Autumn fairy king

"Has it been completed?" The fairy king asked the noble through the communication. The noble who had arrived with a few guards to explore the anomaly within the forest. The human in charge had scanned the crowd and after the briefing prepared to leave once everyone has packed up.

They are autumn forest fairies and are comfortable high up in trees, therefore they packed light only travelling with their weapons and a few storage packs. The noble ranked in the fairy kingdom who had been sent out on this mission is ranked among the top five in the autumn fairy kingdom. Even though he is ranked high, he is still humble. Perhaps that is why he had been chosen, unlike the others. "Yes, your excellency." The noble had been given the name lord Kefir, is also the commander of the green guards of the king. He was not happy abandoning his post at first, but because this is an important matter, he had to leave and come with two of his most trusted and three others.