Crimson Sun

On the bus, Akiko stared at the view from the window, aimlessly browsing every corner of every street. Her musings on the case with Masashi led her into a stupor of anger and misunderstanding of the seemingly simple situation. But to make sure of the simplicity, she longed to hear his girlfriend's opinion and clarify the nonsense that had attracted a mountain of sad emotions behind it.

In an attempt to cheer Akiko up, Yumiko, who was sitting in the front, turned to face her and pressed her hands against the back of the seat.

"This is our first case," Yumiko declared with an unassuming optimism on her face, "But we'll make it! Besides, I'm sure it'll all work out on a good note. We'll get through this quickly."

Frozen by the suddenness, Akiko marveled at the way Yumiko acted in this situation. Seemingly nonchalant throughout her conversation with Masashi, she still cheered up a dull Akiko. Though Akiko hated the brown-eyed one by her ideology, she saw a new side of Yumiko that hadn't shown before, and wondered if Yumiko had been hiding this quality, or had mastered it while bonding with her new friends.


"Don't worry, it'll all work out — we just have to try harder and everything will be fine," Yumiko said, producing a warm, submissive smile. The girl with the pink hair felt a warmth in her soul without realizing it herself.

"Yeah, you're right."


Following the inscription on the sheet written by Masashi, the girls arrived at the address of the high-rise apartment. When they reached the right floor, they stood at the door of the house. It was Masashi Miura's girlfriend's house. When they knocked on the door, a dead silence spread through the entryway, and soon the door opened. In front of the girls' faces stood a charmingly modest young lady in open, homely clothes, and with the dyed gold with red shades of her short hair, Akiko took a closer look, not waiting to talk to this girl. With a sleepy smile, she greeted them and let them inside. The girls sat at the table in the guest room, and the hostess poured coffee into two glasses, taking them from the top shelf.

"I am Saki Togo," spoke softly to the girl, who was two years younger than Yumiko. Her name was popular with today's youth, for as a result of video blogs about her life and dancing, her face spread widely on social media. "Did you come to our order?"

The girls said their names in response. "That's right," Yumiko complemented. "We came at the request of Masashi Miura for social aid."

"What do you want me to say?" said Saki, filling two mugs with milk coffee and serving them to her guests. "Did he tell you how we met?"

"Of course," the brown-eyed woman continued, with serenity on her face, "We want to get your opinion and help you."

"Help?" sat Saki down at the table, and crossed her thin, delicate legs. "Well. I suppose I can't refuse. You don't want to leave empty-handed."

"Nor do you, Togo-chan, want to leave the matter unfinished," Akiko declared, and a look of surprise appeared on Saki's face, followed by a sweet chuckle.

"What do you want to know?"

"For example, the situation on your behalf and your opinion."

On reflection, Saki put her cheek to her palm and looked at the chandelier.

"Masashi-kun didn't hide anything, I'm sure of it. He wouldn't lie, because he takes our case extremely seriously. I really stopped communicating with him because I realized I didn't need it."

"Why would you abruptly give up on a guy?"

"I want to evolve. I've found my true pleasure in social media, and I get paid for it. I can support myself until I get bored."

"Did Miura-kun do something wrong?"

"It's just…" lowered Saki's lashes guiltily, and with an uncertain voice she added, "I don't want a relationship anymore."

"How so…"

"Wait, Togo-chan," Yumiko tried to clarify. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's true that I don't see the point of a relationship. Masashi-kun probably understands-" Saki understated, as she was interrupted by the girl's voice.

"Not fair!" exclaimed Akiko in worry. "You're not being honest with yourself. Why are you lying?"

"I'm not lying… I really don't want a relationship."

"But you're afraid. Are you not used to talking about it? You seem insecure."

"How can I say…" took hold of Saki's elbow, and drove her eyes from side to side and leaned against the back of her chair. "I've always been insecure. Masashi saved me now and then and protected me from trouble. In an instant, I was already far behind him. I couldn't catch up with Masashi, he was too bright. But now everything had changed. I became independent of his affection and protection. Still, I haven't stopped loving him, but there are much more important things in my plans, and dreams, that I should pursue."

"Togo-chan," Yumiko added, softly, "Miura-kun wants us to decide for you. On that point, do you think it's worth giving the floor to us mediators?"

When Akiko sensed the intense heat of displeasure, Yumiko immediately approached her and took hold of her thin, crumpled hand in her fist. Seeing the brown-eyed woman's worried face, Akiko overcame her fear.


"Let it be," Saki closed her eyes with a nod. "I, too, will not oppose your domination of decisions, and will follow the path you have chosen for us. How is it, now I look like a girl who has her issues decided for her…"

"That's okay!"

"By the way, Sato-san, Akiyama-san. I... still have feelings for my Masashi-kun, and if you can manage..." her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and with a heaviness in her speech, stammering, she continued: "T-then I... wouldn't…mind, and maybe I'll retract m-my words."

The dialogue ended on a note of agreement between them to hold their common meeting. Also, Yumiko went out to the balcony to call Masashi and tell her the news. Forgetting how much time had passed, the brown-eyed girl's pupils dilated, surprised by the crimson sun coming in beyond the dark skyscrapers, emitting a bluish glow through the clouds. The wind blew through Yumiko's ears, blowing her brownish hair carelessly. In the humble living room, two girls were cleaning mugs.

After saying goodbye to Saki, the girls left the apartment and walked up the road.

"What do you think?" asked Akiko, walking behind. Because of her interest in the situation, the damsel couldn't help but ask Yumiko's disposition.

"Togo-chan said she still has feelings for Miura-kun, and from talking to him, Miura-kun loves her too. I think that means something."

"Such as?"

"They won't give up on the final decision we choose. We should renew their relationship, in which case I think it would be better…"

"We shouldn't," Akiko interrupted. "Didn't you see their faces when they were talking about each other? They were sad to remember their relationship. Miura-kun also said he wanted to end it with them by putting a stop to it."

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What are you suggesting, Akiko-chan?"

"Of course you wouldn't understand," Akiko nibbled her finger. "It pisses me off that this couple doesn't want to decide anything, leaving everything to us. It's not easy, choosing their personal lives for others, actually."

"Yes, it's wrong to choose for others. But they have their own opinions, too. I don't think they'd mind continuing their relationship."

"That's why you don't understand anything," Akiko replied rudely. "You haven't had a love relationship, how do you even know how Miura-kun and Togo-chan feel right now?"

"Akiko…chan?" the brown-eyed girl turned her face, her mouth gaping open. The maidens stopped in their tracks.

"When Togo-chan said that she could retract her words if they were persuaded to meet again, except that she spoke through force, averting her eyes nervously. She looked insecure, and it wasn't her sincerity that motivated her to say those words, but her own beliefs-it hurt her to upset people. I know from experience –— Saki Togo doesn't want Miura-kun to be upset. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she may want to date, but right now she's driven by her desire to develop."

"It can't be that complex. Especially since they're younger than us, and who knows what they're really thinking?"

"And what are you thinking, Yumiko-chan?" killed Akiko's confidence in her friend with sharp words. "Do you really want their abnormal love bond to continue? It could lead to unfortunate circumstances, especially since Saki herself isn't sure if she loves Miura-kun. Would it be selfish of us to make them love each other?"

"I don't know about love, but I think their relationship will get better… They should talk in private finally. Maybe that way they'll forget their difficulties and the obstacle between them will break down."

"That doesn't happen in reality, only in books and movies," Akiko lashed out sadly, stating in an impassive voice. "I honor your thoughts, Yumiko-chan, but you are wrong. Alas and ah. Who knows what outcome would have been chosen, if I hadn't known about relationships…"

With a tired sigh, Akiko slumped her shoulders and quietly added:

"Here's what we do: I'll take on Miuru-kun and erect my proposal to see how ready he is for the final decision. You, on the other hand, Yumiko-chan, take on Togo-chan. You can follow your ideals, but we'll still leave the choice to the pair. It will be a battle of two opinions, and whose answer they like better, that outcome gets the right to exist."

"Okay… I'll arrange a meeting for tomorrow. Since tomorrow is a day off, I don't suppose we'll be busy?"

"Everyone will have to attend," Akiko rushed forward, passing Yumiko, and stopped shortly thereafter. "Get ready to challenge me. Maybe you can change Togo-chan's mind before that, though I doubt she loves Miuru-kun. My opinion remains unchanged," she finished and moved on, not waiting for a frozen Yumiko.

The meeting was set for early evening in the crimson sun.