Fall asleep

"That's all about your intro?" he asked with questioning look. I simply replied "Yes". I looked around, I saw everyone in the class staring at me.

But I didn't care about them. I went back to the last bench and sat with him again. He turned his face and starred at me with his sharp eyes.

But I didn't give up that seat. English sir said "Everyone, open your book and turn to page 5". I took the book from my bag and put it on table.

I slowly opened the book and placed on the table. Then took my rough note out and start to draw polar bear and cubs.

Coincidently I turned to him. He write something in his note, but I can't understand even a single word. But I know one thing, he didn't write what sir told.

Finally I completed drawing polar bear and cubs. I placed my note in table. I felt very sleepy because of the teaching. I lied down and fall asleep in table.

Suddenly he hit in my forehead. I wake up immediately because it's really painful. I starred at him with half sleep. He too starred at me.

Later I asked with husky voice "Hey, why did you hit me?". He turned his face away and said "Me? who said? I didn't hit you".

I got angry at him, I rubbed my hands together and said "I know, it's you piggy!". He frowned his face and said "Yeah, it's me".

I pinched him in his thigh. I pointed my finger near to him and said with husky voice "It's you, because of you I got punishment".

"Hey, first put your hands down" he spoke stiffy. I put my hands down and said again "It's all your fault, piggy!".

He starred at me and said "Shut up, it was you who started everything first". I defended myself and said "No, it's you".

Then he lifted his brows up and asked "Ok, who poured the water first?". I replied calmly "I didn't do it on purpose, it was accidental!".

"Accidental?" he hissed at me. Actually I lose my patience easily, now he too manage to lose my temper. "You? I don't want to talk to you!" I said and turned away.

It's only two minutes left for end of this English class. English teacher stopped his teaching and said "Okay students, that's all for today. Let's take role call".

He went through just calling out numbers. I eagerly waited for this class to end. Suddenly I noticed that, the one who sit beside didn't say present or anything.

I don't know why, but I didn't care. Finally the bell rang, I immediately went outside. I stand in the corridor alone and checked the schedule.

Next class is Maths. I really hate Maths. Sir entered the class and take role call first. Later he called out my name and asked me to come front.

I guessed why he called me front. He smiled at me and asked "You are new student? what's your name?". I let out a deep sigh and showed smiling.

"Yes sir, I am Meng new student" I replied. "Ok, you go and sit back in your place" he said with smiling and started to take lesson.

"That's it? then why is he calling me front? is he mad? is he making fun with me?" I had many questions in my mind.

Then I went to my place and sat alone. I don't know where he went? why didn't he come?. Maths sir teach some stuff like decimal.

Once up on a time I heard these name (decimal) from my brother while I am sleeping. I think he teach these topic to Cheng ge.

Maths sir teach how to dividing decimal fractions by whole numbers. After I heard this word I really felt sleepy, so I lied in the table and fall asleep.

Maths sir continuously teach his lesson, he didn't noticed me. Suddenly a piece of paper hit me. I wake up immediately and looked around.

Actually I thought it was Maths sir. But I saw that piggy standing behind the window with piece of paper in his left hands. I noticed he too left hand like me.

But I didn't care about him. So I again went back to sleep. I thought he is again going to throw paper at me. Unexpectedly this time he didn't throw paper at me.

But he shouted as "Sir, some one sleeping in the last bench". He said these and went away quickly. Maths sir stopped his teaching and noticed me.

I didn't aware about them, so I still sleeping. Maths sir starred at me and throw a piece of chalk at me. But I didn't wake up, because I thought it was him again.