel mine, he had no other choice but to let Urashiki escape.

" Damn.. is he the second Pedomaru.. Still, let's handle this matter first!"

Since Urashiki had escaped anyway, Sanada's priority was to make sure that everyone here was saved.

just like in the movie, by Combining both Rasengan and the Gelel stone, Temujin and Naruto manage to kill Haido. But in the process, they accidentally destroy the key to the mine.

The walls then started to crumble around them as the mine spiraled out of control. Karin, Sasuke, and Kankurō all manage to retrieve the children from the machines, only for the ruins to start collapsing.

As they could not control it, they had no other way left but to destroy the ruins. If Temujin puts his hand on the seal of the mine, he can summon a time/space continuum that only royal blood can do it.

In his original plan, Sanada would not let things go this far as he planned to excavate the Gelel stone slowly.

But the existence of Urashiki had made all his plans go downhill, and things were let to went this far.

Luckily, Sanada had the solution this time.

With the power of Whis, handling the ruin explosion and stopping it was a simple matter, but why would he do that if he had the chance to get an easier solution?

This process would revitalize the surrounding area along the way, and since Temujin would later be revealed to not die even after destroying the seal, there would be no loss even if Sanada was to pull some tricks here.

With full concentration, Sanada began to mobilize Whis's power which was currently trapped on his body.

There were two things he ought to do right now.

The first was to make sure that everyone was safe, and the second was to teleport this mine to the land of wind to revitalize some of the lands there.

Sanada used his power to search for a location that was not too near nor too far from Suna, and after finding what he wanted, he snapped his finger.

' Whis's power is too OP, sadly it is only temporary, if not I could run everywhere and said Sanada Solos'

All of a sudden, the whole mine was surrounded by transparent white light, which means that Sanada has begun to use his teleportation.

The ground shook a bit as Sanada was not too familiar with this skill as Whis. However, the genins were far too concerned about Temujin that they didn't notice some changes in the mine.

The drama began as the mine began to collapse.

All is quiet as Sasuke, Karin, Kankurō, and Naruto can only watch as everything in the void's way begin to be devoured. Naruto actually wanted to run to help Temujin, but he was stopped by Sasuke.

As Temujin waits for his fate, suddenly he finds himself floating as a white light enveloped him, saving him from the endless void.

But it was not just Temujin, everyone here felt the white light envelop them, and the next moment, they found that they had been teleported outside the mine.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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