Ch 139 : Hunting Mission

After Chojuro arrived, the group of four began to depart.

This would be the final test that Sanada needed to fulfill to fully gain Kiri's trust, and that was to recover the Sanbi back to Kirigakure.

After Yagura's death, Sanbi was released to the wild.

People might think that bijuu would be killed if their jinchurikii was killed, but that was not the actual case.

Even if the Jinchuriki was killed, the Bijuu could still respawn, but it would take a pretty long time, and that's why if they could, the Bijuu would try their best to not let their Jinchuriki get killed.

The group, led by Sanada was going to go to the place where some ninjas previously reported that they had seen Sanbi's shadow.

In a small basement under the Mizukage's building, there was the 5th Mizukage Mei Terumi and her trusted advisor, Ao.

" Mizukage-Sama, do you think they will really help us recover Sanbi?" Ao asked with a pessimistic tone.

The condition that Sanada offered them was just way too generous, and even if it was under the name of the alliance, Ao didn't believe that there was free lunch in this world.

However, contrary to his expectations, Mei Terumi who heard this question, only replied with a slight smile on her face.

" Don't worry, Ao. If there is one thing I'm confident of, it is to assess someone's else character. And based on my prediction, this Sanaada is not bad at all. At least he is sincere, and it seemed that he really thinks for the greater good of the Ninja world."

" Well, if Mizukage same thought so, then I could only hope that he is truly as good as you said."

The atmosphere in the basement turned a bit awkward, but for some reason, Mei Terumi always had that flash in her eyes.

Back to Sanada, after a few minutes of running and jumping on the three, the group of four finally arrived at the last location of Sanbi's sighting.

It was a shore that connected to the sea, and if the information was not wrong, Sanbi should still be lingering around here, recovering his chakra, which also dissipated from Yagura's death.

" It should be around here. Okay guys, let's stop here and take a rest. After some rest, we will begin the search for Sanbi!"

Giving the sign, the group of four stopped their journey, and they quickly built their tent near the shore.

They might have reached the location of Sanbi's whereabouts, but to pinpoint its specific location, it might take longer than one day.

And because of that, the group decided to make a sufficient preparation.

Sanada created some shadow clone to create the tent as his main body was preparing dinner from the fish he had caught before.

But not long after he began his dinner preparation, Sanada could hear the sound of quarrel from the side.

" Idiot, that's not the right way to set up the tent!"

" Humph, this is my way!"

" You!!!!"

Looking at the quarreling little guys, a smile rose in Sanada's mind. For some reason, he could see the shadow of Sasuke and Naruto in the two, and this rivalry relationship would greatly benefit them.

Sometimes, all you need is a rival to push yourself to the limit.

Without the presence of a rival, you could easily find yourself lost motivation to get stronger, and that's why Sanada secretly supports the relationship between Hibachi and Chojuro.

Sanada was still preparing dinner, and Chojuro and Hibachi were still quarreling.

But at this moment, both Karin and Sanada suddenly noticed something.

" Sensei!"

Karin almost shouted at Sanada. But Sanada gave a wink as he put his finger on his mouth, like telling her that everything was okay.

" Well, it's okay, Karin. I got this."

Sanada said, which calmed the tension in Karin's heart.

On the other hand, the two boys who were not sensor ninja were a bit late to react. But when they saw Sanada's face become serious, they also knew that something was coming.

Chojuro quickly unsheathed his sword while Hibachi summoned his blue-ring octopus.

Sanada, on the other hand flashed right in front of the trio as his gaze was focused at a direction.

" Come out. It's no use to hide. We have got you!" Shouted Sanada.

But one sec, two sec, and there was still no response.

Sanada's face twitched a bit. Wouldn't this make him look like an idiot in the eyes of his disciple?

He became a bit impatient eventually decided to make the preemptive move.

He ran toward the sea, and using his Fishman Karate, he launched a huge amount of water in the direction that he had been looking at.

" Fishman Karate! Yarinami!"


A huge explosion occurred as Sanada threw the huge amount of water spear.

From before, Chojuro could already see that Sanada was strong, but only at this moment that he was able to realize the true horror of Sanada.

This seemingly kind-looking Jonin... he is a monster!!!!

While Chojuro had his own thought, Sanada returned to the shore with his hair a bit wet.

However, his eyes still glance sharply at the direction where he previously threw his Yarinami.

There, the previously empty location now had a huge amount of iron sand on it. And the Iron sand seemed to have saved the intruder from Sanada's yarinami.

" So it is you guys, huh? It seemed that idiot Hidan had a pretty lousy mouth..."

Said Sanada as now he had that serious look on his face.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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