Extremely different from the one they knew

"What? Don't think deep into it? Don't kill us? Don't be angry? Kian! Is your brain...is it addle?" The human side fell on its knees while the massive beast side fell and exposed its stomach. The Cheetah that prowled forward was smaller, it's bite much weaker but the barb at the end of the tail was deadly, the fur on its back became spiked and the gem ebbed in its flesh began to glow while the four-eyed gaze looked down on the two with contempt. 

"Eldest brother what you did back then--" the beast growled and snapped at the beast who tried to talk. The beast and human side being threatened by the eldest felt so much fear they drifted close to each other. They no longer cared about who was what, only that they did not anger their brother who could devour them at any moment. They just wanted to placate him, just wanted to forget the past and have the brother who had cared about them so deeply instead of the terrifying beast that could burn them to ash any moment.