
Glenn woke up for the first time in years in someone else's room, in someone else's bed. Previously, he had been to Hirota clan estate, but hadn't bothered to spend a whole night there. Now that he had the opportunity, the guy began to wonder about the cheating in his life. Being dressed in a gray kimono with only his slender body inside, he was about to leave the room. As he opened the door, he met Mari's gaze, standing at the entrance. She was holding Glenn's ironed street clothes. Taking a step away from the door, Mari smiled.

"And how long were you standing at the door?"

"Not long at all!" she exclaimed, dotingly. "It was a miracle that we met like this, and nothing more! Glenn-sama, I washed your clothes."

"Thank you," he took the clothes and put them in the thin closet in his room.

"Master is waiting for you to join him for breakfast."

"For breakfast alone?"

Mari shrugged her thin shoulders.

"All right."

Next, they were in the living room, in the middle of which was a long table on which was arranged strictly natural and harmless food, which made it so exciting to finally eat. Glenn and Akihito were seated at the table, and Mari was standing near the door with another maid. After praying, they proceeded to eat.

"I'm going back to a busy life soon," Akihito said, "and we won't be able to see each other as much anymore. You're going to be staying with us for a long time, aren't you?"

Pointing with sly eyes at the subdued Mari, he smiled toward Glenn.

"Now that we've clarified our requests, will you finally tell me about your terminal illness?"

The teenager went pale in a flash. "The first symptoms appeared two years ago. Both my father and grandmother suffered from the disease. I don't count on the accuracy of my words. Throughout this time I concealed it from my mother, not wanting to depress her with unnecessary worry, and collected the money myself."

"Why didn't you start telling her? Was there some sense in it?"

"My mother didn't have a terrific income, much less a younger sister living in another country. While paying her tuition, my mother also gave me money for expenses, occasionally showing up in Japan herself. The only thing that gave us freedom about money was the savings in my father's lifetime."

"I see. But what about the treatment itself?"

"This disease literally destroys the body from the inside, gradually killing off all the essential micronutrients for life. My mother told me when I inquired about my father. For the treatment itself, according to the doctors, my father was told that it could take several years, depending on the severity."

"I see," Akihito put a finger to his chin. "And what condition are you in now?"

"I don't think I'll die in the current year. After all, moving around on my own two is working out."

"That doesn't prove anything. You should check with the doctors!"

"You don't have to worry about me," Glenn smiled. "That's why I want to warn you that a large amount of my time will be spent working. So, please allow me to go beyond the boundaries of your so charming estate."

"If it can help you with that, of course. Just, Glenn-kun, don't overwork yourself."

His last words brought Glenn to calmness, making the heaviness on the lad's shoulders disappear and his lips took on a slight smile.

The topic quickly changed to a routine conversation between two adults about things. Even though Glenn was nineteen, Akihito considered him grown up, having the value of his life, and so he could trust him wholeheartedly.

Returning to his room, Glenn walked around accompanied by a small maid.

"Were you able to find common ground with the master, Glenn-sama?"

"Of course. Our conversation turned out to be interesting."

Rejoicing, Mari declared: "If you say so, then all is really well! I am now free from my duties, for my master has summoned the other maids to join him."

Giggling, Mari immediately appeared sad. Her eyes contemplated childlike envy and concern for the other person who was her raison d'être in her fluid life.

"I feel that Akihito-sama is deflecting from me… It's as if he wants to cut me off. Gosh, what a creepy outcome of events…"

"Mari-chan, it's only been a day since you were appointed my personal maid. It's obvious why Akihito-sama decided to do this."

Mari shook her head.

"For the past month, I've been experiencing this premonition."

In Glenn's opinion, Mari was trying to get Akihito to pay his attention. Wandering in thought, Glenn analyzed what he should have done to ensure that Mari found happiness. Would the right choice be to remove her from her duties and set her free?

"Mari-chan, why don't we take a walk before I go?"

Awkwardly lifting her head, she agreed.

At the ducked and slow walk, Mari glanced over at Glenn, who was interested in the surroundings in the courtyard. The scenery, the nature — everything the teenager liked about the place, and he felt a kind of rush of reassurance.

"Glenn-sama, answer me to satisfy my interest: yesterday with master — was your conversation about me…?"

"I am surprised at your guessing."

"I don't think I'm right, however… I have a hunch that you were communicating about my debt relief?"

Glenn found it unbelievable — five points for her discretion, no less!

"That's exactly what it was. I cannot hide the matter from you, for you are closely connected with the causes of Akihito-sama's anxiety."

"I am not sure that the subject you have been talking about will please me, but I think… my heart is pounding and commanding me to find out what you are hiding from me!"


"E-excuse me. I think I'd like it if you'd tell me what you were talking about the last time…"

The teenager knew he never wanted to do the girl wrong, and instead of all that, a idea crossed his mind, and he came up with a compromise.

"Mari-chan, I think you are a delightful and charming girl, and I am sure you will become even more beautiful as an adult."

The girl was embarrassed.

"Be that as it may," Glenn appealed, "your master is worried about your bright future. He worries that if you stay to serve him, you will be trapped within the walls of this manor forever. Akihito-sama will not forgive himself for destroying the little girl's future. After conferring with him on the matter, I learned that he wants to let you go."

Mari did not answer the teenager, still standing still with her head down. Her shoulders trembled and her lips could not utter a word.

"Listen, Mari-chan. It will be difficult for you to decide — I understand, for you will have to break the oaths of centuries ago made by your ancestors. In your master's case, he thinks that no oath can defeat human values and feelings. The past must be left behind."

"I understand, Glenn-sama, that the master seeks the future. I understood about everything, but if I were to choose freedom, I would only be in more trouble. I had not been outside Hirota territory, and I was not fortunate enough to meet the snow in the city, even the snowfall, alone with my thoughts. I have seen nothing of the outside world, and from your stories I can only imagine how interesting it can be. I feel colicky… and I'm fearful, Glenn-sama."

With a pained look, Mari turned to the teenager. She had to lift her chin to reach Glenn's gaze. The boy guessed from her that she was having a hard time talking about the subject.

"Mari-chan!" Glenn said. "Did you want to go out sometime? Take a walk around town with your relatives? See the sights or take a picture with a view of nature?"


"Didn't you want to be a regular girl, living the life of a child carefree?" he continued, trying his best to comfort the girl.

"Living a carefree life…? It never occurred to me that I could have such a life. Such a thing was out of the question. But walking around the city… Yes, I've always wanted to walk with you, Glenn-sama, and see the rides, or visit the museums. After your stories, I was curious to know how full this world is! I would love to walk with you, anywhere — I don't care where, as long as it's with you. To learn more about the outside world… the truth is, I'd go anywhere!"

Mari felt better, and, dreaming, her spirits lifted again. Her speech gave the teenager strength, for he was able to shed light on her hidden desires in her soul.

"However, this cannot compare to my desire to fulfill my duty set by my ancestors. I simply do not understand why the lord refuses me? It is my duty — to serve I give my life to the utmost."

Mari wept relentlessly, repenting what she had done wrong. Glenn's heart broke when he saw her in that position. No living soul, in his opinion, should have such a sad position, and the line between happiness and sorrow should remain only a line. The tendency to empathize with pain for others was Glenn's weakness.

"All because," Glenn stammered with a trembling voice, "your master doesn't want your submissive captivity! He wants your life to take on new colors and you to experience feelings and emotions never before seen. He is anxious to let you go so that you can become a full human being!"

Glenn began to sweat. His dejected eyes blurred at the sight of a saddened Mari.

"I think so, too," he continued. "Mari-chan, the way you imagine walking around town is really so exciting!" — exclaiming, his words awakened Mari's eyes to widen in wonder. "Especially in the evening! This city becomes truly breathtaking when walking in the evening!"

She tried to choose between the first and the second, no, she cited positive facts in favor of each choice, so she could eventually figure out the exact pros and cons of both. Noticing Glenn's body soften, and himself carelessly averting his eyes, the girl became worried about his condition.

Glenn, at this time, was showing up dizzy, experiencing a high fever, and his eyes were split open.

"Glenn-sama! Are you all right?"

"Not worth the excitement," he stepped awkwardly toward the wall of the house, but his sloppy body movements, unable to withstand the attack of pain, caused him to plummet. Mari was able to pick him up, but because of the weight difference and Glenn's great height, she was only able to grasp him halfway. She placed Glenn on the floor, and he slumped against the wall, barely conscious.

His ears rang irritably, making the guy want to close them with his hands. Mari desperately tried to save him from decay.

"Mari-chan…" he uttered quietly, and closed his eyes. His perception receded away. All he could see with his eyes was solid darkness, blurred by Mari's muffled screams.

"It seems," he said to himself: I made the young girl cry for me. What a fool, for my own health I cannot answer."

Running his eyes over the dark space, he was content with the tranquility of the place. He didn't want to fight for his life here, nor did he want to fear for his spirit to expire.