S2 Ch 26 (Ch 114) : Deception and decision


The two lips kissed each other for the first time, and Sanada and Temari felt their time had stopped.

The two were so close right now that they began to be able to feel each other's heartbeat.

At this point in time, Sanada still heard the knock coming from the door, so he quickly tried to separate from Temari, but it seemed Temari had a different mind.

While Sanada was trying to get away, she put her hand on the back of Sanada's neck and pulled him for a long deep kiss.


Different from before which the kiss was only accidental, this time the two really enjoyed the kiss.

Their lips intertwined with each other and made smooching sounds as they were deep into the kiss.

It was only after a few minutes that Temari let go of Sanada, but this time there was no shyness in her eyes, and instead, eyes that a predator used to look at its prey.

" Sensei, we..."

" Yeah..."

Temari looked at Sanada being shy and was ready for another offensive.

Since things had become like this, then she would be dumb if she didn't take the chance. Who knows when will this cowardly teacher of her would give her another chance if she didn't fully utilize this one.

Temari no longer cares about the sound of the knock on the door as she was ready to do another make-out with Sanada, but just before her lips could touch Sanada, Sanada stopped her.

" Sensei.. why?"

" Temari, we shouldn't do this!"

" But why? You know.. you know my feelings toward you, right? You didn't reject the previous kiss means that you also have the same feelings toward me, right? Then why? Is it because we come from a different village?"

Temari's breathing was rough as she vented out all her frustration at Sanada.

She then gave another glance at Sanada as she hoped that Sanada would change his mind, but when she looked at Sanada, only disappointment appeared in her heart.

Sanada.. he didn't change his mind even after Temari venting out her frustration and confessed her feelings.

Tears began to flow from Temari's eyes as she felt she was just being played.

This teacher... No, this bastard... why would he give her the sign if he would only retreat at the end?

Still, it was not her if she was to display her weakness in front of another man.

She knew it was useless, and she was ready to leave, but then a hand caught her.

" What? You don't want me, but you don't want me to go away? What do you mean by this? Make up your mind, you bastard!"

" I..."

Sanada was speechless. For the girl in front of him, it would be a lie if he said he didn't feel anything when they were together.

However, from the beginning, their relationship was based on a lie, and would a relationship that is based on a lie be able to withstand all the obstacles before it would eventually blossom?

A lot of thought came and went in Sanada's mind, but when he saw Temari's eyes slowly reddened, and tears came out from it, he knew that his decision was final.

For the first time, he wanted to try to be in a relationship.

He wouldn't care whether there would be the backhand of the elder, political bullshit, or whatever. All he wanted to do was to make the girl in front of him happy. But first, he needs to reveal the truth.

While Temari was crying, Sanada had made up his decision.

" Temari, look at me."

" What? If you just want to say some nonsense about we shouldn't be together because we are from another village or because we are teachers and students, then I'm out of this!"

" No, look at me Temari!"

Temari was still hesitating, but she still followed her heart as she raised her head to look at Sanada's eyes.

The two eyes looked at each other in a complicated way, but soon something surprising happened.

All of a sudden, Sanada's appearance changed.

Yup, he had turned off the disguise of Kazuha and chose to reveal his identity to Temari.

" You..."

" Yes, the reason why I don't think we should do it was not because you are from another village or because we are teachers and students, but instead it was because of me...

All this time, I was hiding my identity, and has never been true to you. Even so, will you still accept me?

Will you try to forgive me who has been lying to you all this time?"

When Sanada said all those words, Temari became silenced.

The cat was out of the bag now, and she really didn't know what to do.

The man she was in love with was actually someone else, so was all his act all this time was just a disguise?

No.. even though he was disguising himself, all the care and love that he gave her should not be an act.

Temari felt pained in her heart, but at the end of the day, she knew that she would even be more pained if she was to let this man go.

She clenched her teeth and decided to gave Sanada her answer.

" You...