Ch 165 : Mixer

While Sanada and the others were dealing with Sasori's trio. In a hidden base underground, a meeting was currently being held.

Pain, Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Zetsu, and Obito. The remaining members of Akatsuki were discussing what they should do with Sanada.

Just now, Zetsu reported to Obito that most likely Sasori wouldn't be back anymore as the one he met was Sanada. Obviously, this spying by Zetsu was discovered by Sanada, but he just let him slip by as his reporting to Obito was going along with his agenda.

During the meeting, other than Itachi, who was trying his best to hide his laughter, the other members currently had a gloomy expressions.

" So.. any idea what we should do?"

Pain opened his mouth to ask a question, but there was no one answering. For this kind of question, even pain himself didn't know the answer, so how could the other member give any valuable input.

However, there was one exception here.

Frowning for a bit, Obito finally decided to speak. At this time, he had long discarded the Tobi Persona. There was something way more urgent than playing around as Tobi.

" Pain.. if we want to have any solution, then our only solution might only be that guy. However, that guy is a little bit of trouble.."

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Back to Sanada, once he arrived at Konoha, he was immediately greeted by Tsunade. And as usual, he was dragged by Tsunade to her office, and only when night came that she let him go.

Truthfully, there was some offer to spend the night together as Sanada had not done yet explaining all his journey to Tsunade, but Sanada rejected that offer saying that an unmarried man and woman should not spend the night together, much to Tsunade's displeasure.

However, there was something different today.

While Sanada was walking to his home, a certain figure stopped him on his way.

" Hey, the handsome man over there! Care to join us for a mixer?"

A beautiful girl in purple clothes appeared on Sanada's way. She had beautiful blonde hair and a breast that was about the size of D or E. But it was not the one that made Sanada startled.

" Ino???"

" Ah.. is it you, Sanada-Sensei?"

The identity of this person was none other than Ino, the blonde hair beauty from Naruto's class. But there was something that caught Sanada's attention here.

" Wait, a mixer? What mixer?"

" Haha....."

At the end of the day, Ino could only explain the mixer to Sanada, about how they have enough girls but not enough boys because Sasuke didn't agree to come.

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At the table of eight, eight people were currently sitting across from each other.

On the girls' side, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten. While on the boy side, Shikamaru, Sanada, Naruto, and Neji.

But of course, having your teacher in a mixer would feel a bit weird. Therefore, Sanada used one of the items he got in the gacha to change his appearance, and now a man with the face of Giyu Tomioka appeared in front of everyone.

" Wait, Neji? I never think you are the type that would like to come to something like this!" Naruto retorted in shock.

Next to him, Neji was looking back at him with a slightly annoyed look.

" *Cough* I'm just here to protect Hinata! After all, I couldn't bring myself to see Hinata go on something like this without any protection!" Neji declared righteously.

Everyone nodded at this declaration from Neji, but Sanada could only swear inside.

' Bah, who are you lying to? Don't you see that you keep stealing gaze to Tenten? *Sigh* Metal, it seems that you wouldn't be born in this timeline...'

However, based on Sanada's perception, Neji was not the only one. Even Naruto and Hinata were stealing a glance at each other, and when their eyes met, the two immediately turned their head down in blush.

' Just confess won't ya????'

Indeed, maybe because of Sanada's arrival, there was a lot of butterfly effect here. And one of the things happening was Hinata and Naruto developed a lot faster than they should have been.

When Sanada instructed Hinata before, he kept telling Hinata some motivational words to make her more confident in herself. But who knows that she would use that courage to be closer to Naruto?

But the main problem was not that of those four. Sanada currently had a headache as the person in front of him was Sakura, his very own cherished disciple.

Normally he would have long reprimanded Sakura to join such an event. But for some reason, Sanada could see there were traces of frustration on Sakura's face, and it made him a bit worried.

And as for the couple next to him, Ino and Shikamaru. Sanada could only care less about them.

Because of him, Danzo was gone, and so will Sai, so Ino would not meet Sai like in the original story.

And as for Shikamaru, his fate even a lot worse. The one that he should have married with was now Sanada's girlfriend. So maybe both Shikamaru and Ino hooking up with each other would be the best solution. After all, their two families were close with each other right?

Soon the mixer began with some small games and talk, but never would Sanada knew that this mixer would unfold an even bigger truth to him later.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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