Ch 168 : Prophecy (2)


It was not Sanada's first time hearing these words. He knew that in Naruto, prophecy had become one of the main focuses here. But why would the old toads suddenly want to talk about prophecy with him?

" Let me get to the main topic here, Sanada. Ojiji Sama has had a prophecy about you." Fukasaku said that while looking serious, which made Sanada a bit confused.

" *Cough* I'll rephrase my words. Ojiji's sama's prophecy didn't specifically refer to you. It's just, after meeting you for a while, we had some thought that the people in his prophecy might be you. So.. Sanada, can we ask you to come with us for a bit?"

The tone of Fukasaku and Shima was pretty polite. Just like Gamabunta, they could see the natural energy flowing through Sanada, and it was not something that could easily be done by human. The reason Sanada was polite to them was that he wanted to ask a favor, so the two definitely wouldn't overstep their boundaries.

Sanada pondered for a while, but eventually, he nodded. Anyway, he was pretty free, and he could use one or two prophecies. The world had changed too much since his arrival, and it wouldn't hurt to listen to some old toads talking about the future.

Fukasaku and Shima saw Sanada agree, and they sighed in relief.

"Really? That's good, then please follow us." Fukasaku and Shima led the way while Sanada slowly followed them to the Great Sage Toad. With a reverse summoning, they arrived at an old house.

Here, Sanada was a bit astonished by the scenery of Mount Myoboku. Even though he had gone to Lapras's sacred place before, Mount Myoboku was entirely different. It was like when one was faced with a choice between the beach and the mountain.

"Let's go Sanada! Don't make Ojiji Sama wait for you for too long." Fukasaku's voice came and reminded Sanada.. Ryo entered right away.

"Hello Ogama Sennin. I'm Kaedehara Sanada!"

"Oh oh welcome!" The Great Sage Toad Gamamaru opened his eyes slightly, looking at Sanada for a second.

"Now, I called you because… who are you again?" The same scene from the Manga was repeating itself. Even so, Sanada was ready. He tried to keep his composure while barely able to hold himself from sighing.

Heck, Sanada even sometimes wondered. Was this old toad serious, or did he just wants to play with the youngster? If he didn't remember wrong, even the grand elder from Namek was not this forgetful.

"I'm kaedehara Sanada, Ogama Sennin." Sanada repeated himself. He swore, if this old toad gonna ask him once again, then he wouldn't mind giving some viagra to this old toad.

"No, I know that. My question is.. who are you? In my dream just now, you led a battle that determined the fate of this world. Whether it would be destroyed or whether it would be saved...."

After waiting for a long time, without the Ogama sennin adding anything, Sanada could not help but ask.

"What war? And what happened? What is the cause.."

It was a lie if Sanada didn't get anxious. Why the heck was this prophecy far different from what he knew, and the most important thing was.. Who would be the enemy in this war?

Unfortunately, the Ogama Sennin shook his head.

"No, there have been many changes in the recent dreams. I can only see that you led the war. I know you have a lot of questions on your mind. However, the future is not something that we can fully predict. I only could see a glimpse of the future, and even so, it had already taken a lot of toll on me."

In the end, Sanada could only leave without getting his question answered.

After leaving the house, Fukasaku looked at Sanada. He leads the war deciding the fate of this world? Who would even launch such a huge-scale war?

" Sanada, I don't know whether you would believe the prophecy or not. However, Ojiji same prophecy had never failed. Even though it was sometimes blurry, it would make sense at the end. "

" Yes, what Pa said is correct, Sanada, remember that if that time truly comes, the fate of the whole world would depend on you, and we will do our best to help."

Hearing the two, Sanada could only smile as he responded politely. Nonetheless, this has bred the seed of wariness in his heart. He really hopes nothing will exceed his expectations.

. . . . . . .

Back to Konoha, Naruto was brought away by the two old toads. So all that was left for Sanada was to enhance Sakura's strength.

But here, Sanada still couldn't get that prophecy out of his mind. Would it be Madara? Kaguya? Isshiki or even new Otsusuki that he didn't know before?

Unknown to Sanada, his frowning face was actually seen by Sakura.

The little girl saw Sanada was frowning, and for some reason, she had a devilish thought on her mind.

She went closer to Sanada, and as Sanada was unaware because he was deep in his thought, Sakura lean her body toward Sanada from behind, pressing her now already grown breast to Sanada.

" Mou, Sensei, how long are you gonna ignore me? I thought that you deliberately leave me for the last because you want to have some alone time with me, so why are you ignoring me, right now?"

" ????"

. . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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