
The day came.

Should I be excited?

Should I feel despair at the thought of my family finding me?

They have not even tried to find me all this time, so me leaving this island will finally be an issue?

I had made myself ignorant, brainwashed myself until I became a young woman no one can compare me to my past self.

The thoughts that surfaced I placed them where they should return to my role once again.

Ignorant, basic Xiala Du-Gooder.

Looking at the small but well-made suitcase provided by my boss/boyfriend, I packed it with the clothes prepared for me. The others had been thrown. I did not need it; the house had also been cleaned while now dressed in attire reminding vaguely—

I sucked in a breath, forcing my mind to reset.

Today is the day I will leave my small island for more than a year, sigh.

Travelling the first time as well and with a man, I only knew for a few weeks.

Is this a bad decision?