The Door of Hope

The fifth of October came as quickly as the members of the circle had time to adjust to each other even closer. By this point in the serene days of school, the hot weather had finally subsided, followed by the long-awaited cool autumn breeze. The arrival of autumn seemed to pass before his eyes at high speed, and looking at the calendar in his room, Ryou was dumbfounded by the arrival of October.

After school ended, Akiko and Tomoyuki were at the back of the school. The first thing Akiko smelled was cigarettes from Tomoyuki's shirt. The girl didn't care, for she had arranged the meeting for an important occasion. The conversation could not begin as Akiko stared intently at the young man, making Tomoyuki realize the value of what the maiden had decided to talk about.

"I won't try to remove Yumiko again," Akiko assured him.

"Hmm? Your attempts have been unsuccessful as it is. To put it simply, you didn't do anything at all."

"Fine. You're the one who keeps saying it's pointless to annoy her – the dogs will come running. What, then, is the point of my presence in your motives?"

"True, I have said so. But you didn't foresee the moments yourself that you might end up eliminating your disliked friend."

"She is not a friend. I didn't tell you that over the summer I told her not to touch Ryou-kun anymore. From then on, she started crossing paths with him rarely."

"It could be a coincidence. It's summer vacation, after all, and in September students are taking up studying for crucial exams, participating in preparatory classes, and hiring tutors."

"As a fact, I don't communicate with Yumiko-chan anymore myself," the maiden added, reflecting on her everyday life over the past two months of summer and all of September. "I've found it easier to communicate with Ryou-kun, it's true. Yumiko-chan won't puzzle me anymore, so I won't touch her."

"Hmm? Is it just me, or are you remembering Yumiko-chan warmly? Have you changed your mind about her?"

"W-what nonsense! That's all I wanted to tell you," she exclaimed, and headed back to school. "We're done."

Tomoyuki didn't stop the maiden, watching restlessly as she walked away. In his opinion, such carelessness whined about the point Akiko had made in her goals. She had accepted what she had and was content with the current situation, in which Yumiko had already dropped out by no longer communicating openly with Ryou. This way, Akiko could feel like she was in a winning position, even though she had lost her own fight.

Tomoyuki, on the other hand, did not desire her comfort, for he was not yet done with her, a maiden considered by Tomoyuki to be the definition of wickedness. To him, Akiko was a target, for behind her lay dozens of pig sins that no one really knew about. All the stories of unmasked love and break-ups of submissive love couples, in which Akiko was indirectly involved, Tomoyuki did not forget.

Her stance of pandering to light couples annoyed the young man, for that was why Akiko initially joined the pretend couple Ryou and Yumiko in order to crush the fragile girl's mind, something they had been doing earlier. If Akiko continues to mingle with members of the literary club — she, a two-faced girl, is not to be wished any harm, Tomoyuki concluded to himself.

Tomoyuki also noticed her news of Ryou's abrupt hysteria in the circle's room. On his reflection, Ryou's shock had formed since early childhood, leading the boy to a disturbance in his psychological stability. Most likely, Ryou has difficulty communicating precisely because of this dilemma, Tomoyuki speculated. Still, he didn't like Ryou either, since it's obvious that the farce with the pretend love between him and Yumiko was invented by him.

Also, his arrogant stare and indifference in his interactions exacerbated Tomoyuki's desire to give him what he deserved. Tomoyuki himself didn't notice as he pondered to himself, becoming gloomy that even the air near him was heating up in horror. His perspective on human nature was pale, filled in vague, and merciless.


A few hours earlier, a pleasant, ear-caressing long recess had been taking place, telling the students to take a big break so that all the students could eat. In the month and a half since the summer trip event, Ryou's hair had grown thicker, which caused him to tie it into a bun, and if he had continued to walk around with his previous hairstyle, his hair would have looked like a jag. As all the members of the circle sat in the club room, Masumi, the chemistry teacher, came through the door with a smiling look, and delivered:

"There's harmony reigning in me today, kids!"

"You're something special happy," Tomoyuki said, appearing humble. "Ah, did... did you happen to find a new job for us?"

"No way," Masumi shook her head, "But there's much better news: in honor of the anniversary, our school will be throwing a major Cultural Festival. Starting in the next few days, preparations for the festival will begin. The catch is that it will be the students who will be organizing, to surprise the teaching staff with their talented imagination."

"And what do you want us to do?" asked Yumiko decently, not sharing the same interest as the teacher.

"As fast as the organizers act, so fast will the preparations for the festival go. Better yet, the preparations require the minds that can make a truly spectacular festival in the history of the school," Masumi clarified, lowering her voice afterward. "The only thing I know is that you guys are doin' great. I thought you might be able to help organize the festival, because it's important to us teachers. After all, this place binds us all together," she lowered her lashes and looked down at the floor. "Don't think I'm imposing on you at all! It's strictly at my behest, I understand, and I'm only asking you for a favor. Help the hosts, please."

The students thought deeply. They could not give an exact answer, for they did not know what participation in the production of the upcoming Cultural Festival could bring them, and they had not dealt with it before.

"There are three of the best students in this circle in grades," the teacher pleaded further, begging, "Please consider my initiative!"

"Don't!" marveled the guys at Masumi's bow.

"Please raise your head," chimed in Yumiko. "Are you short-handed in organizing the festival?"

"Not only that. It takes brilliant minds capable of leading a mass of people and assigning actions to them. It is known that the president of the school board and the others will be in charge, but that, alas, is not enough."

"Yumiko-chan fits all the criteria!" added Akiko. "She's the best choice!"

Excitement flashed across Yumiko's face. From the reassuring look of the stimulating Akiko, the girl realized that she was afraid to lead the crowd.

"I'm hardly capable of…"

"I'll agree with Akiko-chan," Ryou added unintentionally, which made Tomoyuki, who understood Akiko's point about nominating Yumiko as an organizer, look confused. "Yumiko-chan," Ryou appealed, "I know you can do it. If you accept, I'll follow as an assistant, too."

Akiko immediately went pale. She thought that if she elevated Yumiko to organizer, she would stop coming to club activities because of her busyness, but she was completely lost in herself after Ryou's statement.

"I don't mind helping out either," Glenn raised his hand along with his dark eyes. "The more hands, the better the festival will come out," he smiled.

"Then I don't mind, too," Tomoyuki muttered. His slight smirk reached Akiko.

But Akiko had no regrets. After all, her idea had a place to exist. Wanting Ryou to notice her, the girl was ready to become an organizer. Masumi was delighted by the general agreement of the boys, and eventually an entire literary circle came together to help prepare for the Cultural Festival.

"In that case, start tomorrow," the teacher added. "Volunteers will gather after classes are over to participate in organizing the festival. Of course, some of them may decline after the meeting, so you should try to prove to them the opportunities that will open up in the festival if they become involved in helping."

"Of course, we will have a lot of responsibility," Yumiko stressed.

"After class, then…" pondered Ryou, taking hold of his chin. "Are you guys sure you're okay with this?"

"I'll adjust my schedule to the meeting," consecrated Tomoyuki, blithely. Glenn, on the other hand, ducked. Akiko and Yumiko nodded, stating that they, too, were free.

Still, Ryou didn't understand why Yumiko had agreed to participate. He thought that the girl would be caught up in her studies until the spring. Looking at her as the teacher and the rest of the guys encouraged her to embarrassment, to him Yumiko then seemed happy.


Thus came the next day, and the time to meet in the second-floor study room followed. Yumiko was going to go to a meeting after school with her friends. Standing near the entrance to this office, Yumiko guided her hand to the doorknob. Stopping halfway through, her hand shook. What if she failed, if she couldn't live up to the expectations of her friends, she wondered within herself, fear running through her body.

The fear continued to pierce until the modest girl felt two hands placed on her slim, soft shoulders. They were the hands of Ryou and Glenn, whose reassuring gazes were also directed toward the door. She noticed from their smiles "'You can do it, hang in there!" so she dared them, and eyes glazed over. Proud of herself, the girl opened the door. A door that gave desire and possibility to the maiden, for behind it Yumiko could find something she missed. Maybe it was a signal that meant the arrival of novelty in her equal life; or her long-awaited miracle, through which the girl would assure herself that she was ordinary, similar to the rest of the people.

The door of hope.