Completely tied

Elizabeth POV;

I was touched by Orlando's generosity.

I knew that if I agreed to marry him, my fate and his would-be completely tied together from now on.


When I nodded yes, the boulder weighing down my chest was finally moved.

My mother's surgery was successfully settled and Orlando and I made a deal.

Two months to go.

Two months later, even if Orlando and I registered our marriage, everyone wouldn't be surprised.

After all, many couples may get married after knowing each other for a month.

Half a month passed quickly.

Today, I had an eight-hour surgery.

By the time I walked out of the operating room, I was so tired and weak that I had to hold on to the wall to even walk.

I changed in the locker room before I pulled out my phone to check it for missed calls from five unfamiliar numbers.

Intuition tells me that this strange number is Orlando's.

I hesitated briefly and called the number back anyway.

"Toot toot toot--"

The call has been dialed, just have to wait for the person to pick up the phone.

After waiting for about ten seconds or so, a low, unfamiliar man's voice came from over there.

"Hello." He greeted briefly.

"Orlando?" I inquired tentatively.

I actually recognized him the first time I heard the voice, I just needed to be sure again.

"It's me," Orlando responded.

His voice sounded a little lazy, low, and he seemed to be lying on the phone with me.

"I was in surgery earlier and had just come out of the operating room, which is why I saw you call me."

I subconsciously paused as I said this. In keeping with Orlando's overly aloof nature, he wouldn't even initiate a call to me without something.

So, I added, "Did you want to see me about something?"

"There's a charity gala tonight, and I need a female companion."

With such a simple phrase and no unnecessary expressions, I immediately grasped his meaning.

"OK, help me prepare a dress that I can attend the party in. By the way, I also need a stylist." I made my request directly.

It was the first time Orlando had ever asked me for anything and I couldn't refuse, after all, I had taken a million from him before.

Now, he wants me to accompany him to a charity gala, and that's in the scope of our deal.

"If you're off duty already, come to the hospital entrance now," Orlando said commandingly.

"In front of the hospital? You're already at the door?" I asked, amazed.

"As soon as possible." Orlando's tone began to get a little impatient and he simply hung up the phone.

I immediately sat up from my bed in the dormitory and changed as fast as I could, running for the hospital entrance before I even had time to put on my jacket.

The tone of Orlando's voice made me guess that he had most likely been waiting in front of the hospital for a long time.

If I don't show up to him soon, he's going to be pissed.

As a loyal trading partner, I could never piss him off or there was a good chance that our deal would be terminated as well.

When I stepped out of the hospital lobby, Orlando was looking me up and down through the car window with extremely strange eyes.

It was then that I realized I was not only messy, but I had some unknown stains and looked like I hadn't showered and changed into clean clothes in many days.

As much as I hate to admit it, I really haven't changed my clothes in a long time.

The hospital has been so full of surgeries lately that I've been spending most of my time in the operating room.

If you're tired you rest in the office or just lie down inside the operating room, there's no time to go back to the dorm and shower and rest.

So, I look extremely lousy right now.

I could even clearly see the look of disgust on Orlando's face, which made me want to go back to my dorm and wash up immediately.

However, I was also very aware that Orlando would not allow me to do so.

How could he possibly allow me to go back to the dorm to wash up when he needed me to come as soon as possible, which must have been a relatively short time before the charity gala started?

"Toot toot toot!"

A car horn suddenly sounded, scaring me so hard I shuddered.

Orlando lowered the window and yelled at me, "What are you still standing there for? Get in the car!"

I was a little weak, but at this point, I couldn't help but start getting angry in the face of his poor attitude.

This man must have done it on purpose!

He was trying to take out all his anger on me because he was impatient to wait.

But it's not like I can lash out at him.

I held the car door open and slammed it vigorously after getting into the car.

The door slammed with a loud, ear-splitting thud.

While I couldn't lash out at him, I could express my displeasure in other ways.

My behavior didn't annoy Orlando, he just glanced at me casually and said, "This car is limited to two units worldwide, and it is one of them."

Just a simple phrase, but it immediately made me weak again.

Limited to two units worldwide, you can imagine how expensive it is.

Is it millions of dollars, or tens of millions? No, maybe hundreds of millions ...

Even just imagining the amount would be enough to shock me. I'm afraid if I did break the car door, I wouldn't be able to afford to sell myself...

I immediately and dutifully fastened my seatbelt and asked in a whisper, "Where are we going now?"

Orlando glanced at me again, his eyes filled with disgust.

"To a place that will turn you back into a woman."

After dropping these extremely insulting words, he instructed the driver to start the car and leave the hospital entrance.

I shot him a vicious look back in defiance.

Even though I came out in a dress with a stain on it, it wasn't so bad that I couldn't tell I was a woman, right?

He's so over the top!