Only true friend

Grabbing my bag and keys, I bided goodbye, slipping from the house and walking towards the company vehicle.

Running my hand through my hair; two cornrows going back, leaving two somewhat short braids to some and long to other. All depends on who. With the keys in hand, I unlocked the company vehicle about to open the door when I heard an elderly masculine voice shout, "young lady, you and the red one have been kinda scarce. It's late but happy new year." Lifting my head, I looked across the other side of the street at the man dressed in khakis and a striped T-shirt. "Hello Mr Cumberbatch, happy belated new year to you as well."

"Yeh, thanks. How are you de red one and de lil girl?"

"We good. Just on my way back to work." It was a partial lie, but it did not matter. It is not like we spoke often; I had spoken to this neighbour no more than eight times for the past three years. I had lived in this area. From him, I had also learned a lot about the area and perfecting my dialect, so I did not raise any red flags for the locals I may have met.

"Oh OK. Then say hello to the other two for me and wish them a happy belated new year. The weather is warm today too, so make sure not to overheat."

"Of course Mr Cumberbatch." I replied ready to open the door of the vehicle once more, when I heard him call out again. "Lil girl! I have a nephew coming in a week from now. Can you help him look around the island when you free? I kinda old now and places I know might not be up to standard to a man his age." Upon hearing this, I felt as though my heart wanted to jump from its chest. Opening my mouth, I wanted to reply, but the words would not come out for some time. I struggled before I could speak, opening the door and dropping a few words. "I will get back to you on this. Right now, it's busy time with work. The tourist season."

"It's no problem. A day or evening of your time to accompany him around the island is OK."

"Alright then, do it like that." I said, starting the engine. Turning to look at the older man I spoke once again flashing a warm smile, "Mr Cumberbatch, have a good one, I must go." The older man lifted his hand and waved, "Alright lil girl, another time. Enjoy your afternoon."

"En." Driving off I grimaced at the time, speeding up to head to the hospital arriving with a few minutes to spare, that is, if I rushed this time instead of a leisurely pace.

Closing the door of the company vehicle, I exited the car park and walked towards the hospital.

Taking the steps instead of the elevator, I walked the twist and turns until I reached the children's ward. There I heard crying and a few sparse sounds of laughter, a rare thing in this location. Looking at the time on my phone, I continued forward. The visiting hours will be here in less than two minutes. The time from where I stood to the door should be enough. The corridor is quite long.

Arriving at the reception area I greeted the woman sitting behind the half circle desk. "Good evening," in her white suit and hair pulled into a low bun, the woman lifted up her head. My gaze fell on her nameplate first, 'Wright.' Was written on it, after I took note of her face which was lightly powdered.

"Good evening." She greeted in return soon after while her hands moved, speaking up once again not long after, "name of patient, relation and full name; first middle or middles and last." A small tablet was placed before me with the initials of the hospital. I nodded, taking the tablet and filled out the required information before handing it back. "Thanks, you have an hour. Please wash your hands, wear the mask and scrubs before entry. Over hair included." Nodding, I entered the side room and began to dress in the scrubs, finished I walked towards the bed seeing the little thing sleeping. I felt my heart tug watching her sleep.

While she slept, I sat silently watching her; gaze greedily taking in her tiny form and committing it to memory. When the time was up, I leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. Standing to my full height I walked from the room. Pausing near the entrance, I looked back at the closed door and bit my lower lip. For three weeks now, almost a month the little girl who had once been lively caught a cold and became weak and sick. Two weeks she coughed and could not eat until she was admitted to the hospital a week later. The little thing was unable to talk, becoming skins and bones.

Seeing her like that made my heart hurt, but the mother, she became sick and weak. Only having enough strength to visit but unable to do much else.

How could I leave?

She is my friend, my best friend, the only true one. Seeing her suffer like that hurt me so much I could only try my best.

I just could not abandon the two people that have become the closest to me, especially the little thing.

Turning away, I bowed my head signed out and returned to the company vehicle. For a long time, I sat and thought about the weeks that had passed.

After meeting that man that night, I pretended nothing happened. In a way, I am glad the club had closed. What if he was the clingy type? Or ruthless enough to beat me to death for seducing him?

Well, my number had changed and no job to go back to so it's all behind me, adding the fact he had a heavy accent making him a foreigner on a trip to the island, hopefully.

That night had been the first mistake I had made, but I did not regret it only a chosen part of the above, which thankfully has not come true.

As for the still closed club?

I had forgotten about it. Besides the high pay at that time that helped keep me afloat, nothing is really missed. This job on the other hand, paid well enough and there is no unnecessary hassle from some random man. The new job is much more relaxing. After all, it gave me access to places and people many would never have the opportunity to ever see in their entire life.

Beautiful houses, cars, massive pools, wealthy beautiful women and sexy men.

Having all of that before, I felt that it was normal, so I adjusted fast and did my job stealthily.

It was inevitable that I would have to occasionally meet these guests, at least they were polite.

It helped a lot either way and the money is pretty good.