Ch 145 : Bold and Brash

As Lapras was currently struggling against the Sanbi, Deidara who was watching from the side looked a bit worried.

" Hey, you sure that it's okay if I don't go there and help?"

For Deidara, Sanada was his gateway to new and better art. And because of that, he couldn't have Sanada dying on him right now.

However, different from Deidara who was worried, the trio didn't look worried at all. In fact, they even started to bet against each other.

" Hey, wanna bet how long that monster would stay on his feet under Sensei's hand?"

" Ten minutes I guess? Two big water bazooka, and I think it would be solved.."

" Hey, you know that Sanbi is the treasure of our Kirigakure, right? 15 minutes!"

" ... "

Well, what other thing Deidara could do other than be speechless?

He was worried about the teacher, and now the students were like this.

" Umm.. aren't you guys worried about Sensei?"

" Don't worry, Deidara Kouhai, Sensei is even more unkillable than Orochimaru. One time we asked, and he said he had something called plot armor backing him!"

" ..... "

Back to Lapras, even with Gigantamax, Lapras was still struggling against the monstrous power of Sanbi.


A huge collision occurred between the two.

Sanbi's tail tried to sweep Lapras, but Lapras used the Ice Beam that also hurt the Sanbi a bit.

On the last few encounters, no one was able to get the upper hand, but it was because Sanbi wasn't really serious.

As seen in the Naruto databook, Sanbi was usually lazing around and asleep. The one currently battling Lapras was the muscle memories of Sanbi's body.

" Lapras!!!!"

Lapras used surf, and a huge wave that swept everyone away appeared.

But this big wave didn't even seem to even threaten Sanbi a bit.

Sanbi easily tanked the surf, and it didn't seem that it had suffered any major injuries.

But just when Sanbi was about to launch another offensive, Lapras suddenly heard a sound.

" Lapras, dodge!!"

It was Sanada's. But different than before, now there were blue eyeshadows surrounding Sanada's eyes.

Lapras dived deep into the water as he canceled the Gigantamx before the attack, and Sanbi still stayed there motionless as if waiting for what to come.

"Yarinami, Dragon Song!" With the help of the Natural energy from the sage mode, Sanada's water manipulation had reached a whole another level. Sanada was able to create a huge dragon-shaped water spear from Yarinami, and it landed right into the Sanbi's body.


The beast was wounded, and Deidara's eyes were widened in shock. He was in disbelief. After all, the thought that even he needed at least a C4 bomb to deal with the Sanbi.!

Sure enough, even though the beast was injured, it wasn't to the point where it was a very fatal injury. Sanbi was still able to move, and now it was about to return with a more aggressive wave of attacks.

Sanbi's body which was hurt by Sanada was angered, and it started spitting out immensely powerful water bullets his way. Sanada hurriedly controlled the water surrounding him to create a water barrier protecting him. The water barrier and water bullet crashed, and the water barrier stayed still.

"Lapras!!!." Lapras was worried about Sanada. He knew that even though Sanada seemed to gain the upper hand right now, the sage mode wouldn't last long.

And against a massive moving chakra battery like Sanbi, it was certain that Sanada would be the one that out of Chakra first..

" Don't worry, I have my own idea."

Sanada answered with a smirk.

Since the time he had watched Naruto Vs. Sasuke in the final valley, he always thought to have a technique like this, and now was the time for him to realize it.

" I'm not sure whether it will work or not, but if not... Well, whatever.."

Sanada began to control all the water surrounding him.

He infused them with natural energy while slowly molding them into the shape that he wanted.

Watching from the side, Lapras was a bit worried as he didn't know what Sanada was trying to pull. However, Lapras knew Sanada well enough to understand that his words were never hollow. Since he was so confident, Lapras chose to believe in him.

A few seconds later, Sanada's technique started to work.

In front of everyone here, another hegemon appeared.

But different from Sanbi or Gigantamax Lapras from before, the Hegemon this time was purely made of water, and in the core was Sanada.

" Hahahaha, meet my specialty! I call it, Bold and Brash!!!"

A weird creature that was as big as Susanoo, but looked way less cool than Susanoo appeared. If you were curious about Sanada's aesthetic, you could just google the Bold and Brash from Spongebob.

As the huge Hegemon appeared, everyone could not help but widen their eyes.

Even Deidara knelt under the emergence of this "art".

Nonetheless, appearance and strength were not usually related.

Even if it looked weird, it could still be pretty strong.

The Bold and Brash Hegemon raised its giant fish and with a boom it landed on the back of Sanbi, generating a huge impact that almost blew away everyone.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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